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I am honoured to have received these awards for Talied's Reality.

May LOVE and LIGHT Shine In All Your Hearts

Rise'n'Shine Award
Golden Pegasus award
You've won the Golden Pegasus,
and The Rise & Shine award!!!
Congratulations on a lovely page!
You must be proud!!!
Sunday, 26 April 1998
When the last eagle flies
Over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars
At the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest
Though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving
At the Last Unicorn

Andrue's Wicked Award
Friday, 1 May 1998 .

Vanessa's Angels Award
*May the angels watch over you and keep you safe*
Vanessa- Vanessa's Angels
Wednesday, 6 May 1998

Koalasue's Award
Hi Judy :-)
- explored your site, its beautiful
and yes, You have won an award for putting your heart into your site :-)
koalasue Thursday, 7 May 1998

Ark Award
Congratulations! You have been chosen to receive
The Ark's Elegance Award!
Thank you for your visit and the opportunity to visit your site!
Keep up the Great Work!
Angel & Fire-
The Ark-
"Take A Walk On The WILD Side"
Wednesday, 6 May 1998

Magic Window award-updated August '98
Thank you for applying for my award! Otherwise I might never have found your lovely web-home! :) I have only been through half of your site so far, but already I know that you deserve my Magic Window Award. It's for truly unique sites that give a fresh perspective to this www of ours. Your site is filled with such love and spirituality! It's very uplifting!
Visit The Zelda Moon:
Friday, 15 May 1998

The Sheila Award
"...I like this page alot. It has nice content, well designed, and nice graphics. Very good job on a page that is one of the best I've seen." Sheila
Monday, 18 May 1998

Hidden Treasures Award
Congrats! You've won my award!
And thanks!'Salem ~~ ICQ 3280702
Athens Community Leader
Tuesday, 19 May 1998

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Email: Talied