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Our Story

I have a son who is diagnosed with Enuresis, Encopresis, Language LD, Math LD, Articulation Disorder, Hypothyroidism, pulmonary stenosis, mild MR, CP, ADHD, CD, PTSD, Bipolar NOS with psychotic features, Anxiety Disorder NOS, R/O Schizophrenia, PDD and Fine and Gross motor delays.

I have tried almost everything out there that there is to try from in home services, natural treatments, medications, psych hospitals, residential treatment facilities, and respite care. I have read books on different parenting techniques, different disorders and behavior modification then you can shake a stick at. I've taken parenting classes, classes on therapeutic holds and have even gone on to teach parenting classes. None of this worked and my son didn't improve.

I could go into his history but suffice it to say that it's quite extensive. I used to grieve for the things that all of this has cost us as a family and my son as an individual, now I find myself worrying more about the future and what that might hold. I worry that I won't be there to catch him if the urges get too strong again and feels as though suicide is the only way out. I worry if others will be able to look behind the labels he's been given to see the beautiful young man he is capable of being. I wonder if he will be able to accept the reality of his life and worry what will happen if he can't.

I think for today, I will just take it one day at a time because that's all that any of us can do. There will always be bad days. That just means you have to cherish the good ones when they come along.

Last updated March 21, 2002