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Best of Friends

"The sage is not mindful for himself,
but is receptive to others' needs.
Knowing that virtue requires great faith,
he has that faith, and is good to all;
irrespective of others' deeds,
he treats them according to their needs. "
Ch. 76, the Tao Te Ching

"The warrior who is inflexible
condemns himself to death"
Ch. 49, the Tao Te Ching
Friends are definitly treasures. Have you ever wondered what makes your best friend so special to you? Have you ever wondered why you even like them?
One important thing that taoism teaches is to enjoy the beauty and energy in everything. Our friends are not merely for our entertainment or use - they are for us to revel in the joy of another human being's existence. Admire your friends just as you admire a blossom, a monument, or a mountain.

Activity - My Best Friend

Let's discover the greatness of your friend! Pick your best or favourite friend and fill out this sheet about them. Think about how your friend makes you feel. He/she is more than just a ride to school, a study buddy, a shopping partner.....

My friends name: ____________________________________
Birthday:_______________ Age:__________ Sex: _________

My friend's appearance:_______________________________________
Why my friend looks different than anyone alse:________________________
My friend's voice sounds like: _______________________________________
My friend's laugh sounds like: _______________________________________
My friend's personality can best be described as: ________________________
Something very special that my friend can do:____________________________
What makes my friend so unique: ______________________________________
Something that only I know about them: _________________________________
What I love best about my friend: ______________________________________
If my friend were an animal, they would be a ______________________________

Other great things about my friend: __________________________________________________________________

My Signature: _______________________________

  • Wasn't it fun to think about all of the great things that make up your friend?
  • Now do it again, but with a family member.

  • In any relationship, whether it be with your friends, family, acquaintances, or strangers, the above quotes from the Tao Te Ching contain very applicable knowledge.