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.... let me partake of an indulgence in the words and feelings that I wish to portray. I am Ralad and I wish to say this to you my friends, the world is as great and wonderful as you wish to make it. Never fear the idea of cutting away the framework to create a new level of understanding. The world of your reality is only one such world and you have created it on your own and with every other individual on this planet.

I am the spirit friend of the author of this work and she has asked spirit to show you a little of ourselves within these paragraphs. I do this gladly. To those who wonder what madness can this be, I say nought is mad if the mind can accept the idea of different realities. It is this basic understanding of the esoteric or religious concepts that makes every thinking person individual. Spirit is often asked to 'prove' itself to another and one wonders how much proof is needed for the human race. I do not consider this wrong only an interesting point.

There are many in the spiritual realms who offer their services if an individual would partake of them. Love is a constant in this realm just as it can be on your earth. We would like to help in this matter. Ask and ye shall receive is an old axiom, yet I hear little asking regarding this. Those who do ask are always received with open arms, those who do not, we help as well as we can. Spirit tries to encourage all. Not only those who believe, that is not a pre-requisite, but all of you. Love can move mountains the songs say and I have the faith that it does so.

No one religion, dogma or belief is better or worse than the other. Let me tell you the only 'hell' there appears to be is in the minds of those who believe it to exist. Even a small notion of what it is like in the spiritual realm will help, so let me explain a little. In the reality, which is after physical extinction of the body, the spirit survives unscathed from any lessons on earth. Simply put, the lessons are for the earthly realm and you must deal with them there. Once beyond the physical much can change if the realisation takes place.

Realisation and also attitude. Although I have said that all changes it still must be an individual activation. The guides are there to heal and help but the individual becomes the controller of all. All, in the sense of forgiving, retribution and healing. Forgiving oneself as judge and jury is perhaps the hardest of all things one goes through on this spiritual journey. It is you, who judges and sentences the self-that does not mean you need do so but many do.

I say to you then, that much needs to be understood while on earth and we see this being a complex situation if you care to make it. However that too, is not necessary. Simply living and being a good neighbour to others is the best advice one can give. Religious fanaticism does not bring enlightenment nor does good deeds if love is not in your heart. Live and love and love to live is worthy of any person.

We wish to offer you a loving hand in anyway that will help you come to the point of enlightenment and love while you are here on earth. Please accept our help. All are needed in the light- princes and paupers are all equal. All have much to teach and to learn. Peace be with you.

You understand a little of the light waves and sound waves. You know these travel at different strengths or vibrations. So something travelling at the speed strength, vibration, frequency of light can pass through the frequency of the slower sound. It penetrates the sound frequency.

I give you the volcano its sound of eruption is usually less intense than the light of its destruction. If you grasp this then I say to you the spirit of higher levels may have the same base yet they vibrate differently to those closer to earth . Obviously the closer we are to earth the slower are the vibrations, many find this so difficult they are reluctant to do this for long or not at all.

I, myself am strong yet find it difficult to come to terms with much of earth's vibrations. But my intent is there to reach and teach and so by that very intent I manage to do so. 'Kalia' [me] in body could not raise her vibrations to mine, she would blow herself apart, but she has been here [spirit] just as all once were one and were here. So much can be seen to be done by very intent it is marvellous. You must keep up your faith in yourself and intend to do something about it. I encourage all on the path. Ralad.

I am Ralad. I am always here. And yes I am the one to set the record straight, for it is my job to organise these things. In spirit hierarchy is not something taken lightly yet it is not something to lord over others either. You see we all come from the one source and that is which some call God the powerhouse of spirits. The truth is we would all like to return to this light and we strive to do so even the lowest of the low that you would call. Eventually every spirit will gain the knowledge and return. I am so close I could be called part of god just as you are but in a different context. My life is not of earthly things and has never been hindered by such.

You too have the power and realisation is all you need with love light to progress through - no one is excluded. My advice is take my truth, feel it, let it settle with what you think then form your own truth. This I believe you can understand but know I can speak to you again when and if you wish. Remember knowledge is power and power is good if used with love and light. It is Ralad.

Ralad loves to communicate on such matters and gives advice which may be taken so you may 'form your own truth'. This means advice is given but if it does not appeal to anyone it is not forced upon them as sacred teaching. In wisdom it is better to listen and learn then allow ourselves to -

'form your own truth'.

If you ever feel the need you may call upon Ralad to help, whatever the situation might be. He has, for those who need it, used a physical appearance. I am told he appears sometimes as a Tibetan monk with a large rod of golden light - which he is not afraid to use ! His main feature is that of golden light and an intense feeling of love and wisdom moves with him where-ever he goes. Ralad is quick to point out though, that humans must also help themselves, but guidance is always lovingly given.

Back to Reality The Guides have said many things.