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Chapter Nine

"What do you think of this one?" Gemma asked Holding up a blue checked tank top.

"It's nice, but I think the yellow one would look better on you." Liss said handing the top to Gemma.

"I don't know...I'll try them both on." Gemma said walking into a dressing room in the back of the Rave.

Liss and Gemma had spent most of the morning and afternoon shopping, it was already 4:45 pm, and they had to hurry and get home to change before they went to the movies with Chris, Justin and JC. Liss walked towards the dressing rooms holding several bags while she waited for Gemma to change.

"What time is the movie again?" Gemma asked.

"7:20" Liss replied.

"What movie again?" Gemma asked.

"The Deep End Of The Ocean" Liss said.

"Why are you not going with Chris alone?" Gemma casually asked.

"SHUT UP!" Liss yelled with a laugh.

"All I'm saying is, a dark movie theater is the perfect place to try the experiment." Gemma said walking out of the booth holding both tops. "I'll take the yellow one...your right it's much better."

"What experiment are you talking about?" Liss asked clueless.

"The kissing know to see if there are any sparks." Gemma said as they walked to the counter to pay for Gemma's things.

"Gemma, get one thing straight...there will be no kissing going on in the dark theater unless your planning on making your move on Justin." Liss said.

"Nah I did that last night at the club." Gemma said "But you don't have suggest that twice" walking out of the store.

"WHAT?! Back that up! what happend last night?" Liss screamed. "I want all the details"

The girls walked out of the mall to the parking lot and got into Justin's vehicle which the girls had been borrowing while they were in Florida. Gemma got in the driver's seat.

"Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. I'll tell you everything as we drive." Gemma instructed.

"OK well as you know...I really, really, REALLY, like Justin" Gemma recapped

"DUH! GEM!!!...get to the good stuff" Liss said excited

" OK lets see... While we were shopping with Lynn for Paul's gift earlier that day I would catch Justin just staring at me...and let me tell you boy did that get me going! anyway...when JC asked us to go clubbing I knew that would be the perfect time to do it" Gemma smiled

"Wow he just kept staring?" Liss asked

"Yes i've passed that already..keep up..." Gemma said

"OK, OK" exclaimed Liss

" Well while we were there group dancing and all that... Justin kept coming over to me...which I might add I really liked...about two songs later I went to go get a drink and asked Justin to join me...hehe sly or what?" Gemma asked Liss

" Good plan! " Liss laughed

" Well we had gotten our drinks and were sitting at a table alone just chatting when a slow song came on...I think it was the new one by Brandy "Have You Ever"... great song...ok back to my story... Justin asked me to dance of course I said yes...and well...while we were dancing I kinda kissed him..." Gemma casually trailed off

"Oh My Gosh!! No WAY!! did he kiss you back?" Liss Asked

"Ohhh yeah...that boy knows how to work anyway after the song was over we went outside to chat some more...and he told me how he felt and I said how I felt and now were together...all is well in my world!" Gemma said happily

" I just wish I could say the same for myself" Liss said sadly

The girls drove back to the house to find it empty.

"They'll be here soon..I think...Let's put everything away and get ready." Liss suggested.

"Ok..sounds good!" Gemma said walking into Justin's room she put on the radio softly, it was Brandy's song "Have You Ever" Gemma smiled.

In the studio with the guys

"I was wondering if we'd ever get out of there!" Chris said walking out of the studio and getting into JC's jeep with Justin and JC.

"Don't complain, the movie doesn't start for another 2 hours!" JC said.

"I still have to look good in case any honey's show up at the theater." Chris said.

"You've only got to look good for... well you know....nevermind." JC said starting the car.

Joey and Lance waved as they drove off in their own cars. Joey had the radio blasting and it played Brandy's "Have You Ever"

Later that night

"It was a good movie, even for a chick flick." Justin said as everyone walked in the house. Justin and Gemma sat down on the couch and Gemma hit Justin with a pillow.

"It was not a chick flick! And I think I saw you cry at the end...Didn't I" Gemma teased.

"That wasn't me."Justin said.

"Uh huh Sure" Gemma laughed

Liss walked upstairs to Chris' room with a song playing over and over in her head, but it was only the tune-no words. It was driving her crazy she turned on the radio in hopes it would come on soon. At the same time Chris was getting his stuff together and had the same problem. Chris wanted to get a pair of shorts out of his room, so he walked upstairs but knocked before entering his room.

"Come in"

"Hi Liss, I just needed to get a pair of shorts." Chris said.

"Sure, it's your room" Liss said cheerfully.

At that moment "Tearin Up My Heart" came on the radio. Liss started to laugh, and Chris turned to face her.

"Care to dance?" Liss asked.

"Always my dear" Chris joked.

The pair started to dance a tango to the song with Liss leading laughing the whole time. Liss dipped Chris and decided to try Gemma's "experiment" she leaned down and kissed Chris.

Outside the room

Liss and Chris had been so into their dance that they hadn't noticed JC and Gemma standing there watching. Just as Liss kissed Chris, Gemma whispered to JC,

"I guess our plan isn't needed."

"Your right...let's leave them alone" JC said cheerfully.

Inside the room

The song ended, and as the DJ started to talk Liss pulled out of the kiss.

"I..I.."Liss stammered. :::I don't feel anything::: Liss thought.

"It's ok..."Chris replied. :::WHY DID SHE DO THAT?? I CAN'T TAKE THIS TOURTURE::: Chris yelled to himself.

They just starred at eachother for a few seconds, when both of them turned to the radio.

"The Song!" Both of them said in unison.

"Have You Ever loved someone so much..."Brandy sang as Chris left the room more confused and heart broken than ever. Liss turned off the radio and turned off the lights. She had her answer...Chris was just a friend. So why did she feel a slight nagging feeling? What was she missing?

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