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-Photographs of Skaters from Virginia-

sorry for the large files...vinny, i think i'm going to give you a seperate page of your own....

can you say, "Ka ChinG"?

FrontSide 180 Indy, smooth as a babies butt..."Ca ChinG!"

Vinny has come down with Bret Syndrom..

Vinny indy grabing into the banks, Highly deadly...

Bret pulling a 360flip to fakie at the banks...

Dave bustin' a kickflip..

Justin throwin down a kickflip in the projects yo...

Bret is a cyborg programmed to do heelflips...

In Australia they call this move "The Donk Air", fortunately we're in the U.S.of A. where Vinny calls it a rocket air...

Light Speed Dave

Bret still hucking heels...

stop it bret...seriously..

sorry dave

Vinny backside air

Vinny sliding against the wind

Justin catchin' a high kickflip yo!

Big Ol' DMV gap...

Vinny and his patented one footed ollie nose grab..

photography and words:John White
