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Timeline Notations

The following information is meant as a supplement to the timeline provided on this site. Every entry on this page will detail some of the specific people, places, and cultures mentioned (along with some other interesting stuff).

An illegal narcotic known for inducing a highly euphoric state. Highly addictive. Known on the street as "twitch" due to the side effect of involuntary muscle spasms lasting for up to 5 hours after the drug runs its course. The drug is injected into the area right behind the ear, leaving a telltale purple scar after repeated use.

A rare genetic disorder that causes the vocal cords to constrict. In the early stages of the disease this will merely cause irritation and occasional difficulty with speech. By the time the disorder has reached the final stages the afflicted will have lost their voice. In some cases this disorder has been known to escalate to the point of tearing of the vocal cords and internal bleeding. The disease is named after Patrick Adruss, the man who had the first known case of the affliction.

These angels are not the classic Biblical angel, but they look just like one. These angels look like an average to tall sized human with wings sprouting from their shoulders. Most angels are extremely thin, and appear the be frail. this is far from the truth, as angels are a hardy species. Much of the angels power appears to be of divine origin.

The Asx is a venomous snake indigenous to forested regions. They are known for the ability to "puff up" and extend their rib cage, allowing them to glide from tree to tree. The venom of the asx is relatively mild, though it can take hours to fully run its course through a person's system. The favored attack of the asx is to wait high up on a tree, diving down to bite the prey and glide back to the safety of the trees until the prey has either been killed or sufficiently weakened by the venom.

The Besik are a species of aliens that loosely resemble bears. They are generally not very intelligent, but very strong. The Besik prefer to use melee weapons, but are known to use energy weapons on occasion. Many besik will attack a target with their weapon once, immediately grab at the opponent, then concentrate on crushing him before moving on to the next target.

Just like in the ancient myths, centaurs are half horse half man. More specifically, a centaur has the body of a horse. But, where the head should be there is the torso and head of a man. Centaurs are excellent archers and are known for the fine craftsmanship of their bows.

The children of the stars are not one species, but many. All of the children were once members of one of the many alien species (i.e. human, faceless ones, ellgiem, bem, etc.), until they were exposed to an extraterrestrial ore. The ore transforms the first creatures to touch it by covering their bodies with its own substance. The ore feeds off of the protein of the host, and grants increased abilities in return.

The Chitula are a species of insectoids (insect people). The average Chitula is about 4-6 feet tall, with two legs and four arms. They have a hard carapace that provides a natural armor, as well as protecting their delicate wings. Chitula tend to be a relatively shy species, avoiding conflict when able to. But, when provoked they fight just as fiercely as any other species.

Zombies are reanimated corpses. They come in various stages of decay depending on how long they were dead, how they were buried, and the climate of the region they were buried in. Poorly buried corpses from wet regions tend to be more decayed than the bodies of those buried in a warm, dry area.

SCOTT CHAMPION, age 65, was chosen to lead the Colonization and headed the EFS Exodus. He was the only living human that had been alive at the start of World War 3 to survive this long. Standing at a mere 5'1", he was still an intimidating man from his sheer strength of will. Scott Champion's hair was dark brown, with hints of grey just starting to show up and his eyes were grey.

JOHN HAMMER, age 54, was one of the scientists to initiate the colony ship project. By the time the ships were rediscovered, he was the only remaining member of that group. He was chosen the captain the EFS Newton, the fleet's science ship. John Hammer was a lanky 6'5" with sharp blue eyes. His hair was a wild mane of red.

BRIDGES, age 37, was a reverend who took the responsibilit for keeping spirits up during the final years on Terra. He was given control of the EFS Rebirth. His studies into the religions of the world, both ancient and modern, paved the way for what would become the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. The good Reverend kept his head closely shaved and had ice blue eyes.

Jokingly referred to as the EFS Titanic, this ship was the only attempt to build a colony ship during the Exodus. The ship was to become a way of easing the population strains beginning the affect the other ships.

The science of creating one time magical items in the form of potions. This skill is covered in the New Earth Core Rules Book.

A relatively new disease that attacks the platelets in a person's bloodstream, causing a state of acute hemophilia. The origin of the disease is unknown. What is known is that the disease is spread via mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other blood sucking organisms. Initial symptoms of this disease are frequent nose bleeds and bruising, quickly escalating to increased blood loss from even the most minor of wounds. More advanced cases will show an almost complete lack of platelets, with the resulting inability for the body to stop bleeding.

Bionetics is the science of enhancing the human body or replacing missing limbs or organs with organically grown parts. For instance, if someone has lost an arm a bionetic replacement can be grown and grafted on to the body, leaving the person looking as if they had never lost an arm in the first place. Bionetic replacement limbs, while useful, are rarely used due to the enormous price involved.

Bionetics is the science of enhancing the human body or replacing missing limbs or organs with mechanically built parts. For instance, if someone has lost an arm a cyberonic replacement can be built and grafted on to the body leaving the person with a fully functional, if somewhat unnatural looking, arm. Cyberonic replacement limbs are used a little more frequently than bionetic limbs due to the lower price.

When an area is subjected to a great deal of magic related stress it will occasionally become a dead magic zone. Dead magic zones are areas where magic does not work, as the name implies. Dead zones can take years, sometimes even centuries, to repair themselves. The "repair" comes about from draining the magic from spells and magical effects, thus creating the lack of magic within the area.

The term undead refers to any of a number of beings that have died but continue to live through unnatural means. Undead gain different powers from their status as undead, depending on what type of undead they are. One thing that all undead have in common is that they are highly susceptible to silver. Any time an undead being comes in contact with silver they are severely burned and begin to wither up and die, this time permanently.

The history of the Colonies, off-world communities set up by the major powers of New Earth, was fraught with hardships. Almost from the very beginning of the first colony the lack of respect from New Earth was apparent. As time went by the lack of respect turned to disdain. The colonists began to distrust and even hate the "homeworlders". Soon that hatred blossomed into widespread rebellion. When the UCFS finally stepped in to mediate the disputes it became clear to the colonists that they were thought of as lesser to the homeworlders. So, in the year 4020 the Colonies announced their intent to secede from their respective nations. The controlling nations objected, the UCFS remained neutral, and a war began. The war lasted 65 years, and ended with the colonies obtaining their freedom, and a representative seat on the UCFS.

Ha ha ha, you think I would just give that one away? Nice try.

The result of malicious forces possessing the bodies of a gang of bikers. Each of the bikers was twisted into a cruel mockery of their inner fears and desires. Each biker was altered in a way unique to himself. Some gained blue, or green, or red, or pitch black skin. A couple grew horns or a n extra limb of some sort. One of the bikers ended up with the majority of his body transformed into a mouth. Needless to say, when these demons came calling no one wanted to stick around.

RHONDA EDEN, age 39, was an engineering genius. It was her efforts working on repairing the ships, both before and during the Exodus, that lead to her fame. She was in charge of the engineering ship the EFS Edison. Her hair and eyes were black.

DESTINY NELSON, age 44, had been a distinguished sociologist before the Neohumans took over. Her theories on Neohuman behavior helped to establish the plan theat led to the escape. As a result, she was given leadership of the EFS Aphrodite. During the Exodus Destiny was a key player in the foundation of the First Empire of Man. It was her work that kept the Empire together as long as it did, and it was her sociological model that was used to create the Second Empire after landing on New Earth. Her hair was black and her eyes were a chocolate brown.

ERIC RAUTER, age 50, had been a mere framer throughout most of his life. In fact, before the Neohuman occupation, Eric had done nothing truly monumental in his entire life. It was only after humanity was placed in the work camps that he really showed his talents. Without his knowledge of agriculture it is certain that humanity would not have been able to survive the lack of food provided to them. He eventually went on to command the EFS Cornucopia. Eric's leathery skin was deeply tanned, his body muscular even late in life. He had green eyes and silver-grey hair.

>VALERIE BAUR, age 49, was the commander of the EFS Rorschach. Her contribution to the Exodus was a subtle one. During World War III Valerie worked as a military psychologist for the American government. During the Neohuman occupation she seems to have disappeared completely, as there are no records of her activities or location. All that is known about this period of time is that when the ships were found, it was Valerie's screening that prepared the colonists for the trip. Her hair was strawberry blonde and she had deep blue eyes.

ASHLEY VANCE, age 46, had been a lowly soldier during the war. It was only after the war had ended, and the Neohumans had taken over that her military genius really came to be known. During the time of the occupation, Ashley led a small band of rebels. Her leadership and tactical calculations resulted in the liberation of many work camps. Her ships was the EFS Ares. Her hair was sandy brown, cut short. Her eyes were black.

WILLIAM BLAKE, age 49, commanded the EFS Pasteur. His position was ats the head of the colonists medical need.s He was a very stern man who gave the impression that he wanted to be somewhere else. Somehow, dispite his cold demeanor, Dr. Blake was still thought of as one of the most caring doctors around. His patients were alway happy, and rarely did a complaint come in about him. He had dark brown/black hair and dark eyes.

GLEN HAIL, age 45, was probably the least qualified member of the colonists leaders. A former NASA employee-turned-cabbie, Glen was well versed in interstellar navigational thoery. His ship, the EFS Orient, was charged with navigation and travel. While Glen filled a much needed role, his poor leadership skills led to more than one problematic incident. He had long black hair and dark brown eyes.

JACOB ROBERTS, age 27, was the youngest of the leaders of the Exodus. Having never known a time where the world was not at war, Jacob grew up to be a very strong person- both physically and mentally. He gained his position leading the EFS Alistair due to the fact that he was present at ever work camp liberation. Probably the second most respected member of the Colony Ship Leaders, second only to Scott Champion himself, Jacob was also the least understood. He devoted his time during the Exodus to the supernatural and bizarre. While his work did eventually prove the existence of Psi powers, his research was never fully accepted until well after the New Earth Landing. Sadly, Jacob's story ends in mystery. One moment his ship was following the others as normal, the next it had disappeared without a trace. No explanation was ever found for this, and no sign of Jacob Roberts or the EFS Alistair were ever found. He had one blue eye and one hazel eye with bleached blonde hair.

The end result of genetic experiments involving the splicing of a human with animal genes. Neohumans vary in appearance. Generally, though, they appear as a human with very dominant traits from the animal they were created from. So, a Neohuman wolf would have enlarged canines, claw-like nails, a coat of fur, and more canine facial structure very similar to that of a werewolf. Neohumans were created from a variety of human/animal hybrids, not just limited to the more aggressive and combat ready animals.

An species of reptilian aliens averaging 30-90 cm in height. The hive minded Myrmi look like humanoid greyish green lizards with a series of rigid plates similar to thiose of a stegasaurus. Myrmi are relatively unintelligent, with technology at a prehistoric level. They are obsessed with order.

Alien being that have been visiting and experimenting on humanity for thousands of years. The Grey are grey skinned, emaciated humanoids with an enlarged cranium. Their eyes are large, glassy, pupiless black orbs. They have no noticable ears or nose, though some have tiny slit-like nostrils, and a small mouth. The Grey are one of the three most recognizable alien species.

Probably one of the most terrifying aliens known to man, or any other species. No one has ever seen what a purebreed, adult Scourge looks like. These aliens attack other species with vicious claws. Victims of such attacks with either be killed outright, or become the host to a larvel Scourge. The larva will burrow its way through the host, feeding on what it can untill it reaches the brain. Once there the larva goes inta a dormant stage while it integrates the hosts DMN with its own. Finally, once matured, the larva will awaken and burst out of the host's head, leaving the larva a crossbreed of Scourge and whatever the host species was.

An interesting race of beings with the ability to adapt to any environment, no matter how hostile. Originaly sighted living in the vacuum of space, these aggressive beings soon became hostile. Creatures look like a heavyset human with wirey muscles.

The end result of the combination of man and machine. Cyborg is the term used to descripe anyone with 50% or more of their body replaced by cyberonic devices. Most cyborgs are composed of enhancements instead of replacements. There are a small percentage of cyborgs, however, that are a completely composed of replacemnt limbs. A variant of the cyborg is th bioborg, where over 50% of the body is composed of bionetic enhancements.

A race of bipedal hyenas. Their technology level is limited to crude musket-like firearms and tech salvaged from other species. Very territorial, these aliens will attack anyone entering thier solar system. Danog have 4-fingers, each ending with a 6' claw and razor sharp teeth.

DEATH BEETLES appear to be harmless bugs about 2.5 to 3 cm in length. However, this is not the case. Death beetles have a special paralytic bite that aids them in feedng. A single bit form one of them will only casue mild numbing of the area, but a swarm of beetles is capable of paralyzing a full grown man. Death beetles make their homes in cemetaries and subterranean caves, anywhere that they have easy access to dead flesh. They do not usually attack anthing larger than a small cat unless disturbed. Unfortunately, due to the bone white or grey color of these beetles it is very likely that a person will not notice them until it is to late.

These demons are not the classic Biblical demon, but they look just like one. They look like an average to tall sized human with leathery wings sprouting from their shoulders, fierce talons, and jagged teeth. Most demons are extremely fat, and appear the be slow and relatively weak. This is far from the truth, as demons are a hardy species. Much of the demons power appears to be of diabolical origin.

Djinn are spirit manifestations of the concept of the "element" of air. A djinn's natural form is a dust devil, or miniature tornado no more than 4 feet in size. However, a djinn can take a more human form by either creating one or possessing a willing host. A djinn created form will typically look like a male humanoid torso sitting atop a whirlwind. Djinn have various air and wind related abilities, and the power to grant a single wish to anyone able to capture one. Utilizing one of these wishes is not an easy thing to do, as djinn take great pleasure in twisitng and distorting the meanign of the wish.

When humanity left Terra for the stars they did not leave alone. With them came various plants and animals. Among those animals were dolphins. As the Exodus dragged on and on, human scientists continued to try an communicate with the dolphins. By the time the Exodus was over, the many dolphins abourd the ships had evolved beyond their normal state. It didn't take lnog for humanity to rename these more advanced dolphins the dolphi. The dolphi are a species still in the early stages of development. Most dolphi look like any other dolphin with s slightly larger brainpan than normal. Some dolphi, however, have begun to react to something in the oceans. These "mutants" have strange abilities and alterations, such as tentacles or the ability to split thier tail into legs.

Once thoguht to be mythical creatures, dragons have been rediscovered living on New Earth. Their kingdom lies heart of Shodan and extends out into the sea for quite som distance. The dragon race appear to have generated a series of subspecies, each adapted to a specific environments and ecosystems. These subspecies are typivcally called Wyrms. Dragons typically look like one woudl imagine from reading mythology and fantasy novels, with the Wyrms varying in size and shape to better suit their area.

This ancient species looks like look like they were chiseled out of stone, which provides them with a sort of rocky exoskeleton. Dwarves tend to have rocky grey or browns skin tone and or moss-like hair greys, whites, greens and browns. They seem to be master miners, but in reality have the magical ability to manipulate stones and metals as if it were clay. All Dwarven weapons are made of stone and are higher quality than most standard weapons. Many Dwarven mines use earth elemntals as cheap labor.

Ellgiem are the typical "little green man" syle of alien. They average about 3 feet in height, with skin colors covering every shade of green. Other than their small size, green skin, and pair of antennae, ellgiem look like a normal human being.

The masters of camouflage and survival, elves have become the worlds best assassins. Elves are very tall and thin, with the average height and weight being 6'6, 120 lbs. Don't let their frail appearancee fool you though, elves are more strong and durable than they look. Elves are also extremely fast, able to outrun most humans and animals. They are totally unable to use magic of any kind. As a result, elves have had to adapt, giving them the ability to become nearly invisible by camouflageing themselves to blend into any environment at all. Elves tend to take this ability to blend in one step further by using disguised or trick weaponry. It isn't uncommon for an elf with nothign but the clothes on their back suddenly pull out an arsenal of weaponry.

The enhanced are not a seperate species so much as an offshoot of humanity. Enhanced are not a natural phenomena. In fact, they are nothing more than genetically enhanced humans. Enhanced look just like any other human being, except they are superior in every way. Stronger, smarter, faster, more beautiful. The enhanced are a testiment to the ultimate vanity of the human race.

The result of Faceless One genes spliced with human genes. Faceless Humans resemble 7 foot tall humans with slightly thickened, grey tinged skin. Taking genes from both of the parent races, this species has characteristics resembling both. Like Faceless Ones, they have elongated fingers and bat-like wings. Like Humans they have only a single opposable thumb on each hand and body hair.

The single most threatening alien species mankind has ever encountered. The Faceless Ones are a pseudo-hive minded race of conquerors. The standard Faceless One averages 9 feet in height with thick grey skin, phospherescent red eyes, and a set of leathery wings (wingspan is about 18 to 20 feet). The hand of a Faceless one has 4 fingers and two opposable thumbs. This species got its name from the armor they wear, which when worn looks like a part of the body and obsures the face completely. Faceless Ones live under a caste system, with a queen, warriors, workers, and slaves. The queen has total control over her clan.

Just like the faeries of myth and legend, these diminuative beings look like tiny winged elves. Faeries stand at an inch or two in height and have long, angular faces. Thier arms and legs are typically impossibly thin, leading to the conclusion that they have no solid skeleton. The wings of a faerie are usually like those of a dragonfly or butterfly, but some faeries have been known to have bat wings, bird wings, or the wings of flies. Most faeries are friendly, if a little bit mischeivious.

Similar to faeries, faerie-kin are larger than their cousin species. Standing at 3-4 inches tall, they stand out among the other fae races. The bodies of this species are more well developed and muscular. The wings of faerie-kin are more often bat wings or dragonfly wings than the other variations. The largest difference between faeries and faerie-kin is that the faerie-kin are more aggressive andf hostile towards the non-fae races.

An alien race of cat men. The Felinus are an odd race, very much like the cats they resemble. It is not unusual for an encounter with a Felinus to start out hostile, become friendly, and turn hostile again within a matter of minutes. Felinus do not grow to be as tall as the typical human. The Felinus are a solitary race, only staying in small groups when necessary. There are many different varieties of Felinus, each variation resembling a type of cat (domesticated and wild).

The natural enemies of teh Felinus, the Fenri are a species of humanoid canines. Specifically, dire wolves. Standing at just over 6 feet tall, Fenri are large and ferocious. Their coloration takes to form of different shades of brown, their teeth yellow, their eyes red. Each of their fingrs ends in a claw, with the index finger containing a retractable claw up to 5" long. The Fenri are a tribal or pack oriented species, and very territorial about their space.

The Flayer are a blue-skinned race of slavers. Always appearing to be moist and steamy, the Flayer are one of the most disgusting looking species of alien known to man. Flayer have 3 fingered hands set up in a tripod-like formation. Their heads look something like an octopus or squid sitting on top of their neck.While unconfirmed, it is commonly believed that the tentacles surrounding the mouth of a Flayer are coated with a paralyzing agent. Flayer equipment is soem of the best in the fields of restraint and non-lthal capture.

Sometimes mistaken for zombies, ghouls are not even officially undead. A ghoul is sinply a being that hs contracted a rare fungal infection. This fungus grows in strange splotches across the body of the host and sometimes hangs in strips, looking like rotting flesh and festerign wounds at first glance. The fungus hampers higher brain functions, forcing the host into a more primal state of mind. Excretions by the fungus cause the host to hallucinate, seeing all others as potential threats. Ghould are known to be carrion eaters. An interesting side effect of the fungus is its paralytic nature. When exposed to uninfected wounds the fungus causes a short term "locking" of the bodies mucles.

The insectiod gnan are teh masters of gravity. Standing on 4 impossibly thin legs (no more than a few millimeters in diameter), the Gnan's body looks somewhat like a bleached white turtle shell. From the back of the shell rise four arms, each just as thin as the creature's legs. Also from the back are 3 eyes- one red, one violet, and one black- on stalks. The red eye can see into the infrared portion of the spectrum, the violet into the ultraviolet range, and the black seeing in the standard human range. the arms of the gnan end in equally thin fingers, 4 per hand. The gnan can create localized gravity/anti-gravity fields as large as 10 feet in diameter.

Golem are spirit manifestations of the concept of the "element" of earth. A golem's natural form resembles a floating cluster of rocks about 4 feet tall. However, a golem can take a more human form by either creating one or possessing a willing host. A golem created form will typically look like a male humanoid made entirely of stone. Golem have various earth and land related abilities, and the power to grant a single wish to anyone able to capture one. Utilizing one of these wishes is not an easy thing to do, as golem take great pleasure in twisitng and distorting the meanign of the wish.

The halflings of New Earth are quite different than the halflings know throughout fantasy literature. Like their fantasy counterparts, New Earth halflings are short (averaging about 2 feet in height) and have large hairy feet. But that is where the similarities end. Halflings are normally protrayed as chubby little homebodies, adept at thievery and unwilling to leave thier homes unless forced. In actuality, halflings are savage, muscular, and prone to wanderlust. Halfling tribes can be found just about anywhere, as the hardy beings can find sustinence from just about anything. In fact, halflings are noted for their canabalistic nature, somehow tying in with their magical prowess. Halflings are perhaps the most powerful magic using species on the planet. In an odd twist of fate, they are also one of the most magic resistant species as well. The large feet of a halfling also serve a purpose, they are prehensile and can be used as a second set of hands. Finally, all halflings exude a natural electromagnetic (EM) field.

Ifreet are spirit manifestations of the concept of the "element" of fire. A ifreet's natural form resembles a 4 foot tall pillar of flame. However, an ifreet can take a more human form by either creating one or possessing a willing host. A ifreet created form will typically look like a female humanoid torso atop a pillar of fire. Ifreet have various fire and heat related abilities, and the power to grant a single wish to anyone able to capture one. Utilizing one of these wishes is not an easy thing to do, as ifreet take great pleasure in twisitng and distorting the meanign of the wish.

The easiest way to describe a kappa is malignant, green scaled toad. Kappa stand on upright on two legs and have rudimentary use of their forelimbs for manipulation purposes. Kappa are water spirits by nature, menaing their demeanor tends to shift with the condition of the body of water they are connectd to. Kappa have a concave head, in which they carry a bit of the water they call home. As long as the water remains in the "bowl" in their head, the kappa can remain on dry land. They are quite strong, and equally dumb. A kappas favorite activity is wrestling with passers by. If a kappa is encountered one must wrestle for the right to move on. It is usually a good idea to try and trick the kappa into doing something to cause the water to spill out of their head, thereby forcing them to return to the water or dehydrate and die.

This species of extraterrestrial hedgehogs are some of the best engineers in the universe. They stand about 4 feet tall, and tend to be a little on the pudgy side (by human standards). Lati can do many tasks at once, as many as 6 things all at the same time. They have poor vision, but a heightened sense of touch. A Lati hand has 7 fingers and an opposable thumb, with the feet acting as another set of hands. Lati society is very ridig and formalised, with bureaucratic families spanning generations. Lati have a very analytical mind, and are quite capable of complaex mathematical equations without the use of calculators. This species has a difficult time when dealing with other speiceis, and huimans in particular, due to the difficulty they have in speaking other languages. The Lati native language is one of clicks and whistles.

With the upper body of a human, and the tail of a large fish, this species is the undisputed ruler of the seas. Male merfolk, known as mermen, are unable to survive above the waves, lacking the lungs necessary to breath. They have webbed fingers ending in small claws, have fish-like scaled skin, and small fin-like crests along their bodies (typically on the back, upper arms, and head behind the ears). Mermaind, the female of the species, are mroe human in appearance and are able to survive abouve teh ocean's surface for short periods of time. There are rumors of mutated merfolk that do not fit these racial descriptions.

Tens of thousands of years ago a host of angels visited Terra. While among the humans, many of these angels fell in love and sired children. The offspring were the most beutiful mortals in all creation, but they were shunned nonetheless. The angels were punished and barred from heaven. The children were called nephelem. In the many cenuries since the first nephelem were born, many more angels and demons have sired children with mortals. Each generation of nephelem has been born more and more grotesque, and more and more gigantic. The fate of the original nephelem is unknown.

A racial offshoot of giants, ogres are highly misunderstood. Mythology and fantasy liturature always portrayed ogres as nasty, ugly, and stupid creatures whos sole existance seemed to be to kill innocents and be killed by heroes. This is far from the truth. In actuality, ogres are a highly peaceful species. While it is true that ogres are by no menas an attractive species, they are in no way unintelligent. Sadly, due to the difficulty in mating and low birth rate among ogres, this poor species is slowly becoming extinct.

A magical species of non-humans. Orcs are a tribal species. While not intelligent, strong, or even very highly skilled, orcs are still a fearsome enemy due to thier overwhelming numbers. A typical tribe of orcs will number aywhere from 20 to 200 members. When attacked, the entire tribe rushes their enemies and tears them apart. There are 4 major types of orcs: the yellow skinned desert tribes, the blue or white skinned arctic tribes, the green skinned jungle tribes, and the black skinned forest tribes.

This term is used to describe any of the smaller non-human species that have an inhuman appearance. This includes goblins, trolls, hobgoblins, kobolds, and yruntie (among others)

Mutant is the term used for any species that has either come about due to outside forces (i.e. genetic manipulation, radiation, magical alteration, etc.) or has evolved in a way that is not immediately considered beneficial.

The oldest nation of the modern world, Aegyptus was founded a mere 500 years after the fall of the Second Empire of man. This desert nation is bordered on the east by the Great Desert. Aegyptian culture is based off of a dynastic theocracy, with the highest priest in the capital's temple ruling the nation. Currently in a state of martial law, imposed to aid the nation's military in stopping teh raiders from the tribes of the Great Desert.

Possibly the most powerful nation in the entire world. Corvus is run by a democratically elected official, with a new president elected every 5 years. In addition to the president, the Corvan government is made up of an elected body of representatives from each of the Corvan territories, protectorates, and colonies. Currently Corvus is in the process of recovering from a recent civil war.

An imperialistic and tyrannical nation claiming to be the true heir to the Second Empire of Man. Ruled for the last 55 years by the unaging Victor Asmodeus, Empire has been behind countless attempts to undermine the UCFS and form the world into a new Third Empire of Man. Finally joined the UCFS eleven years ago. Empire is currently under careful watch by the UCFS for human rights violations and conspiracy to sabotage the UCFS.

While not a true nation, this area of the planet is considered to be a region under the control of no one else. This desert, the largest in the world, has never been truely conquered by an one nation. The clostest anyone has come to habitating this area has been the people of Aegyptus. There is a subculture of the Aegyptian people that have lived withing the deepest parts of the Great Desert for generations, creating their own unique societies and dilects. These peoples, collectively known as the Raiders or Tribes of the Great Desert, seem to be trying to consilidate their power.

The second oldest nation of the modern world, and one of the smallest of the "empire-sized" nations. Kelshland is a flat nation, covered in a carpet of greenery. This has made it a haven for nature lovers and druidic people. Oddly enough, it is also home of one of the largest population of Dwarves in the world. Kelshland has not been very active politically in the last few years, trying to keep out of the world's spotlight.

The true heir to the Second Empire, despite what Victor Asmodeus claims. Also truely the oldest nation in the world, predating Aegyptus by almost 1000 years. The only reason this nation is not considered for either of these titles is the fact that it was only recently rediscovered. The Reaches is the location of a group of scientists that were exiled from the Second Empire. They were able to survive and continue their research, resulting in a multitude of technological innocvations. Currently, the inhabitants of the Reaches are trying to come to terms with the modern world, a world that has evolved and changed without them for countless generations.

The fourth oldest nation in the world, and the one that has changed the least. Shodan is currently a mystery to those outside it's borders. The only nation left relatively untouched by the Collapse, Shodan has closed its borders. They are currently expereinceing a civil war of sorts, with various political and military factions fighting over the proper use of their high level of technology. This problem is exacerbated by the fact thet their last Empress has just died, leaving her 12 year old son to replace her.

Once the nation of Eduin, this region has been reduced to a baren wasteland. Even more inhospitable than the Great Desert, this nation was unsuitable for even teh Faceless Ones. In fact, there are only five species of animal know to be able to survive in this region, as well as a few mutant varieties of standard species. There are currently a series of small "kingdoms" of people, human and non-human, attempting to etch out a living in one of the few areas left uninhabited on the planet.

The most powerful nation in the world from a religious standpoint. The Glorious Brotherhood is the home of the United Brotherhood of Theologians. The nation itself is actually comprised of many smaller religious communes, each paying a stipend to the church for use of the land. There are very few cities, with the largest civilized section of the country being the Tower of Faith and the city surrounding it.