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Red Rhys
Red Rhys at the studio
a.k.a.  David Rhys Johnson

The unseen is what he knows best--the power beneath our aging faces, the glimmer beneath the water's surface, the momentary thoughts that every now and then flicker on for us to desire, tucked within the shadows of our minds--he knows.  Summoning the power, he conjures breathtaking, picturesque scenes of emotion put to music, satisfying some of our need to express or to feel expression.  In performance, he is a sight to behold, his music pours from his fingertips and his energy is commanding and mesmerizing.  Red's presence in my life has brought me great focus with my music and continues to help me achieve a balance in my life activities.  He is truly a magician, mixing his musical potions in his special way.  He is an energetic man whose music is filled with vibrance and color, depth and mastery.  On a personal level, I treasure his existence deeply, and have come to rely on his honesty and friendship, and his gentle, loving ways to remind me of what life is all about.

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