Weirdos Anonymous


Another update! The SHOCK! No one have a heart attack now.
* There's a new webring member! King Chimp!
* The new & improved message board is up! I do mean improved, we have a chat room off of it!
* Join the mailing list to be informed of updates.

I want more people to have profiles on the member pages. Please send me the info you see on the existing member pages. And join the webring if you have a webpage!
We need get those council positions filled someday...

Acting Lore Lady
Fallen Seraph Lycorne

The WA Mailing List:
Weirdos On The Web!

Click here to subscribe to the WA Mailing List. I'll start e-mailing here each time the page is updated and it will also serve as general communication for all WA kiddos.


If you do join WA, you will get to chose an alias for other club members to call you by. To join, e-mail me, and i'll send you the entrance form.

If anyone's interested, we would love to add branches of WA in places other than Hazel Green. That would mean you hold up your own WA club locally, and if you do anything, the rest of us would love to hear about it... (E-mail me for info to start your own branch)

Why? What On Earth Were We Thinking?

The WA Member List: Meet the Institionalized

Read Something Picked Out By A WA Member: Literature Of The Moment

The WA Message Board: The Babblings Of Madmen - New & Improved!

The WA Links Page: Other Weirdos

The WA Official Webring: Weirdos Of The World Unite! - Updated


Would you like to link up to WA? Here's the html code, just take out the extra spaces:

< a href = " " > < img src = " " alt = " Weirdos Anonymous "> < / a >

Here's how it looks:

Weirdos Anonymous