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Vibrational Remedies cont'd

The Doctrine of Signatures

All creatures under heaven and on earth and that swim the seas have a specific and individual signature to them. That includes man and all that he surveys, for not only do the birds sing a signature but every stone and pebble also sing this vibrational mark of individuality.

The idea that something sings is not new, in my other articles on Vibrational Remedies I mentioned that science is learning all that is old may actually be trustworthy in experience. It is just that we do not have the technology science needs to carry out double blind experiments on the power that these vibrations sing.

We know that certain herbs can heal us and have been doing so for many centuries. But how did we first become aware of what each one did? By perceiving their signature tune or vibration.

What then is a signature? It may be how it effects the olafactory senses- ( your nose) such as in the soothing smell of lavender,or the taste. It may be in the colour of the flower, the type of plant, softness, roughness or overall where, how and when it appears. These things are very important when tuning into how a plant may heal by its SIGNATURE.

In vibrational remedies all this is taken into account as the feel or sensitivity is on a different level to herbal remedies. They help to heal the emotions and the inner cause of dis-ease.

Remember vibrational remedies do not have toxic side effects of any sort compared to drugs or herbal preparations which must be taken with extreme care. That is not to say they are ineffective just on a different level. I have often used some of each mode of herbs, vibrational remedies and allopathic medicine to get the right balance and interactively achieve healing.

Let me give you some simple examples of signatures that may help you understand. These were given to me when I was studying –

Walnut-the Bach flower remedy is often used for major life changes where a lot of thought is needed as well as to enhance those thoughts, to make decisions. It also helps to break away or change a link. The signature then is this-it looks very much like the brain if the shell is opened. The shell protects the inner flesh and must be opened to be experienced.
Dogwood-a Flower Essence Society remedy is used for painful emotions and times in life when it hurts. We may be on a self destructive path, hurting inside and out. The signature-this plant is very spiky and painful. Often used to ward off cattle and intruders around villages it was originally called Daggerwood- a name that speaks for itself!

To give an example of a herb -which has been used for centuries to treat eye complaints such as a conjunctivitis. It clears the eyes and also soothes them. The signature of this plant are the flowers. They are small and white but with purple and yellow spots similar it seems to those spots we may find in our eyes. The herb has been called eyebright for many years.

So it is that vibrational remedies take the signature from all these things which are presented. The herbal and aromatherapy signatures may give a clue to the healing properties of the vibrational remedy of the same plant but are expanded upon and the usage is invariably easier and safer.

How to Use a Signature

With flower, gem and shell vibrational remedies it can be as simple as knowing and using intuition to pick the appropriate remedies for your personal situation and then use them .

However you may feel the need to look at the way the plant, stone or shell sings to you its vibrational signature. This is fairly simple if you take into account the examples I gave above. Feel the sense of healing by holding the image of the particular plant etc. inside your mind….You will be able to feel the way it is…often a photo will help.

I have seen cases where just a photo has brought an immediate response. This may be of healing or even of repulsion. Quite often the things we most dislike are reflections of those emotions we need to deal with. So next time you see a plant or stone you find annoying or apalling look a little more closely at what it is trying to tell you.


The way we experience the world around us without sight is through touch and taste and smell. Touch gives us so many signals that we can be astounded or aggravated by the very thoughts it conjures up. If we pat a cat we feel calmer than if we touch sandpaper. So we can use this as a signature too. If something soothes us by touch alone it is likely to be able to physically help us too…

Cautions of course would be taken if it were a herb, but we are talking about vibrational remedies.

Mallow is one such plant that both in herbal and vibrational terms is soothing. As a herb it may soothe a cough or problem stomach (see your herbalist). On the vibrational level it can soothe stomach pains etc caused by emotional distress…It calms a worried child and soothes the irrations of the world. Taken as a vibrational remedy it gets to the core of the distress.


Colour also may help you make a decision for you may like red poppies but not orange and this is a clue in itself. Colour is an indicator of how you are feeling at that present moment. It reflects the emotions that are around you. Colours have different meanings to different people but I shall give you a simple list of the way I see them.

Red-for vibrancy, life giving, blood, the base of the spine
- also a vibrant colour(many dislike too much of it around them)for being who we are, male female, sexual beings. Genital area
Yellow- again bright and light but too much may cause a drain. For intellectual understanding. Solar plexus area
Green- fresh air, newness, life and mother earth-the heart area
Pink- a fuzzy, comforting love and calm
Blue- the sky, coolness, communication on all levels, opting more towards spiritual. The throat area
Purple, indigo, mauve -connection to our psychic abilities which we all have..using them with wisdom. The ‘third eye’ area.
White- purity, cleanliness
Gold and Silver- higher spiritual ideals, spirit guidance.

Just as in everything that comes to us we will put our own interpretations to colour. Take care to think and feel and you will find your own senses picking up what it is you need to use. Mix and match the concepts you have seen here to help and heal.

A Final Word

Learn to respect the beauty of these healing energies that sing to you. Some say, and I believe that there is a devic awareness- a faerie if you like, in every plant, stone, shell and animal on this plane of existence- and that they deserve our protection and alliance of love to ensure that healing continues , not just for ourselves but the world around us.

Talied is a Certified Flower Essence practitioner and can be contacted for consultations via mail.

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