To download as desktop wallpaper: 1. Click to open the appropriate sized picture for your desktop. 2. Right click on the opened picture. 3. Select "Save as desktop wallpaper" or "Set as background".
Atlantic Salmon Flies
Sergei Fesko's "Patriot" (1024 X 728)
Sergei Fesko's "Patriot" (800 X 600)
Sergei Fesko's "The Swan" (1024 X 728)
Sergei Fesko's "The Swan" (800 X 600)
Admiral Hairwing (1024 X 728)
Admiral Hairwing (800 X 600)
Steelhead Flies
Alaska Mary Ann (1024 X 728)
Alaska Mary Ann (800 X 600)
Pacific Salmon Flies
Steve Burke's "Parakeet"(1024 X 728)
Steve Burke's "Parakeet" (800 X 600)
Parakeet Variants(1024 X 728)
Parakeet Variants (800 X 600)
Paul Smith Christopher River King Tube(1024 X 728)
Paul Smith Christopher River King Tube (800 X 600)
Paul Smith River Bunny Tube(1024 X 728)
Paul Smith River Bunny Tube (800 X 600)
New wallpapers will be added from time to time in the future. Keep checking back.