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Sword Information Sites

Please also check the dealer links, as many of the dealers provide excellent information for collectors and deserve to be considered as information sources themselves.

European Swords
This is Jean Binck's personal web page dedicated to researching European swords and sword makers. Jean has written several articles on my page, and he and I go back a few years. The pictures are slow to load on my computer, but his site is well worth visiting.

Norwegian Edged Weapons since 1500
This great site is run by Trond Wikborg, and has a good display of the military swords of Norway. He also collects firearms, and a link to his page on them is at the bottom of this page.

The Internet Sword Collectors Association
This site is one of the most interesting and informative collector pages I've come across so far. There are several people writing articals for it, and thre are already several interesting and useful topics that have been discussed. This site is fairly new, but has a lot of potential.
Ok, so I listed this on the dealer's page, but Kalvin Kelley's page is so informative that I had to post it here as well. He also has a forum page if you've got questions to ask.

Man at Arms Magazine
The magazine for collectors of antique Arms, also the home for the newsletter of the North American Sword Collectors Association.

The Medieval Sword Resource Site
A great reference page for those interested in Medieval Swords, as well as those who are thinking about buying one.

Ethnographic Swords
A very interesting site, run by the same person who runs the Medival Sword Resource Site.

Russian Swords
This site is the only place I have found that gives info about Russian Swords. It has great descriptions and pictures.

The Historical Armed Combat Association
Has a lot of articals of interest to sword collectors and student of swords and swordplay. Also has many pictures of authentic medieval and renaissance swords.

The Japanese Sword Index
Dr. Richard Stein's reference page on Japanese swords. This is the most thorough site on Japanese swords I've seen, with a good link page for other reference sites. If you're interested in Japanese swords, this site is a must see.

The Springfield Edge
This is a very informative site dedicated to edged weapons manufacturing at the Springfield armory. Primarily dedicated to bayonets, the page also has a lot of information about the swords produced at the Armory.

Therion's Arms and Armor Resources on the Web
A large link site listing a huge variety of links related to weapons and armor.

Espadas y Sables
Is Juan Jose Perez's website. The page focuses on Spanish swords, and since Juan lives in Spain it is in Spanish and in English, and covers swords I have never seen in any English-language sword books or other webpages. Juan is also fluent in English if you wish to write him with questions.

Dave Radcliffe
runs a site listing gun shows in his area. However, he also has an interesting and writeup on one collector's piece per week that I think most collectors will find interesting. Take a look!

Old Swords
is another resource page put together by collectors. They have put together an actual database for the purpose of sword ID, and are well worth a visit.

The Ames Sword Company Information Page
Maintained by Kieth Bailey, Vice President of the current Ames Sword Company. An interesting site, and a must see for collectors of American swords.

La Manufacture Royale d'armes blanches en Alsace
For collectors of French swords, this is the official site of "L’Association pour la Sauvegarde du Klingenthal" and is maintained by a decendant of one of Klingenthal's original employees. The page is availible in French, English, and German, but the French version is much more visually impressive. The picture of the town has mouse-over links, so don't forget to look around.

The Napoleon Series
Although not explicitly sword related, I felt that this historical research site is important enough to include a link.

Abbreviations of Fraternal Organizations
Many of these groups carried swords, so a visit to this page could help ID your fraternal swords.

The War of the Rebellion
Or at least a searchable database of the monumental archive of all official documents from the Civil War. Hosted by Cornell University