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This is a dedication to my niece.


Kaii was born on December 21, 1999 to my sister Sally and Howard Barrett at the Sav-la-mar Public General Hospital.


This is a picture of Kaii's mother Roberta (Sally)





She went to the Doctor today (02.03.00). She is 6 weeks old and weighs 11 pounds, 9 ounces. 

Pictures and all the other relevant information will come later. (02.06.00)

Pictures are here but the other information will come sooner than you think. (02.10.00)

This is the beauty in her little Mickey Mouse Suit... Isn't she a knock out at 2 weeks and 3 days. Here she is ready for a day out on the town! Cute!!!
This is the most recent picture of her. It was taken when she was 6 months old! Cute!!!



About Me: Entrance and Updates : Guest Book : Index : Jamaica : My Neice- Kaii : My Links : MD Designs: My Pictures : My Poll: My Resume : My Name