Credits and Acknowledgements

Credits and Acknowledgements

This web site would not be what it is without the help of a lot of people.


Angelfire, and all their sponsors, for giving me a place to start.

Origin Systems, Inc. for the music and graphics throught my site that belong to them, and for being so understanding to all their fans across the Internet.

FASA, for the mech image on the gaming page.

The Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter (UDIC) for the two ankh lines on the Codex page.

Transmission23, for the wonderful fonts.


Donovan Kienenberger, for introducing me to HTML.

Peter Dolan, for helping through the rough spots.

Matt Skeens, for the Q-Zar image on the gaming page.

Excalibur Dragon, UDIC, for the Ultima logo and the ankh line on the Ultima page.

Houston Dragon, UDIC, for the image of the Codex on the Codex page.

Yakuza Dragon, UDIC, for the help on the quotes on the Codex page.

Telavar Dragon, UDIC, for the image of Enilno on the Slyfeind page, and the wonderful music throughout the Ultima site.


A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, for filling in everything Don and Peter forgot to tell me.

Thanks, Guys!
