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New Earth: Quick Start Rules

New Earth: Basic Edition
by Jonathan Jordan

Welcome to New Earth. Or, should I say welcome to the basics of what make up New Earth. The rules contained in this document are not the complete rules for the New Earth game. They are, in fact, just a basic introduction to the game. Within these pages, you will find a few pre-made characters fully compatible with the full version of New Earth as well as basic rules covering combat, skills, magic, and psi. These rules allows you to play this game, but the full rules are still recommended.

Rolling the Dice
Whenever you attempt to do anything in which you have a chance of failure, you must make a roll for success.

To make a roll for success, all you have to do it roll two ten-sided dice, with one representing the "ones" and one representing the "tens". If your total, after adding in all bonuses and penalties, is under your skill or stat rating you have succeeded. If you roll higher than your rating you have failed.

All you have to remember is that any time you are attempting to do something, the lower you roll the better you do. Because of this, any roll that would be considered a roll of 100 in another system (double zeroes) is instead considered to be a roll of zero.

Bonuses and Penalties
Some characters start with advantages and/or disadvantages that provide penalties or bonuses to certain rolls. Whenever you see a +/-x% it means that you must adjust the appropriate roll by the number x. It is important to remember that a +x% is a penalty, even though it looks like it would be a bonus. It raises your roll, which could cause you to fail or even fumble.

Critical Successes and Fumbles
If you roll exceptionally low on your check, you may have gotten a critical success. Your critical success number for all of your traits has already been figured out, and is noted in the character description. Any roll of a perfect zero is always considered a critical success. Whenever you roll a critical success you are considered to have performed the task exceptionally well. The exact effect of your critical success is determined by the EM, unless rules for criticals have already been given (as with magic, combat, and psi).

If you roll an extremely high number your failure is considered to have been almost catastrophic. Your fumble number for all of your traits has already been determined and noted in your character description. Rolling a natural 99 is always considered a fumble. Rolling a fumble is the worst thing that could happen. The results of fumbles are left up to the EM, unless rules for fumbles have already been given (as with magic, combat, and psi).

Stun Points
Stun points are a representation of how much punishment you can take without actually being injured. Loss of stun points can be thought of as getting small scrapes, cuts, and bruises. If you ever take more than 10 stun damage from any one hit you also take one wound (location determined by the random hit location chart). Any damage which exceeds your total stun points is converted to wounds on a 5 stun points= 1 wound basis. Stun damage is equal to twice your Physical Endurance.

All living things have the opportunity to be damaged. They also are able to repair that damage to themselves. Once all stun points are regained the character will heal one wound for every 10 stun points they would have healed. Cross-reference your Physical Endurance score with the results on the chart below. The numbers on the chart are for a full hour of uninterrupted rest. Numbers in the parenthesis are if the character is active for up to 1/3 of that time. If a character is active for more than 8 hours in one day they will not heal any damage at all.

Healing Rate Chart
P. Endurance Stun Healed
0 or less 0 (0)
1-25 1 (0)
26-50 2 (1)
51-75 3 (1)
76-100 4 (2)
101+ 5 (2)

Wounds are a measure of how much damage your body can take before failing on you. Human and humanoid bodies are divided into 7 damage locations (head, abdomen, torso, right and left leg, right and left arm). When attacking you always target a specific wound location. Each wound location has a different number of wounds.

The head starts at 3 wounds. If reduced to 0 or less wounds you are killed. The torso starts with 15 wounds. When reduced to 0 wounds the character is unconscious, if hit again you will die. The abdomen starts with 5 wounds. If reduced to 0 wounds you are killed. Each leg starts with 3 wounds. When reduced to 0 wounds the leg is completely destroyed. Each arm starts with 3 wounds. When reduced to 0 wound the arm is destroyed.

The following rules will outline the way to resolve combat situations.

    Combat Order
  1. Determine initiative
  2. Declare actions (highest to lowest initiative)
  3. Resolve actions (lowest to highest initiative)
  4. Action resolution is as follows:
    1. Roll attack
    2. If skill roll is successful opponent rolls defense
    3. Compare results on the Combat Effects chart
    4. Resolve any special results
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until combat is over (there are no opposing characters)

Initiative is what we use to determine when each participant in a combat acts. At the beginning of each combat roll 1d and add it to your initiative value. This is your initiative for the combat. Each character and NPC announces what they will be doing for the current round of combat in order from the highest to the lowest initiative. Once everyone has announced their actions, all actions resolve in order from lowest to highest (reverse declaration order).

The initiative value of each character has already been figured out and is noted in the character description.

When you attack someone you must announce which part of them you are aiming for (head, abdomen, torso, left or right leg, and left or right arm). If you do not announce where you are attacking your target you need to roll 1D on the following table.

Random Hit Location Table
Roll Location
0 Head
1-3 Torso
4-5 Abdomen
6 Right Arm
7 Left Arm
8 Right Leg
9 Left Leg

Now you roll the combat skill corresponding to the weapon you are using (or hand to hand if you are unarmed), adding in any modifiers. If you roll a success your opponent rolls for defense. Consult the Combat Effects Chart to determine results. It is also important to note that if you attack in a turn that you also have to defend against an attack your defensive skill rating is halved (round down).

A dodge is moving out of the way of an incoming attack so that it misses you. Dodge is the only defensive skill that can be used against both melee and ranged attacks. When you are hit by an attack and have not taken any actions during the current round of combat, you may attempt to dodge the incoming attack. If you succeed on the roll you are not hit by the attack at all. You may attempt to dodge even if you have already taken an action this round, with a +15 penalty.

A parry is the skill of using one of your weapons to stop an oncoming attack. Parry can be used to stop armed melee attacks and martial arts attacks only. An additional restriction on parries is the types of weapons that can be used for them. You may only parry effectively with a melee weapon (i.e. swords, daggers, staffs, etc). Any attempt to parry with a weapon other than a melee weapon suffer a +30 penalty. When you are hit by an attack and have not taken any actions during the current round of combat, you may attempt to parry the incoming attack. If you succeed on the roll you are able to deflect the attack (see the following table for effects). You may attempt to parry even if you have already taken an action this round, with a +15 penalty.

A block is using your own body to stop an incoming attack. Block can be used against any melee attack (armed or unarmed), but will only stop some of the damage. When you are hit by an attack and have not taken any actions during the current round of combat, you may attempt to block the incoming attack. If you succeed on the roll you are able to intercept the attack (see the following table for effects). You may attempt to block even if you have already taken an action this round, with a +15 penalty.

Combat Effects
Failed Attack- No effect.
Fumbled Attack- Roll on the appropriate Fumble Table (by weapon type).
Attack vs. Failed Dodge/Parry/Block- Normal damage.
Attack vs. Dodge- No damage, same effect as a failed attack.
Attack vs. Parry- Damage is reduced by the structure of the defending weapon. Excess damage is applied as normal. If total damage exceeds defending weapon's structure its structure is permanently reduced by one. Weapons that have their structure to 0 are destroyed.
Attack vs. Block- Damage is halved.
Attack vs. Fumbled Dodge- Attack damage is doubled.
Attack vs. Fumbled Parry- Attack damage is doubled, then reduced by the structure of the defending weapon. Excess damage is applied as normal. If total damage exceeds defending weapon's structure its structure is permanently reduced by one. Weapons that have their structure to 0 are destroyed.
Attack vs. Fumbled Block- Attack damage is doubled.
Attack vs. Critical Dodge- No damage. Defender gains a free attack on the attacker, which may be made immediately.
Attack vs. Critical Parry- Damage is reduced to 0. If total damage exceeds defending weapon's structure the attacking weapon's structure is permanently reduced by one. Weapons that have their structure to 0 are destroyed.
Attack vs. Critical Block- No damage. Attacker takes half damage as if he had been the target of the attack.
Critical Attack vs. Failed Dodge/Parry/Block- Roll on the appropriate Critical Attack table (by weapon type).
Critical Attack vs. Dodge- Attack happens as if it were a normal attack.
Critical Attack vs. Parry- Damage is reduced by the structure of the defending weapon. Excess damage is applied as normal. Defending weapon has its structure halved (round down). In addition, if total damage exceeds defending weapon's structure its structure is permanently reduced by one. Weapons that have their structure to 0 are destroyed.
Critical Attack vs. Block- Normal attack. Defender must make a Physical Endurance roll or take an additional wound of damage.
Critical Attack vs. Fumbled Dodge- Attack damage is doubled. Defender is on the ground and loses their next action getting up.
Critical Attack vs. Fumbled Parry- Attack damage is doubled. Parry does not reduce damage at all. Defending weapon is shattered.
Critical Attack vs. Fumbled Block- Attack damage is doubled. Roll on the appropriate Critical Attack Table (by weapon). This roll has a -4 modifier
Critical Attack vs. Critical Dodge- No damage
Critical Attack vs. Critical Parry- Damage is reduced by the structure of the defending weapon. Excess damage is applied as normal. If total damage exceeds defending weapon's structure its structure is permanently reduced by one. Weapons that have their structure reduced to 0 are destroyed
Critical Attack vs. Critical Block- Damage is halved.

The following table is used to determine the effect of a critical hit.
Critical Hits Tables
1d Result
0 Instant death.
1-2 +8 stun, +4 penalty to all actions.
3-4 +4 stun, +2 penalty to all actions.
5-6 +2 stun, +1 penalty to all actions.
7-8 +2 stun.
9 +1 stun.

The following table is used when you roll a fumble.
Fumble Tables
1d Result
0 You hit the target but no damage is done
1-2 Lose all actions this round.
3-4 +9 penalty to all attacks this combat.
5-6 Make roll to hit on anyone standing directly in front of you that is not your original target.
7-8 Opponent gains a free attack on you immediately.
9 You hit yourself for normal damage.

Once you have determined whether you have actually hit your opponent, you need to know how much damage you are going to do.

If you look at your weapon description you will notice that they all have a damage value. Take that number and add the damage modifier (as show on the following chart). The total number is how many wounds/stun damage the attack will do. Note that if a weapon does stun damage that the modifier will not change the damage to wounds or add wounds, it will add stun damage (which may add up to a wound). Stun damage weapons only do stun damage.

A special note: All hand to hand attacks do a base of 0 stun damage. Martial arts attacks do a base of 1 stun damage. There are weapons that are used in "unarmed" combat that alter this number. They will be discussed in the weapons section.

Armor Rating (AR)
All armor provides protection from damage. Any time you are wearing something that provides an armor rating (AR) you reduce the wounds done by the AR of your armor. Some characters start out with a natural AR.

Combat Damage Adjustment Table
Strength/Agility Damage Adjustment
1-10 -1 wound
11-20 -9 stun
21-30 -6 stun
31-40 -3 stun
41-50 no adjustment (1 stun damage done if unarmed)
51-60 +3 stun
61-70 +6 stun
71-80 +9 stun
81-90 +1 wound
91-100 +2 wounds
101+ +3 wounds

Combat Modifiers
Type Modifier
Targeting Head +40
Targeting Arm +15
Targeting Leg +15
Targeting Abdomen +10
Targeting Torso No modifier
Shooting at a moving target +10
Using your off hand +15
Using 2 weapons at once (different) +25
Using 2 weapons at once (same) +10
Parry with non-usual weapon +30
Defending after taking an action +15

The following rules are the basics of magic use. They do not include the process of creating your own spells, but do introduce some of the basic concepts of spell casting.

Casting Spells
A spell has four parts, its range, its area of effect, its duration, and its effect/damage. All of these four parts must be built into a spell for it to work. This step has already been done for you. To cast a spell, just make a magic studies roll. You will need to make this roll each turn for a number of turns equal to the total casting time (listed in the spell description). At the end of this time, if you have not fumbled any rolls the spell will go off. If you do fumble the roll you must roll on the spell failure table. Every failure you get while rolling for spell success requires a roll on the spell quirks table. Every critical success you get will reduce the casting time by an additional turn. If you get a critical success on the final turn of a spell you have two choices. You can either have the spell go off as normal, with all quirks negated, or you can roll once on the spell boost table to see what added benefit you get.

Whenever you fail a Magic Studies roll when attempting to cast a spell, you do not immediately have your spell fail on you. Instead, keep track of the number of failures you rolled. After the last roll for the spell's success tally up the number of failures. For every failure you rolled you must roll one time on the Spell Quirks table. For every 5 rolls you would have to make on this table you may instead roll on the spell failure table.

Quirk Table
Roll Result
0 No effect
1 Colorful bubbles come out of casters mouth instead of words.
2 Caster's voice becomes squeaky for the next 1d days.
3 Colored streamers pour from caster's fingers.
4 Music fills the air.
5 All normal fires within 3 meters extinguish.
6 Spell goes off in a flash of rose petals.
7 All sounds suddenly stop, total silence.
8 Whenever caster opens his mouth all that comes out is a smelly, yellow fog.
9 Caster's eyes glow in the dark.

Spell Failure
If, while rolling for spell success, you ever fumble a roll you immediately stop rolling for success and roll on the following table. You may also choose to roll on this table in place of 5 rolls on the spell quirk table, if you choose to do so.

Spell Failure Table
Roll Effect
0 No effect.
1 Spell doesn't go off. No other effect.
2 Spell doesn't go off, take 2d stun damage.
3 Spell doesn't go off, take 1d stun damage, take 1 wound of damage (any location).
4 Spell doesn't go off, lose all remaining points, lose 1 wound from head, abdomen, or torso
5 Spell goes off, hits target for half effect.
6 Spell goes off, hits target for no effect.
7 Caster is deafened for 1d days. Spell fails.
8 Caster is mute for 1d days. Spell fails.
9 Caster is blind for 1d days. Spell fails.

Spell Boosts
Whenever you get a critical success the last round of spell casting you have one of two options: either ignore all rolls indication a spell quirk ro roll for a spell boost. If you choose to roll for a spell boost you need to roll on the following table. Whenever you get a result of 6-9 on this table will give you extra points that can be spent on specific areas of the spell.

Critical Spell Boost Table
Roll Effect
0 Roll three times and combine the results
1 Roll three times and combine the results
2 All four parts of the spell (range, area, duration, and damage/effect) raised by 1d
3 Any 3 parts of the spell (range, area, duration, and damage/effect) raised by 1d
4 Any 2 parts of the spell (range, area, duration, and damage/effect) raised by 1d
5 Any 1 part of the spell (range, area, duration, and damage/effect) raised by 1d
6 Range is increased by 1d
7 Duration is increased by 1d
8 Area of effect is increased by 1d
9 Effect is increased by 1d

All psi abilities have 7 levels of ability, called a body. As you become better at focusing your mind you advance to the higher bodies in your psi. It helps to think of the bodies as follows:

Using Psi
Use of psi is as simple as rolling your psi studies skill. If you succeed the ability works. Criticals and fumbles for each psi ability are explained in their description.
Many of these abilities have effects that last longer than a single turn. For every turn over the first that you wish a power to have effect you must make a psi studies roll. The roll is modified by +2% for each turn you maintain the ability, +4% per turn if performing any actions other than concentrating on the ability. The modifier of maintaining an ability can never be increased beyond a +20% penalty. Also note that some abilities have their durations in increments other than turns. When rolling to maintain these abilities use the same method as above, but substitute the correct time interval for turns.

Strength 75 7 97
Agility 70 7 97
Physical Endurance 75 7 97
Intuition 45 4 94
Intelligence 45 4 94
Mental Endurance 50 5 95
Persuasion 45 4 94
Popularity 50 5 95
Appearance 45 4 94
Luck 60 6 96
Inner Strength 50 5 95
Occult Endurance 50 5 95

Climbing 32 3 93
Driving 25 2 92
Running 33 3 93
Sports 20 2 92
Survival 40 4 94
Folklore 40 4 94
Religion 40 4 94
Alchemy 25 2 92
First Aid 14 1 91
Leadership 14 1 91
Mechanics 7 0 90
Tracking 10 1 91
Weapon Repair 5 0 90

Block 15 1 91
Dodge 15 1 91
Hand to Hand 30 3 93
Heavy Weapons 30 3 93
Semi-Automatic 30 3 93

Combat Mind, Danger Sense, Fearless, Bad Habit: Spitting, Bad Temper, Berserk, Impulsive, Overconfident, Stubborn

STUN- 150

VLAW Heavy Weapons 3 +7 2 Takes 4 turns to reload
Brass Knuckles Hand to Hand 5 stun +1 n/a none
Light Autopistol Semi Automatic 2 +2 15 Takes 2 turns to reload

Whenever you enter combat you gain a -10% bonus to all attack and defense rolls.
All damage you do is raised by 5 stun, and all damage you take is reduced by 3 stun.
All of your companions receive a -5% bonus to attack and defense rolls.
You are given a 60% chance of sensing any danger before it happens.
You have a -10% bonus to all rolls related to avoiding fear.
You receive a +1 to all reaction scores from people who might notice your spitting.
Whenever you are in a stressful situation you must make a mental endurance roll. If you fail this roll you have lost your temper and must attack, insult, or somehow express your anger.
Whenever you are hit more than 3 times in a single combat round, or take up to 10 stun (1 wound) of damage you will lose control. While berserk you may only attack, never bothering to defend yourself. You must attack the closest opponent. All of your attacks are made at -30%. Every time you defeat an opponent you may make a mental endurance roll to snap out of the rage. If you fail this roll you will go on to attack the next foe. If you are out of foes and still have not left this state you will start attacking your friends.
Whenever you are in a situation where you have a choice between quick action and talking things through, you will take action first. You can resist impulsive behavior with a mental endurance roll.
Whenever you are doing something cautious you must make an intelligence roll. If you fail this roll you will rush into whatever situation it is as if you could handle it.
You will never listen to anyone else's suggestions. All reaction rolls suffer a +1 penalty.

Strength 45 4 94
Agility 70 7 97
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 30 3 93
Intelligence 55 5 95
Mental Endurance 55 5 95
Persuasion 50 5 95
Popularity 40 4 94
Appearance 50 5 95
Luck 70 7 97
Inner Strength 70 7 97
Occult Endurance 80 8 98

Alchemy 20 2 92
Magic History 25 2 92
Magic Studies 55 5 95
Meditate 30 3 93
Occult History 20 2 92
Acrobatics 25 2 92
Escape Artist 20 2 92
Running 20 2 92
Stealth 35 3 93
Linguistics: Imperial 10 1 91
Literacy: Imperial 5 0 90
Research 35 3 93
Blunt 10 1 91
Dodge 40 4 94
Hand to Hand 25 2 92
Short Blade 15 1 91
Small Arms and Pistols 15 1 91
Thrown Weapons 15 1 91

Eidetic Memory, Magical Aptitude, Albinism, Flashbacks, Jealous, Jinxed, Paranoia

STUN- 90

Dagger Short Blade 2 stun -1 n/a none

Fire Bolt 12 meters 1 target Instant 1 wound 8 turns
Touch of Pain Touch 1 target 5 minutes 1 stun 4 turns
Magic Shield Self 6 meters 7.5 minutes 3 AR 12 turns
Flight Self Self 6 minutes Flight 8 turns

Because of your lack of pigment you are very susceptible to sunburn, taking one stun damage every 30 minutes you are exposed to direct sunlight. All of your ranged attack rolls are made at +10% while in direct sunlight.
Any time you are in a situation of great stress you must make a mental endurance roll. Failure means you have a flashback, all rolls suffer a +10% penalty.
You will resists doing anything proposed by someone you deem a rival (i.e. anyone smarter, stronger, better looking, etc.).
You give everyone in your immediate area a +5% on all rolls. This will hit your friends as well as your enemies.
All your reaction rolls suffer a +3 penalty. Any reaction penalties from other sources are doubled.

Strength 45 4 94
Agility 50 5 95
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 40 4 94
Intelligence 70 7 97
Mental Endurance 50 5 95
Persuasion 50 5 95
Popularity 45 4 94
Appearance 45 4 94
Luck 75 7 97
Inner Strength 70 7 97
Occult Endurance 75 7 97

Folklore 10 1 91
Meditate 30 3 93
Occult History 15 1 91
Psi History 30 3 93
Psi Studies 55 5 95
Religion 10 1 91
Education 30 3 93
History 35 3 93
Research 35 3 93
Diplomacy 20 2 92
Driving 10 1 91
Gambling 20 2 92

Archery 10 1 91
Dodge 30 3 93
Long Blade 25 2 92
Parry 10 1 91
Rifles and Shotguns 15 1 91
Thrown Weapons 20 2 92
Whip 10 1 91

Psi Aptitude, Gullible, Phobia: Enclosed Spaces

STUN- 90

Throwing Knives Thrown Weapons 1 +0 10 None
Sabre Long Blade 3 +2 n/a None

You can talk to, and receive responses from, four other people. All surface thoughts of all people involved in the telepathic communication are able to be read by everyone in the telepathic communication. If you fumble your roll, you have inadvertantly allowed all intelligent creatures within a 10' radius into the telepathic comminucation. All opponents gain -3 initiative against you from reading your thoughts. On a critical, you are able to strengthen the psychic bond for a short while. The telepathic link may be maintained for an additional turn without the need to reroll. This will not increase the modifier for maintaining the ability.

You can move 20 kg of weight. Movement rate is at 3 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner. It is now possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a +20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 30. If you fumble, you were unable to maintain your concentration. You drop whatever it is you were trying to lift. If using this ability to throw something, roll on the fumble table. With a critical you achieve a moment of extreme mental clarity. Not only does the ability work, it works at double efficiency. You can lift twice as much, move it twice as far in half the time, and can keep it from falling for twice as long. If using this ability to throw something, roll on the critical hit table.

If someone is trying to convince you of something untruthful you must make an intuition roll (modified as the EM sees fit) to avoid believing them, even if the story is completely absurd.
When confronted with your fear of enclosed spaces, you must make a Mental Endurance roll with a +20% penalty or be completely immobilized by fear. The only action you may take if this occurs is to try to get away from the situation causing your fear.

Strength 50 5 95
Agility 60 6 96
Physical Endurance 50 5 95
Intuition 75 7 97
Intelligence 75 7 97
Mental Endurance 70 7 97
Persuasion 50 5 95
Popularity 50 5 95
Appearance 40 4 94
Luck 50 5 95
Inner Strength 45 4 94
Occult Endurance 45 4 94

Computer Hacking 25 2 92
Computer Operation 35 3 93
Computer Programming 25 2 92
Electronics 25 2 92
Electronics Engineering 20 2 92
Engineering 20 2 92
Driving 30 3 93
Motorcycle Driving 30 3 3
Running 25 2 92
Swimming 15 1 91
Bribery 20 2 92
Gambling 20 2 92
Streetwise 10 1 91

Dodge 30 3 93
Energy Weapons 30 3 93
Short Blade 30 3 93
Small Arms and Pistols 30 3 93

Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Sight, Internal Clock, Internal Compass, Minor Contact, Strong Will, Low Pain Threshold, Pacifism

STUN- 100

Laser Pistol Energy 1 -1 10 None
Switchblade Short Blade 1 -2 n/a None
Very Light Pistol Small Arms and Pistols 1 -3 6 None

You have a 40% chance of hearing any noise.
You can see double the normal distance.
You always know the time, down to the exact second.
You can never get lost, no matter where you are. This works, even if you are on another planet, in outer space, underwater, or anywhere else.
When in need, you have a friend ins a beneficial location. THis friend does not have access to much, but may be able to help in some small way.
Whenever making a mental/physical resistance roll in regards to willpower you gain a -15% bonus.
All damage done to you is raised by 1 stun. Whenever you are hit for more than 5 stun damage you must make a physical endurance roll or pass out.
You do not like violence at all, and will try to avoid it at all costs. You will only fight if you are trying to defend yourself, but only using enough force to stop the assault.

Strength 75 7 97
Agility 75 7 97
Physical Endurance 70 7 97
Intuition 50 5 95
Intelligence 45 4 94
Mental Endurance 45 4 94
Persuasion 60 6 96
Popularity 50 5 95
Appearance 50 5 95
Luck 60 6 96
Inner Strength 40 4 94
Occult Endurance 40 4 94

Acrobatics 35 3 93
Climbing 20 2 92
Hunting 35 3 93
Running 25 2 92
Survival 35 3 93
Gambling 25 2 92
Interrogation 25 2 92
Leadership 25 2 92
Streetwise 25 2 92
First Aid 30 3 93
Medical Doctor 20 2 92

Block 40 4 94
Dodge 20 2 92
Hand to Hand 60 6 96
Martial Arts 5 0 90

Combat Mind, High Pain Threshold, Glory Hound, Impulsive, Overconfident

STUN- 140

Brass Knuckles Hand to Hand 5 stun -1 n/a none
Martial Arts Martial Arts 1 stun -1 n/a none

Whenever you enter combat you gain a -10% bonus to all attack and defense rolls. All damage you do is raised by 5 stun, and all damage you take is reduced by 3 stun. In addition, all of your companions receive a -5% bonus to attack and defense rolls.
You may only be stunned in combat if the injury is to the head.
Whenever there is a chance to make yourself look good you will take it, regardless of the danger. When possible you will give interviews, sign autographs, and make your actions as public as you can. All reaction rolls with the media, children, and fans gain a -1 bonus, but all reaction rolls with people who know you are at +1.
Whenever you are in a situation where you have a choice between quick action and talking things through, you will take action first. You can resist impulsive behavior with a mental endurance roll.
Whenever you are doing something cautious you must make an intelligence roll. If you fail this roll you will rush into whatever situation it is as if you could handle it.

Strength 40 4 94
Agility 55 5 95
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 60 6 96
Intelligence 60 6 96
Mental Endurance 40 4 94
Persuasion 80 8 98
Popularity 70 7 97
Appearance 70 7 97
Luck 50 5 95
Inner Strength 40 4 94
Occult Endurance 50 5 95

Acting 20 2 92
Bribery 35 3 93
Diplomacy 35 3 93
Interrogation 20 2 92
Law 30 3 93
Leadership 20 2 92
History 15 1 91
Linguistics: Imperial 10 1 91
Linguistics: Shodani 20 2 92
Linguistics: Corvan 25 2 92
Literacy: Imperial 10 1 91
Literacy: Shodani 20 2 92
Folklore 25 2 92
Riding 25 2 92

Blunt 15 1 91
Dodge 15 1 91
Hand to Hand 20 2 92
Short Blade 25 2 92
Small Arms and Pistols 25 2 92
Thrown Weapons 20 2 92

Enhanced Hearing, Intuition, Peripheral Vision, Unfazeable, Coward, Glory Hound, Greed, Paranoia

STUN- 90

Dagger Short Blade 2 stun -2 n/a None
Light Pistol Small Arms and Pistols 2 -2 8 None
Caltrop Thrown Weapons 1 stun -2 10 None

You have a 40% chance of hearing any noise.
You may roll against your intuition to ask the EM for a hint. If you fail the roll you may be given a good clue, or you may have come up with the wrong way to do things. A success will always give you a hint that is beneficial.
You are only surprised on a 1-in-10 (when surprise applies)and suffer no penalties from attacks behind you. You may make an attack to your rear at half your normal skill level.
All your reaction rolls suffer a +1 penalty.
All reaction rolls with the media, children, and fans gain a -1 bonus.
Any checks for fright are made at double efficiency (i.e. If you would normally roll against fear with a 40% chance of success it is now an 80% chance).
Whenever you are in a situation where you risk injury you must make a mental endurance roll. Failure means you will do whatever is necessary to keep out of danger (i.e. you will run and hide).
Whenever money or other material wealth is offered you must make a mental endurance roll or succumb to your temptation.

Strength 45 4 94
Agility 45 4 94
Physical Endurance 50 5 95
Intuition 50 5 95
Intelligence 45 4 94
Mental Endurance 45 4 94
Persuasion 60 6 96
Popularity 50 5 95
Appearance 50 5 95
Luck 75 7 97
Inner Strength 70 7 97
Occult Endurance 75 7 97

Alchemy 15 1 91
Folklore 10 1 91
Meditate 40 4 94
Religion 85 5 95
Animal Handling 40 4 94
Diplomacy 70 7 97
Education 10 1 91
First Aid 15 1 91
Medical Doctor 25 2 92
Riding 10 1 91
Veterinary Medicine 10 1 91

Block 45 4 94
Blunt 15 1 91
Dodge 45 4 94
Hand to Hand 15 2 92

Animal Affinity, Blessed, Healing, Missing Arm, Pacifism

STUN- 100

Staff Blunt 7 stun +1 n/a None

Healing Touch Touch 1 target Instant Heal 1d wound N/A

All animal reaction rolls receive a -3 bonus.
May cast Greater Healing up to 5 times a day. No roll needed, automatic success.
You receive a -2 reaction bonus the highly religious.
Whenever you are attempting to heal an injury on someone else all results are doubled. You may not use this healing ability on yourself.
You cannot use a 2 handed weapon and all skills pertaining to upper body strength suffer a +40% penalty.
You will never fight for any reason whatsoever, and in fact will try to dissuade others from entering into fights too.

Strength 40 4 94
Agility 75 7 97
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 60 6 96
Intelligence 45 4 94
Mental Endurance 35 3 93
Persuasion 90 9 99
Popularity 90 9 99
Appearance 40 4 94
Luck 60 6 96
Inner Strength 50 5 95
Occult Endurance 30 3 93

Acting 20 2 92
Bribery 40 4 94
Disguise 35 3 93
Gambling 20 2 92
Streetwise 35 3 93
Climbing 25 2 92
Escape Artist 25 2 92
Pick Pockets 25 2 92
Stealth 30 3 93
Counterfeiting 15 1 91
Forgery 15 1 91
Security 10 1 91
Tracking 10 1 91

Dodge 25 2 92
Grenade Weapons 25 2 92
Rifles and Shotguns 20 2 92
Short Blade 25 2 92
Thrown Weapons 25 2 92

Alertness, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Sight, Resist Psi, Ghost, Night Vision, Peripheral Vision, Compulsive Thief, Coward, Greed, Impulsive

STUN- 90

Sniper Rifle Rifles and Shotguns 4 +2 15 1 turn reload
Grenade Grenade Weapons 2 +0 1 None
Stiletto Short Blade 1 stun +0 n/a None
Dart Thrown Weapons 2 stun +0 n/a None

You have a 25% chance of avoiding an ambush or sneak attack due to exceptional hearing. You can taste poison in food at 15% accuracy.
As long as you do not open any bank accounts with your real name, and you keep your name out of computer databases no one will be able to electronically track you.
All penalties due to darkness are halved.
You are only surprised on a 1-in-10 (when surprise applies)and suffer no penalties from attacks behind you. You may make an attack to your rear at half your normal skill level.
You have an uncontrollable urge to steal things.
Whenever you are in a situation where you risk injury you must make a mental endurance roll. Failure means you will do whatever is necessary to keep out of danger (i.e. you will run and hide).
Whenever money or other material wealth is offered you must make a mental endurance roll or succumb to your temptation.
Whenever you are in a situation where you have a choice between quick action and talking things through, you will take action first. You can resist impulsive behavior with a mental endurance roll.

Strength 75 7 97
Agility 70 7 97
Physical Endurance 75 7 97
Intuition 50 5 95
Intelligence 35 3 93
Mental Endurance 75 7 97
Persuasion 55 5 95
Popularity 35 3 93
Appearance 50 5 95
Luck 50 5 95
Inner Strength 45 4 94
Occult Endurance 45 4 94

Climbing 25 5 95
Running 25 2 92
SCUBA Diving 35 3 93
Survival 30 3 93
Swimming 35 3 93
Computer Operation 25 2 92
Cryptography 10 1 91
Explosives 15 1 91
First Aid 25 2 92
Navigation 25 2 92
Law 25 2 92
Leadership 25 2 92

Block 15 1 91
Dodge 15 1 91
Hand to Hand 30 3 93
Small Arms and Pistols 30 3 93
Semi-Automatic 30 3 93

Lecherous, Overconfident, Sadism, Stubborn, Minor Ally, High Pain Threshold, Peripheral Vision, Rapid Healer, Reputation.

STUN- 150

Brass Knuckles Hand to Hand 5 stun +0 n/a none
Light Autopistol Semi Automatic 2 +1 15 Takes 2 turns to reload
Light Pistol Small Arms and Pistols 2 +0 8 Takes 2 turnd to reload

Whenever you are in contact with someone of the opposite sex you must make a mental endurance roll, subtracting their (appearance/2) from your roll. If you succeed you are able to fight off your urges this time. If you fail, you will automatically begin to make passes at the person. If the person of the opposite sex has an appearance higher than 70% you must make a roll once for every hour of contact. Whenever you are doing something cautious you must make an intelligence roll. If you fail this roll you will rush into whatever situation it is as if you could handle it. You suffer +3 reaction with those who know how sadistic you are. Any time you need to leave someone unharmed you must make a mental endurance roll. You have made some good friends. With this advantage you are able to create an ally, which will be played by the EM when he is around. The point costs are as follows: 5 points give you 500 points to create an ally. 10 points give you 700 points to make an ally. 15 points give you 900 points to create an ally. 20 points allow you to make a 1000-point ally. The list goes on like that, giving you an extra 100 character points for your ally per 5 advantage points you spend. Ally creation rules can be found in the Earth Master Section of this book. You feel pain far less than most people. All penalties from injuries are negated, and you may only be stunned in combat if the injury is to the head. You are only surprised 10% of the time (when applicable) and suffer no penalties from attacks behind you. You may make an attack to your rear at half your normal skill level. All healing times are halved and your healing rate is determined as if your physical endurance was 10% higher. You gain -1 to all reaction rolls.

Strength 45 4 94
Agility 50 5 95
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 60 6 96
Intelligence 85 8 98
Mental Endurance 75 7 97
Persuasion 50 5 95
Popularity 45 4 94
Appearance 45 4 94
Luck 45 4 94
Inner Strength 65 6 96
Occult Endurance 50 5 95

Cryptography 10 1 91
Education 30 3 93
Geography 15 1 91
History 20 2 92
Literacy: Kelsh 25 2 92
Literacy: Aegyptu 25 2 92
Research 25 2 92
Folklore 20 2 92
Magic History 20 2 92
Occult History 20 2 92
Psi History 20 2 92
Religion 20 2 92
Acting 10 1 91
Bribery 10 1 91
Diplomacy 10 1 91
Disguise 10 1 91
Law 10 1 91

Hand to Hand 30 3 93
Block 20 2 92
Dodge 70 7 97

Albinism, Hemophilia, Low Pain Threshold, Enhanced Sight, Intuition, Jack-of-all-trades.

STUN- 90

Bare Fist Hand to hand 0 stun -1 n/a none

Your hair and skin are white and your eyes are pink. Because of your lack of pigment you are very susceptible to sunburn, taking one stun damage every 30 minutes you are exposed to direct sunlight.
Each turn after taking any damage you will lose an amount of stun equal to the total stun damage you took from the hit (remember 1 wound=10 stun). A successful First Aid roll will stop this additional stun loss. Any effects due to a critical hit are increased an entire level. These wounds can only be treated by magic, psi healing, or medical care.
All damage done to you is raised by 1 stun. All penalties due to injury are doubled. Whenever you are hit for more than 5 stun damage you must make a physical endurance roll or pass out.
You can see double the normal distance and can distinguish forgeries from authentic items by sight alone.
You may roll against your intuition to ask the EM for a hint. If you fail the roll you may be given a good clue, or you may have come up with the wrong way to do things. A success will always give you a hint that is beneficial.
You are considered to have at least a 5% in all skills (even ones you did not purchase).

Strength 45 4 94
Agility 50 5 95
Physical Endurance 45 4 94
Intuition 85 8 98
Intelligence 85 8 98
Mental Endurance 55 5 95
Persuasion 65 6 96
Popularity 50 5 95
Appearance 45 4 94
Luck 75 7 97
Inner Strength 35 3 93
Occult Endurance 30 3 93

Accounting 45 4 94
Counterfeiting 5 0 90
Cryptography 10 1 91
Locksmith 20 2 92
Security 35 3 93
Surveillance Systems 35 3 93
Acting 5 0 90
Bribery 15 1 91
Gambling 25 2 92
Law 30 3 93
Streetwise 25 2 92
Religion 25 2 92
Folklore 25 2 92

Hand to Hand 30 3 93
Short Blade 30 3 93
Small Arms and Pistols 30 3 93
Parry 30 3 93

Bad Habit: Bad Breath, Dwarfism, Greed, Jealous, Stubborn, Intuition, Rapid Healer, Reputation, Unfazeable, Wealth.

STUN- 90

Knife Short Blade 1 -1 N/A none
Light Pistol Small Arms and Pistols 2 -2 8 2 turns to reload

All ranged attacks targeting you are at +6% to hit.
Reaction rolls also suffer a +4 penalty.
Whenever money or other material wealth is offered you must make a mental endurance roll or succumb to your temptation.
You will resists doing anything proposed by someone you deem a rival (i.e. anyone smarter, stronger, better looking, etc.)
You will never listen to anyone else's suggestions.
You may roll against your intuition to ask the EM for a hint. If you fail the roll you may be given a good clue, or you may have come up with the wrong way to do things. A success will always give you a hint that is beneficial.
All healing times are halved and your healing rate is determined as if your physical endurance was 10% higher.
Any checks for fright are made at double efficiency (i.e. If you would normally roll against fear with a 40% chance of success it is now an 80% chance).
You are wealthy enough to afford more high quality merchandise for yourself.

Strength 40 4 94
Agility 50 5 95
Physical Endurance 50 5 95
Intuition 50 5 95
Intelligence 40 4 94
Mental Endurance 50 5 95
Persuasion 45 4 94
Popularity 90 9 99
Appearance 90 9 99
Luck 50 5 95
Inner Strength 60 6 96
Occult Endurance 50 5 95

Acting 30 3 93
Animal Handling 30 3 93
Disguise 30 3 93
Gambling 30 3 93
Streetwise 30 3 93
Alchemy 25 2 92
Folklore 25 2 92
Meditate 25 2 92
Religion 25 2 92
Acrobatics 10 1 91
Climbing 10 1 91
Escape Artist 10 1 91
Riding 10 1 91
Sports 10 1 91

Martial Arts 30 3 93
Block 30 3 93
Dodge 30 3 93
Parry 30 3 93

Glory Hound, Greed, Overconfident, Paranoia, Ambidexterity, Double Jointed, Perfect Balance, Rapid Healer, Reputation.

STUN- 100

Sai Martial Arts 1 stun +1 N/A None
Nunchaku martial Arts 4 stun +3 N/A None

Whenever there is a chance to make yourself look good you will take it, regardless of the danger. When possible you will give interviews, sign autographs, and make your actions as public as you can. All reaction rolls with the media, children, and fans gain a -1 bonus, but all reaction rolls with people who know you are at +1.
Whenever money or other material wealth is offered you must make a mental endurance roll or succumb to your temptation.
Whenever you are doing something cautious you must make an intelligence roll. If you fail this roll you will rush into whatever situation it is as if you could handle it.
You don't trust anyone except your close friends and family, and sometimes even they are not to be trusted either. Any reaction penalties are doubled.
You do not receive any penalties for using your off hand. If you ever have more than one attack in a turn you may attack once with each hand.
You gain a -7% bonus to escape artist rolls, -5% to pick pockets rolls, and -3% to climbing rolls.
Whenever making any roll to keep from falling, your appropriate skill/stat is increased by 15%. If you are on a slippery surface this bonus drops to an increase of 7%.
All healing times are halved and your healing rate is determined as if your physical endurance was 10% higher.
-2 to all reaction rolls.