Volpane In Love

Decade Archive of my personal blog from 1999 to 2009.

Thursday, February 07, 2002



Zot! Online - Week 1

. linkdup . . . . world wide web stimulus . . . . v.1.5 . . . . . . (c) preloaded 2001 . . . . .

deviantART; where ART meets application!

My cold and post employment depression has lingered somewhat, but now I think it is beginning to lift. Just this week I've had several phone calls in response to the advertising I placed in a couple of the local papers. Mostly just inquiry, but any response is hopeful. I have two more weeks to go for the Stranger, so I am hopeful that something might develop.

I'll try to explain why I've included the links above, most of the time I'm not really in reviewer mode when I hit "Blog This". The first one is a long time favorite cartoonist, Scott McCloud, who wrote "Understanding Comics", basically a primer for reading comic books and an analysis of pictorial narratives. Zot! is his ongoing comic, only this time around created for viewing on the Internet. I recommend checking it out.

The next link is a Euro-centric British site that reviews "Flash" sites on the Internet. Many of these sites are wonders to behold and if you are used to the standard "static" presentation of information that is indicative of HTML, you may not like these interfaces. I've been slowly playing around with "Flash", the program and internet protocol that Macromedia developed several years back specifically to present moving, interactive graphics and sound for the internet. You have to have the viewer plug-in to see the stuff which, depending on your bandwidth and your graphics card or computer, may not be worth the effort. If you can I recommend you install the plug-in now and go take a look at what you've been missing.

The last link is one that seems to offer a community for digital artists to post and interact with other artists. There is a lot of interesting imagery here. At the same time, I wonder if I will participate. I don't know anyone there and I already have my own site to post my artwork. I'm going to have to check it out for a while and decide.


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