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My Florida Vacation!

In February of 1999, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to fly to Florida to meet some of my dearest online friends. If I ever have the opportunity to do it again, I would in a heart beat.

These online friends were everything I had hoped they would be and more. I thank them for allowing me to be a part of the Real Lives.

I Love You Guys!!

(Click on the photo to see the full size photo.)

When I got off the plane at the airport, I spotted Lady right off the bat. I didn't see Bert anywhere but, while I was giving Lady a big hug, I noticed a figure moving around behind a palm plant. I immediately knew that was Rich. He was trying to hide from me and surprise me. (It didn't work Rich) Then Bert came out of the shadows and what followed was big hugs all around. It was so good to finally see my friends in person.

When I first arrived in Florida it was dark so I didn't get to see much. So we stoped for a late snack and then went home to Lady's and talked until the wee hours of the morning. The next day we all drove to Kennedy Space Center. That was awesome!

This is a photo of (left to right) Me, Bert and Lady. We were on a platform where you could see the space shuttle launch pads. If you look closely you can see one of the launch pads in the background.

This is a photo of a retired space shuttle engine. The platform we were standing on was 4 stories high. The engine was the same hight as 1 1/2 stories. You can't see the entire engine because of the size.

The next couple of days we played on the web, went site seeing and shopping.

I couldn't believe how beautiful Florida was. The streets were all clean and the lawns were all well tended. Nothing like home.

This is a picture of Lady checking her email. :)

Me and my attitude! I told Rich not to take my picture! :)

On Friday night, we were invited to go to another dear internet friends house. We all piled in the car and headed over to Hubba's. I was really nervous but everything turned out great.

When we got there, Rocky (Hubba's Mum) answered the door. And Homer (Rocky's husband) was sitting in a chair and out came Hubba from the bedroom. More hugs all around.

As the evening progressed, Hubba invited us all into her room to play on her web. We were like a bunch of school kids having a slumber party. Hubba made us all feel so at home and welcomed.

This is Rich and Bert with Hubba sitting on Hubba's bed while she showed us all her web site.

This is Rocky and Lady.

Rocky and Homer!
(Kisses on the cheek for you Homer.)

Rocky and Hubba!
(Mum and Daughter)

We had so much fun with Hubba and Rocky and Homer that I didn't want the evening to end.

Saturday we went to the beach. The water was an unbelievable 74 degrees. Rich was like a little kid playing in the surf.

Lady on the beach.

Bert on the beach!

Me on the beach!

The Beach!

Attack of the Killer Wave!

Our Proud Hunter-Gatherer!! Rich found a coconut under the deck and insisted on taking it home to New York with him.

On Sunday, Rich and Bert had to head home.

Rich took this picture of all of us in front of Lady's house. He forgot to bring his tripod so he attempted to balance Bert's camera on their luggage. The first attempt, Rich took off running to get in the photo and the camera and luggage fell over onto the grass. Us girls were laughing so hard we could barely stand still for the second try.

Rocky had promised me months ago that if I ever came to Florida, she would cook me an authentic English dinner of yorkshire pudding and roast beef. Well, she came through with that promise and the dinner was so good, I ate way to much and could barely move. :)

This is a picture of Rocky in "The Zone". The bingo zone that is. Boy when she is playing bingo on her webby, nothing better distract her!

This is Rocky playing the organ for us while Hubba and I sat on the porch and talked.

The next day I went home. I was very sad leaving my friends in Florida but I know someday I will get to see them again.

Thank You all again for allowing me into your lives. You all have made my life richer. Even though we all live on opposite sides of the country, we are very close in each others hearts.

Background courtesy of ~Rexy.

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