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So you've read the page and now you think you're a urine whiz huh? (no pun intended). Well, now it's time to see whether or not you really are..time to take our Quiz! All you have to do is read the question and click the multiple choice answer you think is correct. At the end click the submit button to see how you did. Have fun!

1.The four sections of the nephron are:

a) Bowman's capsule,the proximal loop of Henle,the distal collecting duct,renal medulla

b) pressure filtration,selective reabsorption,tubular excretion, and excretion

c) Bowman's capsule,proximal convoluted tubule,loop of Henle,and distal convoluted tubule/collecting duct

d) renal cortex,renal medulla,renal pelvis,ureter

 2.How do substances get to the blood stream from the tubes of the nephron?

a) diffuses into renal vein

b) actively transported into hepatic portal vein

c) passively diffuses back into efferent arteriole

d) is transported into the peritubular capillaries

3.How do substances move in and out of the nephron?

a) by active and passive transport

b) by enzymes

c) by special cells located within the tubule

d) by little green men

4.When urine has finished being formed,what substances are in it?

a) urea,salt,water,bacteria,creatinine

b) water,salts,urea,uric acid,creatinine

c) water,urea,uric acid,bacteria,ureter

d) salt,urea,uric acid,creatinine,ureter

5.Why does water diffuse into the surrounding tissue from the loop of Henle at the bottom of the loop?

a) force of gravity

b) inner medulla is hypertonic to the fluid in the tubule

c) the positive charge in the medulla attracts the negative charge of the oxygen in the water

d) the cells at the bottom of the loop are specalized and need lots of water

 6.Why doesn't water diffuse into the ascending limb of the loop of Henle?

a) the walls are impermeable to water

b) the cell walls prevent prevent any kind of transport

c) gravity keeps the water in the cells

d) water molecules are too big to diffuse

 7.What substances in the blood don't become part of the glomerular filtrate?

a) formed elements,proteins

b) water,urea,uric acid

c) white blood cells,water

d) glucose and amino acids

8.Why do substances in the glomerulus enter the Bowman's capsule?

a) the magnetic charge of the Bowman's capsule attracts the substances

b) the subtances are actively transported into the Bowman's capsule

c) blood pressure of the glomerulus is so great that most substances in blood move into capsule

d) little green men force it in with their ray guns

9.What molecules are mostly reabsorbed into the blood from the proximal convoluted tubule?

a) urea,uric acid,creatinine

b) water,salts,bacteria

c) glucose,urea,uric acid,water

d) glucose,amino acids,salts,water

 10.What happens in tubular excretion?

a) urine bonds are formed between the wastes

b) wastes are diffused from the tubule

c) wastes move into the distal convoluted tubule from the blood

d) blood pressure forces wastes away from the kidney

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