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Sierra Leone news page

Welcome to the Sierra Leone news page. Here, you will find links to stories around the Web regarding the conflict in Sierra Leone. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson noted that the human rights "situation in Sierra Leone is worse than Kosovo" adding that it is up to others to judge why one conflict received such a vigorous response from the West and another did not. Click here to see the BBC dossier on the conflict. There are numerous organizations who are working with Sierra Leonians both in the country and in neighboring countries. Click here to see a partial list.

You can view a dossier of articles and reports on the conflict by the group Human Rights Watch by clicking here

Eric Beauchemin, of Radio Netherlands' English service maintains an excellent series of dossier which includes one on Sierra Leone. Click here to visit this site.

There was also a chilling series on Sierra Leone's war which appeared in Le Monde in December '99. Eric translated that into English. To view the English article, Click here

The Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) is a clearinghouse for news and information maintained by the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. To view its page on Sierra Leone, click here.
On 6 January 1999, the RUF rebels launched a brutal and devastating invasion of the Sierra Leone capital Freetown. While all western journalists fled, filmmaker Sorious Samara used the only weapon he had: his camera. The documentary he made recorded some of the most horrific atrocities, mainly committed by the rebels, of one of the century's most horrific wars. It has aired on such networks as Britain's Channel Four, Radio-Canada, Europe's ARTE and CNN International, though, notably, not CNN's domestic US service. There is a website devoted to the documentary. To visit Cry Freetown's web site, click here.

If you have any comments or suggestions or even if you just want to acknowledge reading this page please send me a note. My email address is listed at the bottom of the page. Thanks.

This page is edited by Brian Farenell. To see his personal home page, Click here.

Si vous connaissez des sites d'informations africaines ou ouest-africaines en langue française, s.v.p. faites-moi un email.

Due to the fact that the crisis situation in the country seems to be changing by the hour, if you want to keep up with the news, I would suggest you consult the following news sources.

-BBC News online special Sierra Leone section.
-Channel Africa of South Africa.
-The Independent of Britain.
-The Guardian of Britain.
-Sierra Leone web.

Stories on Sierra Leone since 2 February 2000

31 Mar (Reuters via CNN)
-More than 200 Sierra Leone rebels give up arms.

29 Mar (BBC)
-Rebels key to Sierra Leone's future.

22 Mar (Associated Press via CBC)
-Sierra Leone cited as deadliest country for reporters.

18 Mar (Reuters via CNN)
-Sierra Leone to have Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

17 Mar (Integrated Regional Information Network-UN)
-Britain gives more money to DDR program.
14 Mar (BBC)
-Sierra Leone rebels thwart UN.

9 Mar (BBC)
-UN chief blasts rebel leader.

7 Mar (IRIN)
-Vocational training for ex-fighters.

3 Mar (Human Rights Watch)
-Rebel abuses near Sierra Leone capital.

2 Mar (IRIN)
-UNHCR should be cautious on refugee repatriation.

Sites from which these articles are taken

BBC News

CNN News

Panafrican News Agency (PANA)

One World - A great site for development and human rights issues

ABC News - Africa section with lots of Reuters news

Daily Mail & Guardian (of Johannesburg, South Africa)

Integrated Regional Information Network, (the main page).

Also check out Channel Africa website out of South Africa.

Click here for an archive of stories from July '99

Click here for an archive of stories from August '99

Click here for an archive of stories from September '99

Click here for an archive of stories from October '99

Click here for an archive of stories from November '99

Click here for an archive of stories from January '00

Click here for an archive of stories from February and March '00

Page last updated: 9 May '00, 1100 EST

Number of visitors since 5 July '99:
