
Me (left) and one of my best friends Carla..

  • Name: Fiona
  • Age: 18
  • Lives: Melbourne, Australia
  • Studies: BA (Bachleor of Arts) at Latrobe University, Bundoora. I wish to do a double major in both Women's Studies and Philosophy. I also study Cinema Studies.

    LOVES: My beautiful boyfriend Aiden, all my best mates, and "Daddy" by Magic Dirt.

    LIKES: Hole, Courtney Love, Feminism, Music, going barefoot as much as possible, playing guitar, playing piano, Vic Bitter, my CD Collection, seeing Magic Dirt live, Women's Studies lectures, the pub, Goo, Naomi Wolf, drinking black, Lost Highway, A nice bottle of red, staying up till sunrise, Wilson's Prom, Germaine Greer, gerberas, Augogo records, Bank roll-your-own cigarettes, old EH Holdens, driving my car, rainy days, surfing the net, chatting to my soulmate in New Zealand, dreaming, buying second-hand Cds, op-shops, Hanging Rock and the Valentine Schoolgirl mystery, markets, bodypiercing, looking for the perfect tatt, camping with friends, riding mt bike along Norman Bay at sunset, stars in the countrtyside, the Astor theatre, Noodlebox on Acland Street,firetwirling, lilys, emails, babydoll, watching Stealing Beauty and knowing every single line, skinny-waifish guys, my Docs, lace, singlets, dying my hair red, Intenational Women's Day, my boyfriend's HG Kingswood on a hot day, McFeast's with chicken instead of beef, signing people's guestbooks, sleeping, glitter, sex, Left wing, the aboriginal culture, talking on the phone and playing guitar at the same time, outdoor music festivals, caravans, Diet coke, painting, Lara Croft from Tombraider, Pere Lachaise cemetery, XP Fords, dreadlocks on guys and grrrls, protests (Jabiluka, Pro-choice, Womyn's rights, Legalise it..) meeting people off the internet, #Courtneylove, funny taxidrivers, people who smile, deep and meaningful mindfucks of conversation, philosophical problems and conclusions, internet cafes, Kryal Castle, Greville Records, indoor mixed netball, Sunday, working with cool people, the idea of libertarianism, peaceful countries, effeminate androgynous men, getting drunk and dancing to NIN, laptop computers, beerstaiined Punters Club carpet, meeting other equally passionate people, driving other peoples cars, dead red roses, water, babyducks, New Years Eve, working on this webpage……

    SHITLIST: Homies, people who follow fashion like sheep, junkies who get other people hooked, the corporate dealer, sporting brand clothing, being hassled for money or a cigarette, rude sales assistants, bimbos, smart chicks that act dumb around guys, people who stereotype feminism, patriarchy, sexist mysoginst males, cum-fuck-me boots, teenagers who act morbid/gothic cause it's coooool, public transport, 4 Wheel drive owners who think they own the road, cunts who think they have the right to ride up my ass, how every second car is a Commodore with P-plates, boybands who feature girls in bikinis in every fucken song, people who say the love Hole but hate Courtney Love, really uncontrolled adolescent moshing and groping, being disconnected when I'm online, guys who cant handle the fact that there is a girl in a band, people who think they have every right to be condescending towards me because I'm small and young and female, "get back to the kitchen where you belong women" and other insults, people who cant handle freedom of expression, people who crowdsurf in between songs and when they don't even know the band at all, getting asked for cybersex by perverted old men and dirty young boys with too much times on their hands, the fact that I cant walk anywhere alone at night without feeling safe, backstabbing bitches, how the city is so fucked up, spam mail, how Hotmail fucks up, those annoying pop-ups on GeoShitties, people who don't understand me, people who jumped on the Celebrity Skin bandwagon, VSU, fucked up federal government, the way that youth is portayed in the media, stupid women's magazines (dolly, girlfriend, cleo, cosmo……) the mainsteam media in general, never being able to get a good carpark at uni on Tuesdays, fights at the pub, machoness, gangs, the way australian youth culture emulates the violent characteristics of that American gang culture, Oprah and mindless daytime tv, tasteless porn, the bouncer that stopped me taking a photo with Courtney love (even though I got some of her) shopping centres, people who constantly hang around shopping centres and Timezone, rude KFC and RedRooster people, lifts, puffy jackets, people who fuck me around, having to wear shoes at all, 15 year old guys that wear Jack Daniels t-shirts……working on this webpage cause it takes too fucken long….


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