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Chapter Eight

It was about 10am the next morning when Lissa woke up, the house was pretty quiet.

"Everyone's still asleep, too much dancing I guess." Lissa said to herself with a laugh. Lissa jumped in the shower, got dressed and was downstairs in about 15 minutes. As she walked by the living room she saw Justin on the floor in his sleeping bag, his hair messed up a little holding his pillow like it was a teddy bear.

:::That's so cute! Wish Gemma could see this:::Lissa thought.

That's when she Lissa noticed the couch was empty, at the same time she heard water running in the kitchen. Lissa walked into the kitchen to find Chris filling up the coffee machine with water. Chris was turned away from the door so he didn't see Lissa come in.

"Morning Sunshine!" Lissa said timidly.

Chris almost knocked over the cofffee pot as he turned around fast to face a laughing Lissa.

"Lissa! Man you almost scared me to death, that's 3 times this week! Your gonna make my hair turn white before my time!"Chris joked.

"To match the rest of your braids?" Lissa teased as she pulled a white braid.

:::He's so cute with the braids. WOAH! Did I just call Chris cute?!?! AHH:::Lissa thought as she got herself a bowl of cereal.

Lissa sat down at the table to eat, while Chris finshed filling the coffee pot. Chris joined Lissa at the table and grabbed an apple out of the bowl on the table.

"Liss, the guys and I have a meeting at the studio this afternoon. We shouldn't be more than a few hours. If you want, when we get back we can go to the movies." Chris said casually.

"Sounds good to me, Gemma and I wanted to see "The Deep End Of The Ocean" I'll ask her when she gets up." Lissa said.

"That's not a romance is it?"Chris said making a face.

"Only if you see kidnapping as romantic."Lissa said half-joking.

"Oh yes, show someone you care-take their kid!" Chris said sarcasticly while holding his hand to his heart and batting his eyelashes. Lissa giggled as she playfully slapped Chris on the arm.

--Ring Ring--

"I'll get it." Chris said getting up to answer the phone.

"Hello? Yeah it's Chris...What?...No way! I'm not waking him up...can't that wait?...Dude, call back in an hour or something...No, I won't...Ok better yet you come over here and wake him up..No? I didn't think you would. Uh Huh, yeah just call back...yeah bye." Chris said as he hung up the phone, he sat back down at the table.

"Who was that?"Lissa asked.

"Joey, he wanted me to wake up JC."Chris said.

"And why didn't you?" Lissa asked.

"Have you ever heard the growl of a tiger?" Chris asked.

"On T.V. yeah why?" Lissa asked.

"Well that's nothing compared to JC, when you wake him up. No it's safer to let sleeping dogs lie."Chris said laughing.

"DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE SO MUCH NOISE?? " A sleepy voice bellowed from the hallway.

Chris and Lissa turned to see JC standing in the doorway, he was wearing rumpled black pj's and his hair was sticking out in every direction.

"He lives!" Chris said as Lissa cracked up laughing.

"Just barely." JC said as he filled up a cup with coffee. "The phone woke me up, who called." JC said sitting at the table.

"Joey, he wanted to talk to you."Chris told him.

"I'll see him later at the meeting, I'm going to take a shower."JC said getting up leaving a full cup of coffee steaming on the table.

"Well I'm gonna see if Gem's up yet." Lissa said standing up.

"Alrighty, I'll just sit here all alone crying in my coffee."Chris joked reaching for JC's cup.

"You do that."Lissa said going upstairs.


Lissa walked into Justin's room to see Gemma curled into a tiny ball in the center of Justin's bed. Lissa shook Gemma gently to wake her.

"Up and adam Gem"Lissa said remembering a saying her mother used when she was a kid.

"Two more minutes mom!" Gemma pleaded.

"Sorry sweetie, but I need you now." Lissa said shaking Gemma again.

"Huh?What?Oh it's you...I'm up!" Gemma said opening her eyes.

Lissa sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled back the covers.

"I said I was up! Whats on your mind?"Gemma said sleepily.

"Chris asked if I wanted to see a movie tonight. I think he meant alone, but I'm not quite comfortable with that right now so I mentioned bringing you."Lissa said meekly.

"Com'om you gotta be kidding! I thought you and Chris were just buds. What's up? Still shook up over the kiss?" Gemma asked loudly.

"Shh! I don't want everyone to hear! But if you must know, yes I'm still confused. I mean I thought I wanted just to be Chris' best friend, but now I'm not so sure. AHHH!! Someone shoot me now!!"Lissa said laying across the bed.

"Know what I think? I think you need to kiss Chris again."Gemma suggested

"What?! Are you nuts?" Lissa screamed.

"No, I'm very serious. Think about it, if you kiss him again and feel nothing your safe..."Gemma said.

"And if there's sparks?" Lissa whispered.

"Then you tell Chris that you want his hot bod!"Gemma teased Lissa as she hit her with a pillow before getting up out of the bed.

"I'm hitting the shower, Justin told me last night that the guys have a meeting, so you and I can hit the mall later." Gemma said putting on her robe.

"Ok with me." Lissa said sitll laying on the bed.

Gemma walked outside the room and smack into JC.

"Oh!" Gemma said in surprise.

"Sorry...I was..uh.."JC studdered.

"Eveasdropping? What did you hear?" Gemma said smiling.

"Oh nothing just that Lissa is unsure of her feelings for Chris, and your little plan." JC said returning the smile.

"Well don't you agree? But I think they'll need our help." Gemma said quietly.

"Oh no doubt, and lots of it." JC replied.

"We'll disscuss it later...I'm off to the shower."Gemma said.

"Gotcha"JC said walking downstairs.

:::Sorry Lissa, but alls fair in love and war::: Gemma thought starting the shower.

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