Volpane In Love

Decade Archive of my personal blog from 1999 to 2009.

Monday, September 09, 2002

Post Burning Man Blues

This seems to happen to me after I return to Burning Man. I examine the things in my life that lead me to unhappiness and then imagine what my life would be like if I severed all my ties and went for broke. One fantasy that runs through my head at this time but I find highly unlikely for me to realize is the one where I stay at Black Rock Desert and volunteer for the cleanup crew. I'm not sure what the appeal really is, but I like the altruism that is suggested by that sacrifice. Certainly some people on reading this would say, "why not? Why not give up all your worldly possessions and become a guardian of the earth." Unfortunately, my personality and personal goals lead me away, not toward this fantasy.


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