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I remember Yuletides of long ago,
When the Christ babe was not known to me-
But we worshipped the land,
Mother Earth and Brother Tree.

I remember a time when the light sprang clearly
From the quiet pool and raging sea. Then, that sang to me

Then Rome with its' god of wrath and vengeance,
Was ordered for me and mine.
And in that time most did succumb,
And later, did resign.

Others fought quiet and long,
To keep the sacred vow.
The Romans then did think it good
Tradition to allow -
To mingle and sit on their god's brow.

Yet whichever path we follow,
God, the Light is good,
And the stable where the Christ child lay -
It was made of wood.

And so upon a Christmas Eve
Remember well the Yuletide.
For Light and God were even then,
Always side by side.

The TWELVE days of...

Yule is a non-christian feast lasting 12 days...
The word YULE may either be related to the Saxon/Norse word for LIGHT or SUN..
The Venerable Bede wrote that it came from the Norse word "lul" meaning Wheel..the old almanacs showed a symbol of a wheel to mark Yuletide...

So Yule is a feast marking the rebirth of Light or the Sun after the harsh Northern Winter starting on what is now December 26...

The Yule Log...

Originally a log of Ash was cut...this tree was sacred to the Sun as it burnt green...often a girl sat on it and glasses were raised too her health...
Also it represents the world tree, Yggdrasil of Scandinavian legend which had its roots in hell and its branches in heaven...

The "Fairy" on top of the Tree...

The fairy and baubles of the tree are symols of ancient times when the Celtic and Roman worlds were populated by gods and godesses who intervened and also helped....these symbols are much older than 2,000 years..


The Tree itself, whether pine or otherwise was a symbol of strength and renewal while everything else appeared dead...
To bring a tree inside and decorate it helped with the general celebration of the renewal of all things...
Trees were also held far more sacred and treasured than they are today...
Much is written elsewhere about the lore and craft of the Druids, Romans and Celts regarding this...

The DATE...

The date of December 25 was only decided in the 4th Century after some argument by the Western church and was in time also adopted by Eastern churches...

PRIOR to this it was already celebrated in many parts of the then known world as the birth of a Divine Child....(on the day of the Winter Solstice)

"Modraniht", or "Night of the Mothers was celebrated the day before the "Child's" day or "Yule" long before Anglo Saxons ever had any contact with Christianity....

...last but not least...


I am sure everyone has at some time heard of Saint Nicholas and his good deeds -he certainly has legends and fairy tales enough...
And what too of "Good King Wencelas"?
Wenceslas apparently may actually have lived and even been a good samaritan but not necessarily a Christian one...
He is placed sometimes as a very kind and very Moslem king...however go see this for Christian origins and for the lyrics

That jolly, fat guy with the red and white..well he first appeared "standardised" back in the -30's (Go see the Urban Legend's page...)

The Urban Legends page also has a page dedicated to XMAS

It is not whether you celebrate Yule or Christmas or believe in neither is that we celebrate the renewal of Light and all the good and kindness that it implies...

It is the SPIRIT that we must imbue in our hearts....

For extensive information on the origins of YULE see The Mists of Avalon-Yule page

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