Sword Restoration and Repair Services
The Sword Depot, run by Larry Mealor. Larry does not have a
web page, but can be reached at sworddoctor@aol.com, (770) 773-7373,
or his address at 120 College St, Adairsville, GA. He does sword
restorations, appraisals, and sales. Tell him I sent you!
Tom Nardi does professional sword handle rewrapping, straightens bent guards, and also sells supplies for the do-it-yourself restorer.
His e-mail address is nardi@cds1.net, and a complete description of his prices and services can be found at his website here.
Tom specializes in American and European swords and, having seen pictures of
his work, does a very nice job.
Fred Lohman, in his own words, "The Ultimate Source for Parts and Supplies relating to the Restoration
and Maintenance of the Japanese Samurai Sword. Service expertise backed up with almost 30 years of Nihon-to experience." That impresses me.
One visitor to my page recommended visiting music instrument repair shops for repairs to brass guards or scabbards. It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense that they could fix brass without seams and punch dents out of metal tubes.
S & S Firearms sells some authentic and some reproduction parts for reparing swords and firearms. Stop by their website and order a catalog for more info!