Age: approximately 16.158904109589 (as of 15/22/166 - all three numbers are written in base 7) years old.
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada. I used to live in Seattle, but am now a first-year student at the University of British Columbia.
Birthday: 20/34/311 (note: all three numbers are written in base 5)
Hobbies: studying math and solving math problems, using computers (the primary usage of which is e-mail), listening to Chinese/Japanese/English music files on my computer, watching Chinese TV/videos, and playing video games (and very rarely, reading).
Favorite foods: Practically any kind of seafood, bakery, many kinds of fruits, certain veggies, various snacks, fruit juices, and more; specifically (my favorite American food): mashed potatoes with gravy, fish sandwich or nuggets, teriyaki (which gets served in the cafeteria but really is Japanese), pineapple and combo pizza, ham-egg-cheese sandwich, etc.
Personal quote: Life, every aspect of life, and all things in life - contains a balance.
Okay ... that's probably enough to let you have a vague image of my antic personality.
Life, every aspect of life, and all things in life - contains a balance.