The best way to make a friend is to be a
The best way to keep a friend is to respect a
The best way to lose a friend is to use a friend
If you're a friend to me,You're a friend till the end!!
I have met and made some wonderful friends on the internet! Some have made quite
an impact on my life! I met the people on this page in the Wild West Wing of the
Chathouse...which is where I started this wonderful addiction over a year ago..*S*
I tried to list them in the order
that I met them. But then, they are listed in no particular order! You are
all very special to me!! *S*
-A more recent friend from ICQ, a charming, one word,
conversationalist!! I enjoy our sometimes one-sided talks!! With some kind of
contest always running, or a new club we start (with limited membership), it's
always a "learning" experience! LOL (You'll always be "PRS", to me! *EG*)
SHARPSHOOTER-Mr. Charming extraodinaire!! Truly the
"silver-tongued" devil of all time!! If flattery were water, this guy would be
the ocean!! Its always a pleasure being in a chatroom with you, sharp, I can
always count on a kind, if not flirtatious word from you!! *BS*
(and that would be "Big Smile", Not "Bull S...)*L*
TURKEY HUNTER-One of my favorite people to encounter in a
chat room! Always ready with an image greeting, and charming conversation!
Always look forward to sitting in "my" chair when I see you!! *S*
TAXMAN-My hero!
If ever a person needed someone in their corner, this is the guy I would
want! Charming, sexy, funny, and "big"!! *S* Its always a pleasure talking
with you and knowing that you're on my side!! ~W~
BED OF ROSES-Known by a few other handles, in real life we
share something special....our names!! It was this link that brought us to
become friends! And a good friend you are! Always a smile in your greetings,
I think we have more in common than just our names! I'm glad we have met,Charlene
-Another Partner in Crime, chat room partying type of gal
who is always there with a warm greeting and a kind word! Its a pleasure to
know you and call you friend! *S*
Franky The Lazy
-Well, buddy, here you are! Did you think I
really wouldn't put you on my friends list? I think we gave up on who spends
more time in the chat house! Although, I still say you won!! Its been a pleasure
having you as a friend, even through our slight misunderstandings!! *ES*
-A very good friend to me! Although we don't get to chat very
often, we became fast friends the first time we met! And even as you humorously
help me try to find a life, I know you really care! (I thought I might use you
and this space to advertise for that life, okay?? *S* Thanks for being
my friend!! *S*
FEVERISH FOR MY LORD CHRISTOPHER-Although we just recently
met through your Lord Christopher, you are a friend already! I wish you both
all the happiness there is! *S*
JACKSON TRADE-Its always a pleasure seeing you once a week to
see what kind of trouble you've been into! And it always amazes me that you
seem to be leaving every time I enter a room! *L* (coincidence...or...are you
trying to tell me something?) *G*
-TOMMY41--One of the newest friends I have met!! We became instant good
friends! Love sharing files with ya!! *S* Thanks for showing me around in
PowWow!! ~wink~
-A new ICQ friend with a lot of charm and a pleasure to talk with! *S* Also a very
talented man with his homepage and awards he has made....
(thanks again, hon)....*S*
SMOKEY-A wonderful, close friend whose charm has won in me over,
a man with the age of wisdom and experience on his side, and witty sense of
humor. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to get to know you better!! *S*
And as I have, I have found you to be an inspiration in my life.
Love you much!*S*
AJS-A very wonderful secret admirer!! He sees things in
me that no one else,(including myself) sees!! You make me feel special with
your sweetness and kindness! A very good friend for life, (I Hope)!!*BS*
(it's still our little secret!)~wink~
Almost an Angel/bama/BBKing/Chardonnay/ /Compiler/Coyote Blue/ Curly Sue/cyberdeb/Donana/Dorian Grey/DreamStar/fraylee/ Gatorsailor/Gentleman Kev/ Great Babe Of Fire/GYPSY / irony/Joiya/ Karaoke Queen/ Lacey/~~Ladybug~~/ Lexie/ lil bit/lil one/ M@xx/MadCat/Maddad/ Man with a Heart on/Medusa/ Midnight Rider/ Nan-Sea/Nine Iron /Nursebabe /Pale Panther/Panthers Heart/ Plastic Star/ propboy/redcap1/Snakeskin Boots/starry eyed/ Storm-Rider/2Kute4U/Texas Angel /the golfer/ Ticklebritches/Westy
as time goes by.....MORE CHAT FRIENDS!!!
Updated Oct. 1997; Listed in no particular order
As time goes on, we lose track of some friends, get closer to some,
and make new ones along the way. This is an update of new friends I have met to
expand the friends I have already made!! *S*
/Hedonist/Northern Woodsman/
Glistening Eyes/Sneaker/Cazador/Denim & Lace/Shan/
Just Kidding/
Darling Ridges/Blue Moon/Fireman305/Jeff With Nice Butt/Marshal Law/Master Bates/Freemason/nrsemte/Alaskaman
/Horshack/Wildfire/Pondering/Pepper/Princely Toad/Inbo53/
doe/old one/LowMax/bumper/
My Pages