Sometimes it's nice to hear feedback from those people we send our prayers and thoughts too...
If you have any GOOD NEWS to share just let us know -
We would love to hear from you-EMAIL:TALIED
Debbie and Baby Laura Renee are now home and Laura at 5 weeks (she was 10 weeks premature)is doing well.
Dick Bird recovering well from diabetic induced illness.
Melanie Kikoudis now recovering from gallbladder op.
TASMANIA has had some well received RAIN
Thanks for your prayers for Chuck
He ended up getting a 5 way bypass but his
doctors have said his prognosis is good ....must have been all the prayers,
I will keep you updated on his progress.
Pat gibson
Well I got home very late tonight &got a message from the endocrinologist's office on my pathology report is back & it states that those nodes were I want To Thank You All for Your Caring,Healing Energies,&most of All for Your Love -My Beloved Friends/My Spiritual Family Members! I wanted to pass it along via the net to the rest of You! I was prepared to deal with the worse ..there was a calmness within me& I know that You had something for that as well. So again...My Gratitude&My Love to Each of You! I feel very Loved by You even though our eyes have never met.. our hearts&Souls have! So have a Smurfie Day...& Know You're All getting my Rainbows of Love for a long,long time!!!LOVE,PEACE,LIGHT,&JOY!XXX NAMASTE, Terry
Hello Judy: Thank you so much for your interest in my brother and my personal confllict. I can definetly feel the love and light from the prayers of people like you. My brother survived the stroke and miraclously came out of with a very clear mind. The rest of the family and I are working on his depreciation, as you might know, he has AIDS. We reassure him love every time we get in contact. I live in the US and he is in another country (Costa Rica) far away which makes it difficult to communicate more often. I feel more in control of my problems, which seem to be so minor in comparison to other's people. God bless you ...(with all my heart) Love and light Jacqueline
Hello Judy-- I just wanted to let you know that what Hunter has is called peripheral giant cell granuloma-- it is benign-- thank the lord and lady--- however it can be aggressive-- but so far the doctor is pleased with things and looks for Hunter to recover completely-- please keep him in your thoughts as he is healing-- if the gum does not grow back he may need skin grafts-- I feel he will be fine.... thank you so much for remembering him
Hello, Dear Friends, I spoke with Landon's grandmother this morning and here is the latest info. following his brain surgery on Sat. 4-8-2000... Landon is doing very well.. He is still at Duke Hospital in Durham NC.. He was moved from I.C.U. to a 'step down' room this past Wed. and then to a 'regular' room at midnight Thurs. The tumor WAS benign, but it had 'tentacles'.. They feel that they got most of it, will be watching him very closely.. This type of tumor is usually only found in children, so they will watch him very closely for 5 years.. then after that age, it should not return... Landon is having trouble keeping his food down.. BUT.. he IS eating fairly well now.. All of the IVs have been removed and he only has the 'stick on' heart monitor pads... They expect that he can go home pretty soon... wanting him to get more stable with his eating... All in All.. He is doing very well..!!! Thank You All for the many Prayers and Love being sent to him.. Much Love to You ALL, Bill
Dear Judy ~*~ Thank you for your loving concern for my healing. Actually, I think that 98% of the healing is complete now as of this week. Took a bit longer than I anticipated, but I am delighted to be feeling great again. I am grateful for your prayers & generous heart.Love ~ Denise
ty Talied...things are going much better for me now and for my daughter too :)))-Mryeln( after the death of her motherand her daughter's unsettling behaviour)
Leta (Rainyday) and Michael in Pennyslvania... She is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 weeks. the doctors had given up but Leta and Michael wanted one last try and it worked...wooo hoooo told her they could go on the Good News Page now :-))
From: "Stephanie"
Dear Friends,
I was recently ill from strep throat and pharangitis, and it really took it's toll. But, it also was a blessing in
disguise too! I wasn't able to eat anything but small sips of water for a week, and even water set my throat on fire! But, when I finally was able to eat, I found that one of the things that affected me the worst, was table salt. Every time I ate anything that had a lot of salt, made my face and neck turn instantly blood red, my face and legs swell up quickly, and I felt horrid! I stopped eating salt, and have tried to eliminate salt from my diet as much as possible. I have been able to go off my Lupus medication for about 2 weeks now. It is great! The medication was VERY expensive, one bottle costing me over $80. per month, and then two others also, all in all ending up costing me about $120. per month to take my medication as I should. When I noticed how well I felt after my system was purged of food, and how the salt affected me, I hadn't been able to swallow my medication up to that point, so, I decided to see how long it was going to take before I had to start taking it again. That was two weeks ago. I haven't been off that medication in years and years! I am hoping and praying that I will be able to remain off the medication permanently. That would be VERY helpful to me financially.
After much prayer, and then turning in my notice to leave my job, the owner came to me and asked me if we could talk. I said "No, I don't think it would do any good, we have talked before and it doesn't solve the problems. Nothing gets taken care of, and the problems still exist." He looked disappointed, but said, "Maybe we can restructure the business so that things will improve." I told him I had my doubts. He began restructuring the business on his own, the way I had suggested months and months ago. Things began improving. He began calling company meetings, and let the people know that he would no longer tolerate their behavior, nor the way they have been performing at work. They were shocked, and quiet for a few days, but, their behavior and work performance changed. The two girls who were the problems at work, came to me and asked me to stay, and apologized for their behavior. The owner continuously asked me to stay, or to reconsider leaving.
I wish the restructuring had been done months and months ago. I would have had to go through a whole lot less stress. After much thought, and much prayer, the last day I was due to be there, I asked the owner if he still held my resignation. He said that he did, and I asked to retract it. He seemed happy about it, and I know that I am. I have really enjoyed my work, and my job, until things got out of control, and with God's help, perhaps things there will stay on the right track and stay improved. It has been so much more peaceful and enjoyable working there now. I am glad for that improvement, and I thank you so much for your prayers for me.
Only God can create a miracle, and what happened there, was a miracle.
Love you always,
Kelly's Mum
Thank God for you and your efforts to help other mom is doing great and healing very good ...she has diabetic and we were afraid that would hinder the healing process but it didn't...thank you for all your healing thoughts.....Wanda..(Kelly)
Kelly's Mum has now passed on and is at peace....
Bruce Wrote:
yes he is ..... is very odd situation ...... they are thinking that the initial lab results were in error because they never saw the levels return to normal as quickly as they did
Lady ~Celtra-
Greetings--- another healing-- at least I think so :) for the first time in a very long time.... years to be exact-- I have started a normal period on my own-- no drugs--- only the use of the herbs and white light!!! I consider this just the beginning...... but it's a small miracle for me!!! Bright blessings!
Diana -
well doctor says I am completely recovered from my liver problem.....plenty of
rest....lots of water and some wonderful TLC
yep doctor was amazed at how fast i recovered.... he said it would take at
least 6-8 i was better in about 2 weeks.....couldn't believe
my tests came back completely normal.....he called me at home at 6:30 in the
evening after office hours to let me was really nice....see Healing list as Diana is now in need...
From an email fwd to me about Ebony....
".....At the moment she is fine, nothing is affecting her - hopefully things will stay
that way for a long while. In between hospital, paediatrician and GP
she is seeing a muscle specialist. Next time we go I will ask her if she
recommends Ebony seeing a chiropractor....."
I went to the specialist and she didnt think the lump was anything..fine needle biopsy will be back on tuesday with GOOD NEWS Nicolle
Thanks so much for caring. I visit Waneshia on Saturdays and will deliver
your letters to her then. She is a very special little girl, she really
stole me heart when I first saw her. She constantly smiles and loves to sing
gospels. When I first saw her she sang I BELIEVE I CAN FLY and WHAT GOD HAS
I am sponsoring a musical to try to raise money to purchase Waneshia a
computer with voice activated software for Christmas. She is unable to use
her arms; however, a teacher comes to her home 3 times a week to help with
her studies. If there is anything you can do to help me with this effort,
please let me know.
Thank God for you and others like you. Your letters will bring cheer and joy
to her.
Waneshia's Play Mother,
Towaner Ligon
Claude and Kylan are now both well-Kylan's first Christmas and Claude's happy to just be Claude!!!
Billy has no passed on ...
Culprit has been found who was upsetting children at School..
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