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Xailia subsides in the shadows, embracing the darkness and all its mysterious splendor. Her shadowy eyes dancing in the reception of the night, her raven colored hair trickling softly over her pallid shoulders, framing her face. For a brief moment it seems as if her head is suspended in the cool night air, as her tartarean raiment's conceal her in the darkness. A slight glimpse of her crimson cloak, the gleam from her iridescent eyes or the sparkle from her silver amulet, the only thing visible in the incandescent moonlight

Born the only child of Ian and Zeena Valure, a 5th generation True Brujah(3d36), her mothers life taken as hers began. She bears only faint memories of the time preceding her birth.

True happiness finally bestowed upon her as she vows her love eternally, standing proudly beside her one love, Dante DarkHart...together, they were blessed with their twin children, Thalia and Xanthian

The widow of the late Timothy Danion, he simply vanished, never to return. Their love forever united in their daughter, Seanait Maili "Shy" Danion RedBane.

She appears tranquil and attentive, kind and caring but never hesitating to oppress anyone who dare scathe her family or friends...

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