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The Complete Timeline of New Earth
By Jonathan Jordan

Unpublished work Copyright Jonathan Jordan 2000

This piece of work is what you could call a labor of love. In the following, rather extensive, document you will not find any rules. No new NPC stats. No new Spells or psi. In fact, the only thing you will find in here is an almost complete history of humanity, starting with World War 3.
Why do I say "almost complete"? Simply put, this is history as humanity remembers it. So, the further back in time this timeline goes the larger the gaps are. If you look at human history today, you will see the same gaps. We know the dates of major events, but we do not know a year-by-year account of what happened. Even as recently as 100 years ago (a relatively short period of time when you think about it) we do not have a full account.
In that line of reasoning, I strove to keep my timeline as close to how the people of New Earth would have it. In fact, some of the information on this timeline is purposefully vague and/or wrong. The only exception is with the last 55 years on Terra (Earth). This is because, without the events of those 55 years none of the rest of the events would have happened at all. I figure, if the events are so critical to the total history of this game they are also probably pretty darn important to the people of New Earth. So, the timeline goes from detail to vagueness and back to detail again.

ED= Earth Date. All dates before the Migration
DM= During Migration. All dates between the departing of Terra and the discovery of New Earth
PF= Pre Fall. All dates prior to the fall of the Second Empire of Man
AF= After Fall. All dates after the fall of the Second Empire of Man up to the present. Any date with no abbreviation after it in this timeline is considered to be an AF date.

2000 ED World War III

2003 ED Food shortages prompt riots and looting

2006 ED Rise in the use of genetically engineered soldiers

2008 ED Genetic creations rebel, banding together and calling themselves Neohumans

2010 ED Supply stations raided by mercenary soldiers

2017 ED Increased use of biological weapons causes civilian deaths

2023 ED Neohuman commandos strike at both sides

2026 ED Military warehouses raided by unidentified soldiers

2031 ED A band of scientists come up with a plan to save humanity

2032 ED New American president elected, he is a poor leader

2037 ED Militias strike, overthrowing the president

2038 ED New leadership of the USA becomes tyrannical

2044 ED Head military leaders worldwide are assassinated

2046 ED Generation ships abandoned

2048 ED Neohumans wage war on mankind

2050 ED Human culture as we know it ends

2055 ED Remaining humans escape the Neohumans, using rediscovered generation ships

00001 DM Humanity begins the long journey to find a new home

01000 DM Lazarus treatment discovered

01600 DM First contact with Felinus ends in a 500-year war

02500 DM Two of the colony ships collide

03500 DM A group of dissatisfied colonists forms a separate nation-state

04500 DM The colony ships unite as one Empire, the First Empire of Man

05100 DM The Empire of Man begins to divide, each ship becomes its own nation

05700 DM One ship passes to close to a quasar, many are irradiated

06100 DM Ashley Vance leads a revolution, ending in the Empire's reunification

06600 DM Tensions build, leading to a 20-year civil war

07200 DM An earth-like world is discovered and explored, it is found unsuitable

07800 DM Jacob Roberts finds definite proof of psi

07900 DM A group of people decides to leave the ships to settle a newly found planet

08500 DM Genetic engineering is perfected

08800 DM A star cult is found among the youth of the colonists

09200 DM Many disappearances, investigation uncovers the Ellgiem

09600 DM The Ellgiem resurface

10100 DM Another small group decide to colonize a new world

10700 DM A large group of the laborers on the ships revolt.

10900 DM The 13 ship leaders go into cryosleep, leaving the colonists to fight over new leadership

11100 DM William Blake returns to help guide the colonists through a plague

11400 DM Various political factions begin to form amongst the ships

12000 DM Ashley Vance prevents a civil war from dividing the colonists

12600 DM The colonists enter into a trade agreement with the Felinus

13100 DM A minor disagreement between the ships and the Shirinki, a race of sentient crystalline beings, escalates into an all out crusade to eradicate them.

13400 DM Scott Champion aids in defeating the Shirinki

13900 DM The navigators on the ship stage a minor rebellion.

14000 DM Side effects of the Lazarus Treatment start to occur

14400 DM The ships misjudge their navigation, resulting in a yearlong trip through a meteor shower. The ships are badly damaged

14700 DM The legendary Greys stage an invasion of the ships

15200 DM While examining a supernova, a scientific team is incinerated

15300 DM First contact with the Bem

15800 DM A strange sleeping sickness overtakes the colonists. Those who catch the sickness fall into deep comas, unable to be woken up by any means.

16300 DM A large ship appears on scanner, within a minute it is gone

16800 DM John Hammer attempts, and fails, to lead the ship.

17200 DM Jacob Roberts awakens to see the state of the ships.

17600 DM A Posid attack force breach one of the colony ship's hulls

17700 DM Rival political factions vie for control of the ship, causing much dissent among the ships.

18300 DM The Tiberon attack

18600 DM Sighting of the first Starwhal

19200 DM The colonists assist a group of Renegade Greys in a migration to a new world

19800 DM The Renegade Greys begin to cause strife among the varied political factions of the ships

20300 DM The First Empire of Man falls to petty rivalries, exacerbated by the Renegade Greys. The Renegade Greys take over the ships

20700 DM The Renegade Greys become factionalized and war with each other

21100 DM The Renegade Greys, weakened from their prolonged civil war, fall to an attack by the humans

21300 DM An undiscovered remnant of the Renegade Grey occupation of the ship unleashes a deadly virus that infects the majority of the colonists. A cure is discovered by Dr. Francis Lamont.

21500 DM A routine check of the computer systems of the ships uncovers transmissions dating back almost 200 years indicating Dr. Lamont had worked with the Greys to create, and later cure, the virus of 21335.

21900 DM Psionic study begins the classification of psi talents

22500 DM Humanity experiences an age of unparalleled peace, prosperity, and good fortune

22800 DM The colonists discover a cache of minerals, providing the raw materials needed to repair and improve the ships

23300 DM Repair on the ships finishes, as well as the addition of additional living space for thousands of families. Work begins on the construction of a 14th colony ship

23600 DM The cure for the common cold is discovered

24000 DM Scott Champion returns to lead the fleet into a golden age

24500 DM Work on the 14th colony ship is ended when an unknown saboteur plants an explosive device in the work site. The resulting explosion kills the entire work crew

25100 DM The colony ship EFS Alistair disappears

25600 DM Psionic classification completed

26000 DM Trade with the Ellgiem

26400 DM Wormhole activity results in the ships being transported thousands of light years off of their original course.

26500 DM The youth of the ship rebel against the ship's leadership

27100 DM Testing of an experimental power source results in the near destruction of the fleet. It takes 100 years of constant work to rebuild.

27500 DM The first test of subspace beam weapons (SSBW)

27700 DM Extended use of SSBW's is found to cause cancer

27800 DM Felinus Bobcat forces skirmish with the colonists

27900 DM Valerie Baur is thawed prematurely when an electrical mishap causes one of the ships to start an auto destruct sequence. The crew is able to calmly deal with the problem thanks to the help of Valerie.

28100 DM Salvage from past battles is rediscovered, plans to begin improvements to the ships begins

28900 DM It is discovered that one of the ships has been hoarding raw materials for their own personal use, instead of attempting to aid the fleet as a whole.

29300 DM Fleet wide improvements are finished

29700 DM Contact with the Proto

30200 DM A religion based around star worship is formed, and soon becomes the most widely practiced religion in the fleet.

30800 DM The Proto on board the ships revolt, seeking better treatment

31300 DM Sighting of the Creatures turns hostile

31600 DM James Bridges rises to prominence during the war with the Creatures

32200 DM The EFS Newton rebels, refusing to join the newly formed Counsel of Ships

32300 DM After an extended war with the Counsel, the Newton finally agrees to join

32700 DM The ship is plagued by Plasmids, the stellar equivalent of locusts

32800 DM The fleet, under the leadership of the Counsel, battle with the Felinus in a war lasting over 1000 years.

33300 DM Using the technology gained from a group of captured Felinus, the ships are retrofitted with improved offensive and defensive capabilities.

33900 DM Gideon Reef awakens and leads the Counsel in rebuilding after the Felinus War

34400 DM What scanners showed as an earth-like planet turns out to be barren

34500 DM The fleet wars with the Bem over a colony world

35000 DM The Proto on the ships form an Empire of their own

35500 DM William Blake discovers a way to combat viruses, resulting in the elimination of thousands of ailments.

36100 DM The Counsel, having become corrupt and archaic, is disbanded in a revolution

36200 DM The colonists come across a derelict ship that is very badly damaged, and that appeared to be abandoned. No known alien weaponry could have done the amount of damage this ship has taken. A party of security officers, armed with the latest in weapons tech, board and explore the ship. A couple of hours into the exploration of the ship all communications go dead. An hour later communications are reinitiated, with the sounds of weapons fire and the party dying.

36800 DM The Proto Empire falls

37100 DM The Proto leave the fleet when a new habitable world is discovered

37200 DM What appears at first to be a simple malfunction with the communications system is revealed to be a plot by Ellgiem sympathizers to thwart the migration. No reasons are ever discovered for this plot.

37300 DM Discovery of the Methuselah Effect

37700 DM Rhonda Eden is thawed to help lead the fleet

38200 DM The EFS Rorschach malfunctions and explodes. Only half of the colonists aboard, as well as everyone in cryosleep, survive.

38400 DM The fleet experiences a time of decadence

38700 DM The decadence ends when old political rivalries resurface, causing protracted fighting

38900 DM The fleet experiences a golden age

39100 DM The golden age ends when a passing comet breaches the hull of the EFS Leviathan, resulting in the death of thousands.

39500 DM A group of genetically enhanced humans stage a revolution for equal rights

40000 DM Eric Rauter’s work on the Resource Recycling System of the ships boosts food and water supplies tremendously.

40500 DM Humanity enters into a golden age

0000 PF Discovery and colonization of New Earth (41100 DM)

0700 PF The cataclysm

1600 PF Liiz'a Robrz'n appears and unites the world

2600 PF Second Empire of Man forms

2630 PF Dark Ryder appears to help guide the Second Empire of Man

2660 PF The Second Empire of Man crusades to cleanse the world of non-humans

2680 PF Dark Ryder stops the war against non-humans

2700 PF Decadence

2770 PF The Second Empire experiences a strong resurgence of religion

2850 PF Decadence

2870 PF Glen Hail resurfaces to lead humanity

2970 PF Evidence is discovered linking Andrew Wilking, the Imperial heir, with a plot to assassinate Emperor Maximilian Wilking II.

3010 PF The Second Empire raids Nerther lands in search of natural resources

3050 PF A group of scientists are exiled to the Northern Reaches

3060 PF The outcasts in the Northern Reaches discover the secret of cold fusion.

3100 PF The Second Empire enters a trade agreement with the Felinus Bobcats

3140 PF An outbreak of Hss'ssichk, a disease previously thought to only affect Felinus, throws the Empire into a panic.

3160 PF The scientists exiled to the Northern Reaches revolt against their guards, forming an arctic nation dedicated to science.

3200 PF The scientists of the Northern Reaches crusade to eradicate the Yikari Yak Men

3230 PF Nerther protectorates of the Second Empire rebel

3240 PF A new energy source is discovered in the Northern Reaches. It is discovered to be energy of a magical nature, and is thus named mana.

3270 PF The Second Empire crusades to retake the Nerther protectorates that were lost 40 years ago.

3280 PF The Second Empire's religious orders enter the crusade to either convert or eradicate the "heathen" Nerthers

3290 PF Decadence

3310 PF Destiny Nelson resurfaces to warn the Second Empire about the signs of their societal breakdown.

3320 PF The Northern Reaches suffer repeated defeats to the Yikari Yak Men, resulting in a decline in their borders.

3340 PF The Second Empire finally ends its crusades, expanding the reach of their borders to encompass 90% of the world.

3400 PF The Northern Reaches crusade to wipe out the Yikari Yak Men once again

3430 PF The original charges brought against the exiled scientists are revealed to have been untrue. An expedition is sent to the Northern Reaches, but no sign is found of the exiles.

3450 PF The Northern Reaches experience a period of decadence

3480 PF The Society for Democracy forms, and immediately makes a name for itself by holding protests and starting riots worldwide.

3485 PF The Society for Democracy starts to publish anti-Empire propaganda

3486 PF The Yikari Yak Men attempt to invade the Empire, but are repelled by the Empire's large army.

3488 PF Corruption of the Empire's army is investigated. By the end of the year almost 1/3 of the soldiers have been dishonorably discharged.

3490 PF The Creatures invade New Earth. They are fought off, but the Second Empire is greatly weakened.

3492 PF The Society of Democracy reveals its newly raised army. A civil war ensues.

3494 PF Increased use of biological weapons causes civilian deaths

3496 PF The few remaining areas not controlled by the Empire take the chance to attack their newly weakened foe.

3498 PF The Empire is invaded by "barbarians" from the non-Empire lands

3500 PF Second Empire of Man falls

0030 Some of the more militant researchers in the Northern Reaches rebel and leave the compound. (3530PF)

0270 An icequake causes the citizens of the Northern Reaches to migrate further south, towards a more hospitable climate. (3800PF)

0370 The Northern Reaches experience a Golden Age(3900PF)

0500 Aegyptus is founded from the ashes of the Second Empire of Man

0600 Kelshland is founded

0700 New World War

0800 Shodan becomes a nation

0900 The nations of Azatlan, Corvus, and Empire form

0970 The Ice Caves of the Yikari Mountains are discovered. (4500PF)

1100 Kelshland is rocked by massive earthquakes, the lingering result of the Great War of 700 (the New World War)

1370 In the Northern Reaches John Hammer aids in the expansion of the settlement (4900 PF).

1500 Assadollah Jirdu shows up in Aegyptus and leads a revolution to free the slaves.

1570 Explorers from the Northern Reaches are sent to map the Ice Caves. The maps they return with turn out to be so completely inaccurate as to be useless(5100 PF)

1600 Shodani testing of a prototype stardrive results in a massive explosion. The shockwave is felt half way around the world.

1700 Near destruction of New Earth

1900 Azatlan and Corvus war with each other over cultural differences. Empire and Kelshland are nearly destroyed when an experimental bomb is detonated in the Holerian Ocean. The State of Orita secedes from the nation of Corvus

2170 The exiles in the Northern Reaches move further south after a pod of snow sharks decide to claim the area of the colony as their home. (5700 PF)

2200 Shodan, unable to rebuild totally after the devastation they sustained in the explosion in 1600, falls.

2300 Empire is hit by a tsunami, leaving much of the island nation in ruins.

2500 Aegyptus expands its borders to include more of the continent. Columbius is founded.

2570 John Hammer leaves the exiles in the Northern Reaches in order to explore the arctic continent, he is never seen again (6100 PF).

2600 Magic is discovered. Shodan rises from its own ashes, a much wiser and stable country. Columbius experiences a period of religious excellence. The nation of Etas forms. Dickhut Oldenburg thwarts a Posid invasion of Orita.

2700 The College of Magical Studies opens its doors in Corvus. Kelshland gains more power, as well as land. Chukai is founded.

2800 Empire experiences a golden age

2900 The first Dragon is sighted in Shodan.

3000 Ley lines are discovered originating from Empire. Imperial government denies existence of magic.

3040 Empire prospers from the energy their ley lines provide. Official reports from Empire state the energy is a new, experimental source of power.

3090 Empire sets up the colony of Aria on one of the nearby islands. Aria immediately severs ties with its parent nation.

3100 Etas crusades to rid the world of all technology.

3110 Aria discovers how to focus magic through song

3150 One of the islands that make up Empire is invaded, becoming the nation of Krytas.

3170 The Northern Reaches war with the Yeti, a nation of snow beasts (6700 PF). Krytas wars with Empire in an attempt to expand its borders. Molly MacDonagh founds the Bards of Aria.

3180 Empire is hit by a devastating hurricane.

3190 Aria sets out campaign of conquests, warring with the surrounding tribes and kingdoms in efforts to expand its borders.

3200 Aria suffers through a civil war when the head of the Bards of Aria dies without naming a successor. Chukai rises in power. Erastu is founded. Azatlan is hit by a major fire, which destroys over half of the country's rain forests. Dark Ryder returns to guide the use of magic

3240 Empire is seized by a massive rebellion, which is eventually dealt with. Krytas wars over unclaimed lands, ending in the founding of Rikara.

3250 Chukai vows to scour to world of all religious dissidents.

3260 Emperor Huang I begins the Huang Dynasty in Shodan.

3270 A rebellion in Aria results in the separation of government and the Bards of Aria. The Northern Reaches, in a desperate attempt to defeat the Yeti, set off a sonic disruptor device. The resulting ice quakes, avalanches, and blizzards nearly destroy both the Yeti and the Colony (6800 PF).

3280 Tatsukichi Utako revolutionizes the system of trade in Shodan

3290 The nation of Rikara crumbles under the weight of weak leadership.

3300 Aegyptus begins a war to exterminate all Proto. Chukai enters into a period of religious supremacy. Krytas suffers through a revolution by the middle class.

3310 Dark Ryder appears in Krytas to prevent scientists from causing a second cataclysm.

3320 Empire prospers off of the labor if its citizens, yet still ranks as the country with the worst living conditions.

3330 Lief Hakansson ushers Krytas into a period of religious supremacy.

3340 The Bards of Aria are officially recognized by the College of Magical Studies. Shodan experiences a golden age

3350 Chukai enters 30 years of decadence. Erastu experiences wars over the leadership of the nation.

3352 Eduin is founded

3360 Kazaad forms. Krytas experiences a powerful earthquake, tearing the nation apart. The state of Queran claims independence from Krytas, forming a new country. Shodan is conquered by Eduin mercenaries, starting the Tohki Dynasty.

3380 Aegyptus thwarts an invasion attempt coming from Kazaad. Kezula and Anij founded

3390 Empire colonizes the island of Laban. Laban severs ties with Empire. Krytas is hit by an outbreak of a disease killing the nation's livestock, which is only averted due to the work of Dr. Bjarte Regnell.

3400 Columbius wars with neighboring territories over land ownership. Stewart Hillian comes up with the theory for the creation of the jump drive. Erika Regnell leads the most successful rebellion in the history of Krytas, effectively leading the nation for 3 years.

3410 Krytas colonizes surrounding lands.

3420 A massive tornado hits Chukai. Queran is gripped by a revolution of the working class.

3430 Aegyptus wars with Anij over land. The process of imbuing a mundane item with magic is discovered in Shodan. Ciduinyo is founded. Dark Ryder arrives in Kezula to warn the scientists there of the dangers in playing around with alien technology.

3440 Aria experiences a period of decadence. Queran experiences religious supremacy. Erastu is hit by floods.

3450 Kazaad maps all the known ley lines in the world. A rebellion occurs in Empire, the people responsible are found and publicly executed. Lanaa and Corech are founded. Humanity prospers worldwide.

3460 Aria is again troubled when the leadership dies without naming a successor.

3470 Aegyptian separatists rebel against the Pharaoh Taman-ajir. Kiral and Aniria are founded. Laban becomes embroiled in worldwide politics. A war with Empire ends with the creation of the country of Ramagin. Queran is plagued by asx, a highly venomous snake indigenous to the region. Orita fosters an important trade deal with the Posid

3480 The first successful bionetic limb replacement surgery is performed in Kiral. Kezulan researchers discovery a series of caves containing clues about the origin of the native human inhabitants of the planet. Ciduinyo enters battle with the raiders of the Great Desert in hope of gaining more land. Nelson Lee leads an invasion of Anij from Corvus.

3490 Chukai is hit by a devastating hurricane. The first faerie is sighted in Laban. In Erastu a cult of Dragon Worshipers is rooted out and dealt with. Empire is nearly destroyed by the poor leadership of George Chambers.

3500 Azatlan is torn apart by volcanic and seismic activity. Columbius suffers from a civil war. Etas, taking advantage of the chaos, raids Azatlan. Dark Ryder averts a natural cataclysm in Corvus.

3510 The Church of the Repentant Savior in Krytas expands its influence, starting in Lanaa.

3520 Anirian raiders attack Azatlan. Azatlan, still recovering from the devastation 20 years ago, experiences a resurgence of Ancient Aztec religious practices. Corech attempts to start a colony in the Ocean of Tyral. Ramagin experiences a revolution, overthrowing the despotic ruler. Orita is hit by a monstrous hurricane.

3530 Kezulan exploration of the caves uncovers more of the mysterious past of New Earth. The Kingdom of Intin takes over a small portion of Corvus, founding a new nation. Queran's government falls, causing the nation to be absorbed into the surrounding countries. Shodani priests of Zenrachi raise the level of religion within the nation.

3540 Aegyptus expands its borders. Technomancy is perfected in Kazaad. Wraku'Gi-ni and Viitus are founded. The citizens of Empire attempt to rebel, but the rebellion is quashed. The nation of Chukai falls. Dark Ryder reappears to help the world form the United Confederation of Free States (UCFS), a United Nations for the new home of Humanity.

3550 Corvus enters into a period of decadence. Erastu's economy crumbles and the nation falls.

3560 The Cult of the Silenced Tongue rises to prominence in Aria. Lanaa trades their remaining natural resources away in an attempt to boost their failing economy. Rularia is founded. The Advisors to Emperor Gawanoshi III of Shodan are found to be behind the plots to oust the Imperial Line. Exploration of the Great Desert by the Aegyptians proves its inhabitability when the explorers get lost.

3570 A rebellion in Columbius ends in tragedy when an education center is blown up, killing hundreds. Laban is invaded by refugees from Ramagin after a tsunami wipes out 30% of Ramagin's cities. Alchemy perfected in Ciduinyo. Viitus, still suffering from the initial problems of a new nation, wars over leadership.

3580 Aegyptus invents the first e-cell, the battery sized energy packs used to power lasers. The Great Desert Raiders rebel against their current leader. Shodan crusades to teach the world the way of Zenrachi.

3590 Aniria experiences a period of decadence. Kazaad starts the first government-sponsored study of psi powers in the world. Etas attacked from the sea by colonists from Viitus. Orita enters into a trade agreement with Kelshland.

3600 Citizens of Azatlan suffer after a locust swarm nearly destroys the entire food production of the nation. Raiders in the Great Desert rebel against their leadership again. Kelshland is stricken by earthquakes. Rune Magic discovered in Kezula. Laban war over leadership. Istan is founded. Krytas crumbles under the iron will of Empire's Army

3610 Azatlan, unable to fully recover from the locusts of 10 years ago, slips into debt and comes close to crumbling. Empire enters a trade agreement with the Greys, Grey technology for Empire "volunteers". Kukali is founded after a war with the weakened Kelshland. Intin expands its borders.

3620 Azatlan recovers from the devastating locusts and immediately retakes its lost land. Corechian military officers revolt, overthrowing the government and instating martial law. Goblinoids discovered in Corvus. Florent is founded. The government of Lanaa falls into bankruptcy.

3630 The Kiralian government is implicated in a plot to discredit the United Confederation of Free States. Columbius raids neighboring nations. Rularia is hit with a tornado of epic proportions. Riaku and Whitestone are founded. The spell storing capabilities of gems discovered in Vyeat immediately following its founding. Felinus Invasion of New Earth

3640 Kelshland starts a crusade against the use of psi. Ciduinyo wars after their leader is assassinated with no heirs. Orita prospers.

3650 Kezula is overrun with revolutionaries seeking to overthrow the government. Anij wars with Orita in an attempt to take on more land. Nikay is founded and immediately enters into a period of religious bliss.

3660 Aria suffers from an outbreak of Adruss’s Disease, a disorder that attacks the vocal cords and can result in the total loss of speech. Kazaad is troubled by the increase in cult activity. The political parties in Etas war amongst each other. A demon is summoned in Ramagin. It ravages the countryside before Kukali crusaders stop it. Whitestone sends out deep-sea exploration vehicles to attempt to begin mapping the ocean floor. The raiders of the Great Desert are united as a single entity by Mohammed al-Zouhayli.

3670 Azatlan is plagued by locusts again. Florent wars with, and eventually absorbs, Istan. Kelshland uses the principles of jump drive theory to invent anti-grav technology. Laban raises an undead army to invade Viitus. Vyeat prospers.

3680 Factions within Corech war with each other over the right of succession. Wraku'Gi-ni is hit with an outbreak of the Wraku'Gi-ni Flu. Lanaa's churches gain political power. Colonization of unclaimed lands, later to be known as the Glorious Brotherhood. Cyborg Revolution. Aegyptus is lead poorly by Hoda Farrokhnia.

3690 Empire suppresses a sect of druidic fundamentalists. Ramagin forms the Mages Conclave. The Seventh Body is founded. Intin wars with Aniria. Phajol Sudhisodhi leads the government of Orita in stopping a major revolution

3700 Rularia and Anij fall. Vyeat enters a period of decadence.

3710 Kazaadi citizens revolt against the government. Corvus is overrun by a death cult. The Etas government puts down a rebellion

3720 Azatlan expands its borders. Doren and Sylvera are founded. Laban is thrown into political turmoil by a rebellion

3730 Aegyptus grows in economic power. Kiral's weak government finally causes the collapse of the nation. Columbius is invaded by Chitula, an alien race of insetoids. Wraku'Gi-ni and Empire crusade against the abuses of freedom. Laban prospers. Riaku attempts to establish a colony.

3740 Corech and Laban mount an exploration of the world's moons.

3750 Aria’s famous Bards become the first organization to employ both magic and psi together. The Raiders of the Great Desert revolt against their current leader. Kezula ousts a snake cult. Lapisin and Majij founded. Majij is hit by an earthquake. Nikay is struck by an uncommonly high level of volcanic activity. Viitus experiences a period of decadence.

3760 Kazaad is invaded subhumans (i.e. dwarves, elves, etc). Corech is subject to a period of decadence. Etas and Intin deal with rebellions. Ramagin is invaded by the alien Gnan. Laban political factions vie for control of the nation. An epic magical war in Lanaa causes wild and dead zones to appear worldwide. The churches of Whitestone experience a time of great prosperity. An alien nanovirus spreads worldwide. Worldwide adoption of the Universal Credit.

3770 Corvan citizens contract the nanovirus in near epic proportions. Doren invents nanotechnology, but the technology is still problematic. Glorious Brotherhood gains major power within the United Confederation of Free States. Kelshland experiences a period of decadence. Los Carnos is founded. The nation of Vyeat falls. Sylvera is invaded by the Kuryn, a vampire-like alien civilization. Whitestone's churches continue to gain power.

3780 The political parties of Columbius feud. The Shodani Imperial Army is investigated for possible United Confederation of Free States Standards of War infractions. The churches of Whitestone gain worldwide notice.

3790 Aniria prospers. Ramagin fights off an invasion force of the Felinus. The first successful cyberonic implantation occurs in Ciduinyo. Dark Ryder appears in Wraku'Gi-ni to avert a natural cataclysm.

3800 Discovery of the magic negating powers of the Simi in Majij. Nikay is plagued by a group of neo-druids.

3810 Azik and Urdainia founded. Radicals in Corech start the Church of the Last Revival. Lapisin is weakened by a string of rebellions. The Great Desert is found to be a base of operations for a terrorist organizations known as the Unfinished Circle. Kelshland expands its borders. Etas is invaded by the dinosaur-like Saurians. Shodan improves the EMP shield

3820 Azatlan employs the use of psi-empowered soldiers to fight Great Desert rebels. Florent is devastated by the revelation that their President was involved in black market weapon sales. Los Carnos mounts an expedition and exploration of the solar system. Riaku experiences a time of decadence. Rise in use of the Universal Credit allows many corporations to purchase the lives of their employees.

3830 Aegyptus attacks Columbius in hopes of conquering them, war ensues. Azik rebels against the United Confederation of Free States and is punished. Orita grows in power. Empire, Whitestone and the Glorious Brotherhood are all subject to wars of succession. Intin falls.

3840 The Church of the Last Revival finds its way to Aegyptus. Wraku'Gi-ni banned from the Mages Conclave (gathering of the masters of magic). Ramagin, unable to fully recover from the disasters plaguing it for the last century, finally falls. Ciduinyo invents the first thinking machine (AI). Gerhard Van Daalen rises in Aniria to lead the country after a war of succession.

3850 Aria is the next nation to become involved with the Church of the Last Revival. Ta-fir and Urusa founded. Kazaad scientists perform research on the wormhole formed between the dual suns of this solar system. Corvan rebels succeed in taking over the government for a month before they are ousted. Glorious Brotherhood begins plans for starting colonies in other nations of the world. Laban is conquered and controlled by Lati colonists. Majij is devastated by a massive firestorm. Astronomers in Viitus discover a vast series of underground tunnels on the moon Luna. Shodan is lead strongly by Empress Shih I.

3860 Corech attempts to colonize Luna. Kezula prospers. Lanaa allowed entrance into the Mages Conclave. Riaku is subject to a revolution. Equerad is founded. Worldwide decadence.

3870 Florent wars over new leadership. Kukali prospers. Military outposts in Los Carnos are raided by the Unfinished Circle. Northern Reaches discovers vibranite, a metal with energy absorbing/discharging properties (7400 PF). Sylvera is ravaged by earthquakes.

3880 Pasia is founded. Riaku discovers the power of chi. Equerad gains power in the United Confederation of Free States. Nikay falls. Corporations worldwide begin accumulating power, ending in the creation of the first “corporate nations”, corporations with the ability to make their own governing laws.

3890 Etas feuds with Wraku'Gi-ni. Luxor is founded.

3900 Azatlan and Kelshland both experience wars of succession. Lapisin is invaded by the Church of the Last Revival. Urusa is plagued by shapeshifters (werewolves). Tamarine Saipradit launches a crusade that revolutionizes the churches of Equerad. Givi Vadim averts a natural disaster in Ta-Fir.

3910 Kazaad makes plans for colonization of other worlds. Corech wars with Viitus over territory on Luna. Doren is subject to a revolution. Glorious Brotherhood deals with corruption from within the church. Great Desert experiences a rebellion among the raiders. Church of the Last Revival finds its way to Luxor. Urdainian press agencies fight a rising tide of censorship. Equerad enters a state of decadence. The Aztech Corporate nation lobbies the UCFS for corporate right to vote as sovereign nations.

3920 Aegyptus revolutionizes AI. Columbius is invaded by the Tethans, an race of alien squid. Empire is investigated by the United Confederation of Free States for possible human rights violations. Azatlan and Florent experience wars of succession. Kezulan university students stage a protest that escalates into a full-on rebellion. The Church of the Last Revival establishes itself in Kukali. Luxor enters a period of decadence, partially brought on by the Church of the Last Revival. Whitestone expands its borders. Expansion to and colonization of other worlds.

3930 Avalion, Sebany, and Le Grande Marche are founded. Aria and Pasia increase their global political power. Azatlan is devastated by massive volcanic activity. Azik wars internally over the line of succession. Kelshland sets up the first non-United Confederation of Free States off world colony. Aniria and Orita set up a trade agreement. Daniel Appleton's poor leadership decisions nearly ruin Corvus. Dark Ryder appears in Viitus to aid in the nation's growth.

3940 Asan and the Inean Refuge are founded. Corvus is scandalized when the United Confederation of Free States begins investigating for indications of breaches of the Leonid Convention, an international law regarding the use of magic in wars. Etas and Ciduinyo race to build a reliable jump drive. The Raiders of the Great Desert disband into smaller tribes. Laban has an outbreak of psipox, a serious disease affecting the brain. Church of the Last Revival establishes itself in Riaku. Shodan invaded by the dragon-like Myrmi.

3950 The Glorious Brotherhood experiences widespread good fortune as the world rediscovers true religion. Lanaa is invaded by the alien Fenri. Church of the Last Revival opens its doors to the citizens of Majij. Urdainia opens trade relations with the Gnan. Urusa weathers a rebellion. Liesell de Valois dies saving Lapisin from devastating fires.

3960 Doren becomes ground zero for biological testing by the Unfinished Circle. Kelshland crusades to eliminate the Church of the Last Revival. Viitus suffers when the Unfinished Circle instigate a rebellion.

3970 Los Carnos expands its borders. Jump Drive perfected. Kazaad is saved from certain destruction, thanks to Dark Ryder. Florent is hit by a wave of natural disasters, caused by the experiments of Amintore Vescio.

3980 Vasy is formed. Aegyptus is linked with the Unfinished Circle, the allegations are later found to be untrue. Avalion and Le Grande Marche experience revolutions. Sebany sets up an off world colony. Columbius is divided by a civil war. Dark Ryder's appearance in Ta-Fir ushers in a golden age for the small nation. Wraku'Gi-ni is torn apart by a war between the humans and the proto who have attempted to settle there, until Dark Ryder shows up to end the war. After the failed attempt to gain UCFS recognition, the corporate nations begin to buy their way through issues they deem important.

3990 The Etas governing body is deposed after allegations of misuse of tax dollars surface. The tribes of the Great Desert rebel against Etel Soliman, the woman trying to reunite them. The Inean Refuge starts a trade agreement with the Tiberon. Equerad wars over leadership. Alessandro Koprula aids in the colonization of new territories by Asan.

4000 The people of Luxor rebel. Urdainia establishes an off world colony. Lapisin is saved from an epic war by Dark Ryder.

4010 Faculty at the Corvan College of Magical Studies discover a rising number of living myths. Doren explores the space beyond the wormhole. East Nipoch is founded. Kezulan merchants rebel against an increased shipping tax. Shodan experiences a time of decadence. Sylvera and Whitestone suffer a white fever epidemic. The Church of the Last Revival becomes established in Riaku and Orita. Kelshland is ravaged by a mini-cataclysm, caused inadvertently by the legendary Dark Ryder.

4020 Colony Secession Wars. Laban improves on the Jump Drive design to create the Near Light Speed Drive (NLS Drive). The Church of the Last Revival establishes itself in Empire and Lanaa. Los Carnos grows in strength. Ciduinyo government officials rebel against the United Confederation of Free States. Viitus begins a crusade against those with psi.

4030 Aniria improves the NLS Drive, creating the Sub-Light Speed Drive (SLS Drive). Avalion improves upon the SLS Drive, creating the first Light Speed Drive. Enitar is founded. Aria wars with its neighboring nations over land. Azatlan grows in power. The Great Desert is linked with the Unfinished Circle again. Wraku'Gi-ni peasantry revolt. Empire and Le Grande Marche form a trade alliance. Church of the Last Revival gains political leverage in Luxor.

4040 Aegyptus sends colonists through the wormhole. Nanotech becomes widely used due to improvements by Asan scientists. Glorious Brotherhood officially denounces the Church of the Last Revival. The people of Le Grande Marche revolt over the trade alliance with Empire. Empire attempts to conquer Le Grande Marche after the trade alliance ends. The Urusan government acknowledges shapeshifters at full citizens. Azik expands its borders. Salaridan and Unala are founded. Lucio Abreu leads Azatlan, becoming the strongest leader the country has ever seen. Mistreatment of employee/citizens by corporate nations becoming worldwide news, dubbed the “corporate situation”, it is considered to be out of hand.

4050 Urdainia has a major revolution. Ta-Fir has an outbreak of a new flesh-eating virus, no indication of the origin is discovered. The Church of the Last Revival gains power in Whitestone.

4060 Aegyptians and Dorens begin to catch the flesh eating disease. Corechian laborers revolt. Kezula improves on SSBW technology, creating Near Light Speed Beam Weapons (NLSBW). Orita acknowledges subhumans as citizens. Lapisin begins a war with the newly formed Colonial Congress in an attempt to regain their lost colonies.

4070 Etas suffers through a rebellion. Kukali and Whitestone acknowledge subhumans as citizens. Lanaa expands its borders. Sebany crusades to rid their nation of all Cyborgs. Sylvera prospers. Vasy is raided by Unfinished Circle members. Dark Ryder destroys himself in Florent to show the danger of drawing to much magical power from a ley line.

4080 Aniria is hit by a tornado. Azik increases its global power. Columbius wars with Riaku. The Mages Conclave removes the ban keeping Wraku'Gi-ni from joining. Viitus officials attempt to infiltrate the Seventh Body. Enitar Witches allowed in the College of Magic. Majij is officially declared a Dead Magic Zone. The Church of the Last Revival gains a following in Avalion. Azatlan and Kazaad enter into a trade agreement. Pasia is scandalized by reputed claims of using child labor. Ciduinyo is struck by the flesh eating disease.

4090 Asan wars over land. East Nipoch and Laban both experience a period of decadence. Empire and the Inean Refuge send colonists through the wormhole. Equerad becomes the largest supplier of enchanted gems in the world. Siloquin is founded. Whitestone has an outbreak of psipox.

4100 A list of Unfinished Circle members finds its way out of the Great Desert. Kelshland falls onto hard times, its borders shrinking as neighboring nations snatch up land. Sebany is hit by the flesh-eating virus. Ta-Fir officials prevent a rebellion from even starting. Psi Revolution.

4110 Doren and Shodan become the next targets in the Church of the Last Revival's expansion. Lapisin is struck by the mysterious flesh-eating virus. Luxor's borders are expanded. Urdainia crusades to rid the world of all psi users.

4120 The Church of the Last Revival gains power in Aria. The Church of the Last Revival and The Unfinished Circle (a terrorist group) are revealed to be the same group. Corech is punished by the United Confederation of Free States for their support of the Church. The Great Desert's tribes, as a result of involvement with the Unfinished Circle, suffer greatly from the weakening if the terrorists. Kukali and Unala are struck by terrible floods. Vasy is invaded by the bear-like Besik.

4130 Kazaad, Orita, and Columbius are named as conspirators during the trials of the members of the Unfinished Circle. Pasia is raided by Danog mercenaries that were lost traveling through the wormhole. The Glorious Brotherhood instigates rebellions within the Church of the Last Revival. Wraku'Gi-ni, having slowly been getting further and further in debt, finally collapses under the weight of its debts. Empire invents a device to monitor the thoughts of citizens, resulting in and increase in arrests and a decrease in crime. Kelshland recovers from its slump, regaining the majority of the territories they lost. Kier na Teg is founded. Majij enlists the help of the nations of the world in a crusade to rid the world of the Church of the Last Revival. Ciduinyo and Enitar fall.

4135 Eduin attacks the colonies on Luna.

4140 Asan wars internally over leadership. Azik wars with Uik. East Nipoch increases in power. Equerad opens a small college offering 2-year degrees in magic. Siloquin is plagues by an outbreak of an odd disease, later dubbed the Siloquin Twitching Disease. Salaridan becomes the center for a band of dragon worshipers. Urusa has a war of succession. Aztech, Starbrite, and I-Tel corporate nations enter into an agreement to consolidate all world production into themselves, driving all other corporations out of business.

4147 Eduin falls to a band of Inquisitors from the Glorious Brotherhood.

4148 The former nation of Eduin, now a protectorate of the Glorious Brotherhood, is struck by a series of disasters. By the end of the year the once lush region is nothing but a barren wasteland incapable of sustaining life. It is now called The Wastes.

4150 Kezulan priests are able to reform the country, saving it from the inevitable fall. Whitestone attempts to purge the remaining followers of the Church of the Last Revival from their nation. Riaku allies with the Colonial Congress in the hopes of regaining a bit of control over their colonies. Sebany wars over leadership. Nabil Arif's discovery of the formula for syltiz, a chemical compound that increases the nutrients farmland provides, enables Aegyptus to thrive

4160 Florent gains renown for being the wealthiest merchant-run nation in the world. Glorious Brotherhood attempts colonization of The Wastes. The Inean Refuge revolts against the Tiberon, ending the trade agreement. Laban overrun with faeries and faerie-kin. Lanaa is invaded by D'torr refugees. Voyud and Zuru founded. The infamous geneticist Roderick Doncaster of Avalion creates a new strain of the flu virus, one that is highly contagious and potentially fatal. Urdainian strategist Judita Nikolayeva shows the nation's leadership how they can expand their borders.

4170 Corech is overrun by Technoids, alien beings that are natural carriers of the nanovirus. Viitus plots to overthrow the leadership of the United Confederation of Free States. The Colonial Congress is given a seat in the United Confederation of Free States. Kukali attacks some of the colony worlds, hoping to gain some influence in the Colonial Congress. Luxor Necrologists (ceremonial burial technicians) rebel against government funding cuts. Lyraek and West Nipoch are founded. Patricia Lawless uncovers, and thwarts, a plot to create a nuclear missile in Kelshland.

4180 Aniria gains power in the United Confederation of Free States by allying with the Colonial Congress. Azatlan improves on NLSBW technology, creating Sub-Light Speed Beam Weapons (SLSBW). Kazaad and Los Carnos start a holy war with each other. Columbius is targeted by the United Confederation of Free States for punishment for their involvement with the Unfinished Circle. Majij looks to Corvus with plans of conquest. Uik is founded. Orita wars over leadership. Enitar falls. Trevor Nierhaus leads Empire through a state of great power and influence.

4190 Asan and Unala become the breeding grounds for a surge of new cults and fringe religions. Azik and Kier na Teg experience a period of decadence. Ta-Fir discovers X-10, an ultra-hard ultra-light metal compound. Faceless Ones invade the planet. East Nipoch is hit hardest by Faceless One biological warfare.

4200 Aegyptus and Salaridan team up to explore Erberus, one of the planet's two unexplored moons. Corvus and Vasy expand their borders. Dindraku, Seker, and Lozzo founded. Citizens of Empire attempt to rebel. Kezula raids Faceless One Ships. Lanaa becomes decadent. Le Grande Marche attempt to start a trade agreement with the Faceless Ones. Sebany pushes the United Confederation of Free States to pass the Laban Convention, making it illegal to use magic in wars.

4210 Aria improves on SLSBW technology, creating Light Speed Beam Weapons (LSBW). Avalion's churches prosper greatly. Glorious Brotherhood experiences a time of decadence. The Inean Refuge opens its borders to the Faceless Humans, children of Faceless One and human parents. Lapisin is hit by a revolution, overthrowing the peaceful government with a more militaristic one. Urdainia, along with a large contingent of nations, calls for repeal of the Laban Convention. Shodan is finally able to finalize a trade agreement with the Dragon Kingdom within their borders. Sylvera is hit by widespread fires. Ta-Firian cultists terrorize the nations capital. Vienceslav Suprianto opens his own school of magic in Doren, without the assistance or permission of the College of Magical Studies. Arrigo Scarlotti single-handedly rebuilds the nation of Florent after a major flood.

4220 Lyraek is invaded by the Children of the Stars. Unala starts up a colony on the moon Erebus. Urusa finds evidence of a Faceless One worshiping cult. West Nipoch has a war of succession. Whitestone wars with the Gnan.

4230 Aniria attacks, and retakes, their lost colonies. Evidence is discovered linking Corech to an increase in gang wars. Glorious Brotherhood warns that the One Being will punish humanity for recent tech developments. Kukali gains more power within the United Confederation of Free States. Pasia suffers through a rebellion. Riaku is hit by tidal waves and flooding. Siloquin colonizes the moon Celestia. Silvervale is founded. Uik expands its borders. Viitus prospers. Dir'akul is founded by the legendary Ileana Ivanescu. The Aztech/Starbrite/I-Tel alliance falls apart after a Starbrite operative is caught attempting to steal documents from I-Tel.

4240 East Nipoch enforces a national religion, eradicating all outside religions practices. Equerad is nearly torn apart as various factions war over leadership. Yntir is founded and forms the Magic Corps, a replacement for the antiquated Mages Conclave.

4250 Aegyptian rebels take control of key cities, ensuring the eventual fall of the current government. Corvus is hit by increased seismic activity. Kezula joins Siloquin in the Celestia colony. Laban attempts to form a psychic version of the Magic Corps, but inner conflicts cause the organization to fall apart in under a year. Majij stifles a rebellion. Salaridan falls. Vasy is nearly invaded by the Faceless Ones. A VR borne plague sweeps the globe.

4260 Florent is hit by a resurgence of the flesh eating disease. Inean Refuge sets up the first undersea colony, called the Atlantis Biodome. Kier na Teg is implicated in the creation of the VR Plague of 4250. Ta-Fir takes action against Kier na Teg. Urdainia expands its borders. Sebanian militants attempt to overthrow the government. Voyud gains political clout within the United Confederation of Free States. Zuru attempts to set up a colony within the Ga Belt.

4270 The Bards of Aria revolt against governmental laws affecting the Bards. Kazaad's churches unite as one faith. Columbius experiences a rebellion. The Seventh Body applies for position in the UCFS, as a separate entity from any nation (the application is denied). Luxor experiences a revolution. The exiles in the Northern Reaches explore the more southern areas of the arctic continent (7800 PF). Los Carnos and West Nipoch enter into a trade agreement.

4280 Aegyptus is hit by a devastating sandstorm. Aniria prospers. The churches of Azik join together. Kukali joins the Magic Corps. Shodani churches unite under a single religious banner. Silvervale is subject to investigation by the Colonial Congress, backed by the United Confederation of Free States, for possible human rights violations. Viitus's loss of importance in the United Confederation of Free States, coupled with a declining economy, force the nation to disband. Doren is brought to the brink of destruction when Dark Ryder appears with a legion of demon-bikers and attacks the struggling nation.

4290 The Knights of Avalion prevent a rebellion. East Nipoch spies on West Nipoch. Le Grande Marche invades one of the Faceless One ships, the invasion force is never heard from again. Seker is hit by Faceless One biological weapons. Urusa opens trade relations with the Besik. Brown & Keets Corporate nation successfully gains entry into the UCFS.

4300 Dir'akul and Lanaa are both hit by revolutions. The working class in Luxor rebels. Dindraku troops invade the Felinus home world. Lozzo colonists invade and take over the Atlantis Biodome. Majij enters a period of decadence. Riaku falls. Suludan is founded. Uik trades arms to the Danog. Empire suffers from the poor decisions made by their leader, Conrad Fauser.

4310 Glorious Brotherhood is gripped by a plague of frogs. Great Desert invents special distillation gear for desert survival. Lapisin raids a Gnan supply ship. Lyraek reveals the East Nipochian spies to West Nipoch. Sylvera begins an expedition to explore the surface of Purgatos. Ta-Fir suffers through a rebellion. Unala has a war of succession. Sebany is scandalized when Cara Lapan's politically inflammatory writing gains her world renown.

4320 Kazaad sends raiders to Columbius. The Los Carnos government stifles a rebellion. Equerad falls. Siloquin and Zuru enter into a trade agreement. Vasy is hit by a revolution. West Nipoch starts a purging of all East Nipochians found within the nation. Whitestone is invaded by Oritan nationals.

4326 The Wastes are invaded by Faceless Ones, but prove to be uninhabitable even by the alien race.

4330 Anirian and Asani churches begin to combine with each other as a way to increase attendance. Azik becomes decadent. Laban discovers ways to store mana in "mana batteries". Northern Reaches creates a tropical zone in the middle of the tundra (7860 PF). Pasia's government is overthrown in a bloody coup. Silvervale prospers. The Wastes are once again ravaged, this time by Faceless One "flayer bombs". Zung-hwan founds the Cult of the Jade Pupil in Corech.

4340 Dindraku wars with, and conquers, the nation of Urdainia. Doren is hit by massive earthquakes. Kier na Teg prospers. Seker creates the first AI compatible robots. The Seventh Body and the Mages Conclave enter into a series of contests to prove which science is more adaptable and powerful. Urusan government officials are investigated for money laundering. Yntir mounts an expedition into the Northern Reaches. Consolidation of religion, resulting in formation of Unified Brotherhood of Theologians (UBT). Dark Ryder prevents a war between the humans and the non-humans in Florent.

4341 The scattered tribes of people attempting to live in The Wastes war with each other.

4349 The Wastes expand due in part to the flayer bomb after effects.

4350 Aria is decadent. Corvus prospers. Majij reinstates the Church of the Last Revival. The Great Desert is scandalized by the return of the Church of the Last Revival. Inean Refuge conquers the colonial forces on Erebus, gaining control of the colonies there. Dir'akul and Kezula are hit by weatrot, a disease that destroys entire crops. The Unified Brotherhood of Theologians influence in Lozzo grows. Shodan falls on hard times. Uik joins the Magic Corps. Devendra Charan aids the rulers of Lanaa root out unwanted cult activity.

4360 Avalion and Ta-Fir join the Magic Corps. Lapisin is weakened by a failed revolution. The Unified Brotherhood of Theologians presence in Sebany weakens due to an uprising of new cults. Unala opens up the first all-faiths house of worship outside of the Glorious Brotherhood. Whitestone accepts Unified Brotherhood of Theologians leadership of their nation. Suludan is graced by the appearance of Dark Ryder, who helps unite the various religions into one church. Dark Ryder shows Sylvera how to use magic an psi together for greater effect.

4364 Sylvera takes the war with the Faceless Ones to the Faceless One ships.

4366 Failure in the attempt to defeat the Faceless Ones once and for all causes the people of Sylvera to doubt their leadership.

4369 The Sylveran population ousts their leadership in favor of a more moderate government.

4370 Aegyptus expands its borders. The Bards of Aria take control of the Arian government. Kazaad wars with Siloquin. Silvervale joins the Magic Corps. Etas and Columbius war. Le Grande Marche suffers greatly due to a war with Kelshland. The death of Empire's iron fisted ruler prompts a civil war to determine the new leadership. Los Carnos stifles another revolution attempt. Luxor severs all trade agreements with the rest of the world. Vasy gains power within the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Vicitius, Roku, and Wehra are founded. Orita falls.

4372 Sylvera is hit by a scandal that prompts the nation to close its borders.

4373 Aegyptus baffles the world with the announcement that they will no longer put up with the demands of the United Confederation of Free States.

4374 Aegyptus has a civil war over their denouncing the United Confederation of Free States. Kelshland is brought to the brink of war by internal rivalries. Schofenshire is founded.

4376 Sylvera is attacked by the Dolphi, the racial name of more highly evolved dolphins.

4378 Sylvera is invaded and occupied by the Dolphi.

4379 Aegyptus is attacked by an army of Djinn and Ifreet.

4380 Asani cults are uncovered and rooted out with the help of the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Azatlan is ravaged by a monsoon. Corech revolutionizes interstellar travel and shipping by creating AI piloted spacecraft. Kukali forms an alliance with the realm of the faeries. Laban wars with Sylvera in an attempt at conquest. Empire attempts to invade the surrounding nations, and fails. The kingdoms of the Great Desert crumble and revert to a more tribal/caravan style. Heranis is founded. Pasia is struck by a high level of volcanic activity. Schofenshire is attacked by an army of Goblinoids. Bagaza Mohale shields Unala from the political machinations of the rest of the world.

4381 Aegyptus is brought to the brink of ruin by Zatayt Khalil. Azatlan's ruler, Amilcar Geraldes, nearly ruins the nation.

4382 Asan is hit by a tornado. Schofenshire wars with the colonies.

4384 Pasia invades the Inean Refuge. Sylveran factions vie for control of the nation. Kelshland has a strong ruler with Bransby Dunbar.

4385 Azatlan suffers from an increase in crime. Desert Raiders from the Great Desert attack Aegyptian outposts.

4386 Azatlani officials discover evidence linking the increase in crime to a mysterious man known only as "Mr. Jones", an investigation follows. Sylvera attempts to raid Ordan in an attempt to boost their food supply.

4387 Raiders from the Great Desert attempt to invade Aegyptus.

4388 Azatlan citizenry rebel against the police state imposed by the search for Mr. Jones. Haute is founded. Pasia and Schofenshire both are hit by civil wars.

4389 Sylvera is punished by the United Confederation of Free States for their raiding of Oritan supply ships.

4390 Corvus temporarily falls to a Pasia army. Faceless Ones defeated, lulling humanity into a state of decadence. Aigno and Kenam are founded. Aegyptus ends their protest of the United Confederation of Free States and petitions for admittance. Azik is weakened by raids from the north. Doren and Seker experience a period of religious supremacy. East Nipoch, Lyraek, and Florent, expand their borders. Glorious Brotherhood investigates allegations of corruption within the church. Haute invades Urusa. Kelshish rebels attack the capital. The old government in Empire is overthrown in a revolution. The leaders of the Northern Reaches uncover a cult practicing the religion of the Yikari Yak Men (7920 PF). Equerad's slow decline into destruction ends when Empire annexes the dying nation. Vicitius wars over leadership. Far Reach Enterprises, a corporate nation, begins a worldwide advertising campaign to boost their population.

4391 Aegyptus suffers a rebellion. Aigno is invaded by Ellgiem. Factions in Kelshland nearly force the nation into a civil war. Asan has a civil war. Azatlan police forces stifle rebellious youth. Seker is plagued by locusts. Tripon is founded

4392 Azatlan wars with Doren. Raiders from the Great Desert attack Aegyptus, but fail in the invasion. Seker is attacked by an army of genetically altered humans, calling themselves the Enhanced. Sylvera is raided by a group of the Enhanced. Urusa is revealed to be the nation controlling the Enhanced.

4393 Aegyptus is hit by a drought. Doren wars with itself. East Nipoch suffers through a rebellion. The Glorious Brotherhood is attacked by what appear to be demons of all sorts. Haute is invaded by Triponi mercenaries.

4394 East Nipochian forces vie for control of West Nipoch. Pasia quashes a rebellion.

4395 Asan is raided by the weakened Faceless Ones. Sylveran officials block Azatlani access in the investigation for "Mr. Jones". Empire recovers from difficult times thanks to the efforts and leadership of Victor Asmodeus.

4396 Aigno and Lyraek are attacked after refusing citizenship to a group of dispossessed mutants. D'Gran is founded by the world's mutants. Asan has a civil war. The Azatlani population rebels against the police state. Schofenshire is invaded by Cyborg missionaries. Seker experiences a resurgence of the nanovirus.

4397 Florent wars with itself. Glorious Brotherhood is hit by a resurgence of the flesh-eating virus. Zuru is attacked by mutant animals.

4398 Aegyptus is weakened by infighting among its leadership. Empire is attacked by what appear to be angels. Kelshland is hit by a resurgence of the flesh-eating virus. Pasia is scandalized by the revelation of their manipulation of the Glorious Brotherhood. Urusa is invaded by a group of Greys. The raiders of the Great Desert are united by Hammad el Kheir.

4399 D'Gran mutants raid Azatlan. Doren is hit by a resurgence of the flesh-eating virus. East Nipoch discovers that the nation of Haute has been providing information on the human defenses to the Faceless Ones. The tribes of the Great Desert war with each other. Senoris is founded. Zuru is hit by an internal war. Corvan president George Abraham impeached.

4400 Aigno is raided by the Bem. Asan has a civil war. The Glorious Brotherhood is divided by petty feuds among the clergy. Inean Refuge becomes the breeding ground for a new age of cult activity. Majij discovers the ruins of a lost civilization deep in their forests. Ordan is founded and immediately falls prey to the flesh-eating virus. The nation of Shodan suffers when their leader dies unexpectedly, leaving no apparent heir. West Nipoch is hit by a resurgence of the flesh eating virus.

4401 Aegyptus is devastated by a magical sandstorm. Aigno is attacked by an army of centaurs. Doren and Schofenshire both have civil wars. Zuru delegates in the United Confederation of Free States are found murdered, no suspects are found. D'Gran is hit by a resurgence of the flesh-eating virus, but the unusual genetic nature of the mutant population reduces the overall effect. The Inean Refuge, Lyraek, Majij, and Sylvera, are raided by goblinoid mobs.

4402 Empire is raided by the Technoids. The Inean Refuge it hit by scandal due to the machinations of the cults forming there. Kelshland has a civil war. Okadia and Enlabu are founded. East and West Nipoch feud. Pasia invaded by Tripon. Raiders from the Great Desert attack Aegyptian supply caravans. Faceless Ones step up the attacks worldwide, effectively taking over the world.

4403 Aegyptus rebels against the Faceless One occupation. Azatlan is raided by the Children of the Stars. Enlabu is struck by increased volcanic activity. Florent is attacked by the Dolphi. Haute is invaded, and freed, by the Felinus.

4404 The people of the world unite long enough to overthrow and defeat the Faceless Ones once again. Aigno is discovered to be harboring known Faceless One agents. The Glorious Brotherhood starts a rebellion against the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians, which is quickly suppressed. Seker has a civil war. Senoris hovers on the brink of civil war before the government establishes order. Sylvera raids Urusa. Tripon is attacked by an army of undead. Ushi is founded.

4405 Aigno repels an attack made on them by the Creatures. Okadia is overrun by asx, causing death and ruin in their wake. Corvus wars with Shodan. Doren raids Enlabu strongholds. Zuru is raided by soldiers from the Inean Refuge, on their way to Shodan to aid Corvus in the war. The tribes of the Great Desert fight amongst themselves. Ordan has a civil war.

4406 Asan is invaded by Lyraekian invaders. Azatlan's failed attempt to negotiate with a tribe of Felinus settlers leads to bloodshed. The Inean Refuge mounts an internal purging of cults. Shodan is nearly torn apart by a civil war. Kelshland and Azik argue over resources. Albarz is founded. Relations between Corvus and Majij deteriorate. Pasia suffers a rebellion. Enlabu is aided by the United Confederation of Free States in recovering from a devastating hurricane. The flesh eating disease spreads worldwide.

4407 Azatlan is conquered by a society of winged serpents, heretofore unknown. D'Gran suffers from persecution in the United Confederation of Free States, perpetrated mainly by Ordan. Senoris is hit by a resurgence of the flesh-eating virus.

4408 Doren farmers rebel against unfair taxation that has been leaving them poor and destitute. Empire attempts to invade Okadia. Glorious Brotherhood wars with the mutant nation of D'Gran. Raiders waylay supply caravans passing through Great Desert. Haute feuds with its neighbors. Albarz suffers from a rash of earthquakes and floods. Seker is divided by political differences, but the nation does not fall. Sylvera is raided by a group of renegade mages fleeing the Magic Corps. The Free State of Alban is founded. Urusa has a civil war. Citizens of West Nipoch rebel against the United Confederation of Free States.

4409 Aegyptians rebel against the Djinn/Ifreet city-states, regaining total control of their nation. The D'Gran mutants war with each other. Florent wars with Azatlan. Schofenshire attempts to undermine Aegyptus within the United Confederation of Free States. The Scourge appear, providing the source of the Plague of 4406, as well as the outbreaks of the flesh-eating virus.

4410 Asan has a civil war. Triponese factions battle with each other. Dindraku experiences a period of decadence. Empire is overrun with mutants. The people of Pasia panic when the nation is attacked by the Proto. Florent raids the Atlantis Biodome, leaving the colonists there short on food. Haute stirs up trouble within the United Confederation of Free States. Kenam is damaged by tornadoes. Kezula grows in strength. Sebany wars over new leadership. Lapisin takes the opportunity to attack Sebany while they are weakened. Siloquin suffers from a plague of asx. Sylvera investigates the disappearance of an entire classroom of children with their teachers. Ta-Fir is found to be the home of a cult of death worshipers. Veran wi-Dria is founded. West Nipoch's population declines when a rebellion ends in a large portion of the citizenry leaving for East Nipoch. Senoris wars with Voyud. Ushi is raided by Shodani soldiers. All corporate nations allowed entry into the UCFS, the deciding vote being cast by Brown & Keets.

4411 Aigno is thrown into chaos by a rebellion. Dindraku feuds with the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians over religious taxation. Enlabu is quarantined by the United Confederation of Free States after its population contracts magic wart, an unusual and uncomfortable disease. Haute reveals that they have been attempting to raise an army of demons to aid in possible wars. Inean Refuge is devastated by a monster hurricane. Ordan is attacked by an advance ship of Felinus Bobcats. Zuru is struck by a rebellion, but manages to prevent any lasting damage to the nation's infrastructure. Corvus is poorly lead by Gilbert Corbett.

4412 Azatlan raids the jungle homes of the winged serpents. Azik is punished for attempting to discredit Florent in the United Confederation of Free States. The Great Desert is once again the site of a scandal when satellite photos reveal hidden weapon stores. Seker is raided by pixie vandals. Voyud, in an attempt to bolster their strength, attacks a passing D'Torr supply ship. Kelshland thrives under the leadership of Veronica Fergusson.

4413 East Nipoch has a civil war. Empire and Okadia begin a rivalry over technological advances. Enlabu is struck by a plague of asx. Sylvera suffers from an internal war.

4414 D'Gran wars with Aegyptus. West Nipoch has a civil war. Suludan wars internally. The Glorious Brotherhood feuds with the Colonial Congress over attempts to integrate them with the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. The citizens of Schofenshire rebel, resulting in many of them leaving for the colonies. Siloquin stifles a rebellion. Shodan removes itself from world affairs with no explanation or warning. The Free State of Alban, Pasia, and Urusa, band together to attack the off world colonies. Veran wi-Dria is scandalized by colonial accusations of threats. The United Confederation of Free States and Colonial Congress split.

4415 Aigno invades Senoris. Doren stages an invasion of Tripon. Asan raids a Besik command post. Azatlan is hit with an outbreak of an anticoagulant disease, spread by mosquitoes. Corvus is attacked by trolls. East Nipoch thwarts an invasion attempt staged by an army of dwarves. Haute is besieged by an elvish raiding party. Lapisin finds evidence of an invasion planned by the merfolk. Okadian protesters stage a rebellion. Ta-Fir attacks Ushi, disguising the attacks to appear to be from within so as to prompt a civil war.

4416 Bryant and Kunis are founded. Empire is raided by a band of masked marauders, who are later revealed as a group of freedom fighters within the country. The Great Desert is invaded by Aegyptian soldiers bent on eradicating the desert raiders once and for all. Inean Refuge assists Sebany in the Sebany/East Nipoch war. Kezula has an internal war. Sylvera and Voyud plot the downfall of Unala as a form of revenge for past disagreements. Urusa is hit by a massive tidal wave. Sebany invaded by East Nipoch.

4417 Azatlan, Urusa, and Dindraku war with each other. Bavin and The Hinterlands are founded. Florentine educators rebel against the censorship of history texts describing Florent's less than perfect history. The Raiders of the Great Desert are able to drive out the Aegyptian invaders. Haute attacks a pod of sea serpents. Pasia raids the colonies on Luna. The people of Shodan divide into smaller factions based on political philosophy. Ushi and Ordan feud within the United Confederation of Free States. Zuru discovers the plots of Sylvera and Voyud, but is unable to take action.

4418 Aigno is gripped in the jaws of a civil war. Asan wars internally. Chiran is founded. Doren factions war with each other. Empire invades a small island off their coast, ousting the freedom fighters that had been sheltering there. The Glorious Brotherhood is devastated by a series of floods. Jiros is founded. Kelshland has a civil war. Kunis vies for control of the United Confederation of Free States. Majij wars with itself over the distribution of resources. Seker's government is implicated in a major money scandal, and is quickly replaced. Shodan is invaded by dragons fleeing the destruction of their home realm. When a territory within Suludan attempts to secede a war breaks out. Veran wi-Drian citizens rebel against the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians, declaring religion illegal within their borders. Lyonn founded by Lorenzo Locke, the religious heretic. mutants rebel worldwide.

4419 Aegyptus investigates a string of kidnappings and disappearances. Azatlan sends troops to Senoris to stir up trouble. Bavin is overrun by halflings. Bryant is invaded by demons. Corvan factions feud. D'Gran, Doren, Jiros, and Okadia are all hit with a new strain of the flu, one that proves to be fatal. Enlabu's population is plagued by faerie pranks. Fummo is founded. Lapisin is struck by a increase in the population of ogres. Schofenshire becomes the homeland for a race of giants. Sebany wars with Ushi. The Free State of Alban is invaded by a host of angels. Veran wi-Dria is scandalized when a civilian aerial transport is shot down from their skies.

4420 Aniria mounts an expedition to explore the newly discovered site of an apparent spacecraft's crash. Kazaad's decline in power forces the nation to split. Corvus is struck by hurricanes. The Great Desert is invaded by the Gnan. Heranis suffers from tsunamis. Le Grande Marche announces an open threat to anyone found harboring Faceless Ones. Albarzi renegades rebel against the government. Los Carnos mounts a crusade to convert the few remaining countries to the light, forcing them to accept the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Pasia, Doren, Roku, and Siloquin experience rebellions. Vasy grows in power. Vicitius is struck by an outbreak of the orcish flu. Wehra wars over leadership. Yntir crusades against the ogres. The Hinterlands war with Luxor. Unala nearly falls, due in part to the machinations of Sylvera and Voyud. Etas reveals the Sylvera/Voyud treachery. Dark Ryder leads Avalion into a golden age. Lanaa is engages in initial explorations of the solar system, with the aid of Dark Ryder.

4421 Asan conquers a force of invading dragons. Azatlan, Bavin, Seker, and Veran wi-Dria all suffer from rebellions. Azik wars with Ta-Fir. Chiran is plagued by locusts. Heranis and the Inean Refuge plan an attack on Jiros. Roku is torn apart by internal strife. Urusa is hit by a monstrous blizzard. Corvus suffers due to poor presidential decisions made by Marcus Blackwell.

4422 Bavin rebels against the United Confederation of Free States and the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. D'Gran is hit by hurricanes. An earthquake devastates Dindraku. Lapisin becomes a center of volcanic activity. Doren invades Yntir. Okadia invades Voyud. Wehra raids Suludan. Tripon experiences an outbreak of psipox. East Nipoch has a civil war. Enlabu becomes embroiled in a plot to discover the secret that united the original colonists with the Nerthers centuries ago. The Glorious Brotherhood forms a new incarnation of the Knights Templar. Kunis wars internally. Kelshland wars with Veran wi-Dria. Corvus wars with Empire. Lord Locke organizes Lyonn into a powerful nation. The people of Senoris are terrorized by a group of militias attempting to overthrow the government.

4423 Aniria discovers evidence of a nearly all-powerful worldwide organization. Assaly, Atox, and Ewlet are founded. Corvus suffers from internal wars. Empire is struck by a tsunami. Florent is hit by hurricanes. The New Knights Templar begin purging the Glorious Brotherhood of corrupting influences. Haute is invaded by Chitula refugees. Heranis wars with Majij. Le Grande Marche is scandalized by the discovery that their king was born of peasant stock. Unala is ravaged by widespread fires. Vasy is subject to an outbreak of Scourge activity. Veran wi-Dria is torn apart by a rampaging horde of orcs. West Nipoch is severely weakened by an increase in the wolf population, causing the local ecosystem to go out of whack. Zuru attempts to raid Kelshland, but the raiders are all repelled. Aigno wars with raiders from the Great Desert. Increase in sightings of mythic and fantasy creatures attributed to high use of magic. Sylvera wars with Ordan.

4424 Cadizaar is founded. Ewlet's leadership is thrown out in a bloody coup. Fummo has an outbreak of the VR disease. A serious tornado strikes the Inean Refuge. Kunis wars internally. Lanaa investigates reports of disappearances within its borders. Chiran and Luxor oppose each other within the United Confederation of Free States, but do not declare war yet. Lyraek's recent human rights violations prompt United Confederation of Free States action. Sebany required United Confederation of Free States aid in recovering from hurricanes. Siloquin is attacked by invaders from Silvervale. Suludan wars with the faerie kingdoms. The Free State of Alban suffers from persecution by the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Raiders from the Great Desert almost succeed in invading Aegyptus. Ushi wars with the Glorious Brotherhood. Shodan's Empress Miura Emiko (known to historians as Emiko IV) greatly expands her nation's power.

4425 Aigno has an internal war. Avalion raids Bryant. Dindraku stifles a rebellion. Doren uncovers a scandal within the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Enlabu peasantry rebel. The Great Desert is attacked by a group of renegade Djinn. Heranis is attacked by the Tiberon. Jiros has a civil war. Katal is founded. Lapisin has an outbreak of psipox. Luxor investigates the organization discovered by Aniria a few years back. Pasia suffers from a rebellion. The factions within Shodan start to war. Ta-Fir covers up the misdeeds of their ruler to avert a scandal. The Hinterlands are invaded by the Yikari Yak Men. The mutants of The Wastes and the mutants of D'Gran war with each other.

4426 Atox attempts to invade Dindraku. Avalion is hit by a series of rebellions. Jiros suffers from a civil war. Albarz and Los Carnos are plagued by a swarm of locusts. Okadia raids Haute. Sebany prevents a rebellion. Urusa has a civil war. Vicitius suffers United Confederation of Free States punishments for illegal weapons trading with Suludan. Yntir is attacked by genetic creations from Majij. Aigno invaded by Senorian forces. Calvin Hunter stages a coup, takes leadership, and almost ruins Lyonn. Aegyptus is lead well by Illys Al Mashkhoul. Azatlan's leader Sergio Mendes boosts the nations struggling economy.

4427 Aigno has a civil war. Aniria and Doren suffer from rebellions. Enlabu wars internally. Ewlet raids Kunis. Heranis and Siloquin become rivals in the United Confederation of Free States. Genetic creations from Majij attack Dindraku. Ordan and Seker develop a rivalry. Roku is attacked by trolls. The Hinterlands war with the Yikari Yak Men. Veran wi-Dria is devastated when a horrible beast escapes from a genetic testing facility. Fummo, West Nipoch, Lapisin, and Zuru band together to reform the Unfinished Circle, this time as an organization to rival the United Confederation of Free States instead of a terrorist organization. The Free State of Alban enters into a small feud with Okadia. Ushi wars with Katal. Voyud wars with Urusa.

4428 Azatlan invades Assaly. Chadan, Fordu, and Phyrri are founded. Chiran and Enlabu feud. D'Gran is scandalized when it is revealed their leader is not a true mutant. East Nipoch reveals the Unfinished Circle's newest founders to the United Confederation of Free States. Florent attempts to invade the Glorious Brotherhood. Kelshish militias stage a rebellion. Kezula and Wehra feud over position in the United Confederation of Free States. Kunis is invaded by kappa. Walking dead from Luxor attack Lanaa. Senoris attempts to gain power by discrediting Silvervale. Unala, caught in a web of lies, suffers humiliation at the hands of Sylvera. Veran wi-Dria is hit by massive seismic activity. Corvan/Empire war escalates

4429 Bavin, Luxor, Urusa, and the Free State of Alban are attacked by Faceless Ones. Ewlet is hit hard by Faceless One biological weapons. Le Grande Marche invades West Nipoch. Senoris is gripped by an internal war. Shodan cuts itself off from the rest of the world, stating only that they must "prepare for the approaching doom". Ungre is founded. Azik raided by raiders from the Great Desert. Enlabu raided by Veran wi-Dria. Lyraek wars with Vasy.

4430 Aegyptus is assaulted by the Faceless Ones. A destructive tornado hits Aniria. Bavin investigates Faceless One attacks, looking for a pattern. Bryant eradicates a settlement of ogres. D'Gran attacks Empire. Enlabu uncovers a scandal within the United Confederation of Free States. Vengeful spirits return from beyond to invade Etas. Haute is aided in recovering from massive flooding. Inean Refuge is invaded by Lapisin. Katalian soldiers prevent a rebellion. Scientists in Kukali revolutionize nanotechnology, making it widely used. Laban has a revolution. Albarz experiences an outbreak of magic wart. Lyonn is raided by Ta-Fir. Roku has an internal war. Schofenshire's populous rebels. Senoris wars internally. Tripon has a civil war. Columbius wars with Phyrri. Raiders of the Great Desert wars with Uik. Fritz Vogel, a citizen of Corech, discovers the source of magic. The Glorious Brotherhood is poorly lead by Christian Galvion. Tobias Prock heads a revolution in Lozzo, redefining the system of government.

4431 Aegyptus is wracked by sandstorms. Asan is plagued by frogs. Avalion ousts their leader when it is revealed he is not true nobility. Chadan and Dinraku become rivals in the race to set up a space station. Corvus is devastated by an outbreak of the Siloquin Twitching Disease. Empire's inner circle argue, prompting a civil war. Heranis is invaded by a band of renegade mages, lead by the 16 year old Marcus Michaels. Isles of Hexane are founded. Lyonn is hit by scandal when Calvin Hunter convicts Lord Locke of treason. Majij suffers from a rebellion. Schofenshire and the Hinterlands vie for power. Sebany investigates Pasia's involvement in a string of assassinations. Seker becomes the base of operations for a band of Hunters, occult versions of exterminators. Sylvera, Tripon, and Vasy band together to discredit Veran wi-Dria in the United Confederation of Free States. Vicitius is assaulted by nephelem. Yntir is attacked by demons. Vortex Station, the first AI/nanotech station is built and populated by the United Confederation of Free States.

4432 Assaly's congress rebel against the harsh, dictatorial, president. Bavin and Laban are invaded by Faceless Ones. The Glorious Brotherhood attempts to break free of Unified Brotherhood of Theologians control. Voyud has an internal war. Cadizaar is hit by weatrot. The Isles of Hexane are quarantined when the population all comes down with the Wraku'Gi-ni Flu. Atox, Azik, Jiros, and Ushi are hit by scandal. Urusa is invaded by Marcus Michaels. The Magic Corps, College of Magical Studies, and Mages Conclave unanimously ban Marcus Michaels and his followers from membership in any magic related organization. Tarax is founded. Lozzo and Silvervale war. Lapisin is raided by Los Carnos. Kezula wars with Corech. Lanaa wars with Aria, ending in an invasion. Ordan wars with Kelshland and Le Grande Marche. In a bizarre twist of fate, a dual cataclysm of rogue nanobots and a massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) destroys the majority of the world's technology. Shodan is left mostly untouched by the EMP thanks to their EMP shielding, but the nanobots still cause widespread devastation. Vortex Station malfunctions, killing crew and drifting off into space. Kukali has a civil war. Corporate nations fall with the devaluing of the Universal Credit.

4433 Aegyptians rebel against their government in the wake of the Great Collapse. Empire barely prevents a rebellion. Chiran attempts to discredit Kunis. Florent, Luxor, and Ungre feud over remaining tech. Haute and Shodan become rivals in the United Confederation of Free States. Aigno raids Pasia, in search of technology. Hollenstad, and Oria are founded. Lanaa invades Roku. Siloquin is hit by an earthquake. A series of fires devastate Phyrri. Tripon is aided by the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians in rebuilding after a major flood. Silvervale has a civil war. The Citizen's Army and local military war within Dindraku. Zuru wars internally. Azik wars with Uik. Azatlan suffers under the leadership of Maria Delgado.

4434 Corech is implicated in an illegal arms trade scandal with D'Gran. Dindraku is hurt by the increase in biological weapons. East Nipoch feuds with West Nipoch. Fordu's population rebels. Fummo stifles a rebellion. The raiders of the Great Desert rebel against Aegyptian dictators. Tripon invades Jiros. Kezula suffers through a civil war. Kukali reveals that the Citizen's Army originated in Sebany. Lapisin is hit by rebellions. Los Carnos raids Vasy. Phyrri wars internally. Senoris is hit by The Scourge. Suludan is investigated fro releasing a chemical agent into the water supplies of Wehra, effectively poisoning the entire nation. Political refugees from Seker incite rebellions in Unala. Uik invaded by Azikans.

4435 Nearly 3 years after the Great Collapse caused the loss of the majority of the world's technology, chaos sets in. The nations of Atox, Azatlan, Cadizaar, Fummo, Lyraek, and Vasy, are torn apart by civil wars. Columbius, Corvus, Ewlet, and Lyonn raid neighboring countries. The Free State of Alban wars internally. Enlabu and Kezula clash within the United Confederation of Free States. Kritos and Prian are founded. Le Grande Marche invades Wehra. The people of West Nipoch and Yntir rebel against the United Confederation of Free States and their own governments. The Great Desert suffers from wars amongst the raider city-states. Aegyptus thrives, thanks to the strong leadership of Faiza al-Bazzaz.

4436 Aniria wars with Cadizaar. Fordu implicates Ordan in the instigation of many wars. Avalion and Chiran are hit by plagues and famine. A freak blizzard hits Bryant, in the middle of the summer. Heranis incites a rebellion within Albarz. Pasia invades Silvervale. Ta-Fir rebuilds after being demolished by earthquakes. Veran wi-Dria has a civil war. Vicitius suffers after a terrible hurricane. Voyud convinces the United Confederation of Free States to punish Sylvera for unlawful use of psi. Wehra is hit by a rebellion of the working class. The Faceless Ones that have been plaguing humanity for generations are revealed to have been merely scouts when the full invasion force arrives. The Faceless One invasion attacks the Great Desert, the Inean Refuge, the Isles of Hexane, Kezula, Majij, Roku, and the Hinterlands. Shodani factions war over what to do with their surviving technology.

4437 Asan, jealous of the power the Isles of Hexane have gained, attempt to turn the United Confederation of Free States against them. Assaly has a civil war. The Faceless Ones test new biological weapons on the people of Chadan. D'Gran is overrun by human refugees. Florent invades Sylvera. Fummo's various factions war with each other. The Glorious Brotherhood, with the help of the new Knights Templar, uncover corruption in the Unified Brotherhood of Theologians. Kezula is implicated in the raiding of Hollenstad. Kukali is attacked by a golem. Laban is raided by a renegade band of Greys. The factions in Lozzo vie for power. Majij has an internal war. Seker is punished by the United Confederation of Free States for their part in the Unala rebellions of 4434. Roku and Zuru are charged with war crimes. Siloquin is hit by a plague of wildlings, beings of pure chaos. Ungre is raided by Voyud. Urusa is torn apart by civil wars. An army of genetic creations from Ushi attack The Free State of Alban. Aria wars with Okadia.

4438 Atox is subject to a rebellion. Bavin rebels nearly topple the government. Corech is attacked by a Vortice, an alien native to wormholes. Corvus has a civil war. Heranis is struck by a tornado. Jiros invades Kelshish territories. Kunis and Whitestone become rivals within the United Confederation of Free States. Lanaa and Los Carnos feud. Pasia is raided by the Citizens Army. Phyrri is plagued by a horde of angry totem spirits. Tarax has an internal war. The Free State of Alban wards off attacks by nature spirits, out to get vengeance for an increase in pollution. Tripon is attacked by a Flayer slave craft. Urusa is raided by Kritos. Vora is founded. The tribes of the Great Desert band together to declare war on Suludan.

4439 Aigno feuds with Prian. Asan raids Fummo. D'Gran is attacked by an army lead by the new Knights Templar. Dindraku's government is challenged by rebel soldiers. Doren is hit by an earthquake. Empire finally joins the United Confederation of Free States. Haute is invaded by Kezula. Kunis is hit by a rebellion. The people of Lyonn rebel against Calvin Hunter, reinstating Lorenzo Locke as their ruler. Okadia raids Ewlet. Oria is hit by scandal when Siloquin raiders discover a living Faceless One being held in a military instillation. Phyrri is hit by internal wars. Roku is invaded by the Felinus. Silvervale has a civil war. Suludan stifles a rebellion. Urusa is invaded by Scourge Manlings. Vasy and Vora are attacked by rogue androids. West Nipoch is hit by a rebellion, ending in many citizens defecting to East Nipoch. Enlabu wars with Lapisin. Voyud invaded by raiders from the Great Desert.

4440 Avalion wars with Corech. Columbius is targeted by a group of mages, led by Marcus Michaels, as the testing ground for a magical disease. Dir'akul experiences a period of decadence. Dindraku has an outbreak of the Orange Fever. East Nipoch suffers from an outbreak of zombie activity. Enlabu rebels cause chaos and rioting. Etas is plagued by death beetles. The Isles of Hexane discover that Le Grande Marche has supported Empire's human rights violations for years. Jiros stifles a rebellion. Kenam has a war of succession when their ruler dies with no heirs. Kier-na-Teg feuds with Unala. Kukali wars internally. Neopoli, New Zodin, and Worit are founded. The settlement in the Northern Reaches forms a trade agreement with the Yikari Yak Men (7940 PF). Oria uncovers a document from Empire detailing a plan to destroy the United Confederation of Free States. Sebany suffers when a plague of locusts wipe out their entire food supply. Uik raids Ushi. Vicitius is attacked by Faceless One scouts. Voyud is struck by an unnatural drought. Zuru experiences a rebellion. Azatlan wars with Florent. Bryant wars with Empire. Raiders from the Great Desert successfully raid Aegyptian armories. Aegyptian government implements martial law to attempt to stop raids on armories. The corporations that once made up the corporate nations begin to regain their lost power.

4441 Aigno enters into a rivalry with Seker. Aniria has an internal war over distribution of resources. Brist is founded. Chadan invades Ordan. Ewlet's populous rebel. The Glorious Brotherhood is raided by Kritos. The Great Desert's tribes war with each other. Hollenstad is devastated by floods. Katal and Albarz oppose each other in the United Confederation of Free States. Kelshish extremists rebel against their government. Lyraek has an internal war. Shofenshire suffers when the native giants war with the nephelem. Shodani rebels reveal the secret behind their protected technology. Yntir searches for the causes of the Great Collapse. Siloquin, Ta-Fir, and Tarax, are all gripped by civil wars. Majij raids the Hinterlands. Urusan shapeshifters attack supply stations and national monuments. Veran wi-Dria invaded by Lapisin.

4442 Asan aids Azik in avoiding scandal over misuse of taxes. Assaly is raided by Marcus Michaels's band of renegades. Atox stages an invasion of Wehra. Chiran is invaded by the Proto. Corvus rebels attack the capital. Lanaa plots against Okadia. Fordu is attacked by a Flayer warship. Los Carnos rebels against the United Confederation of Free States. Osinth is founded. The Free State of Alban is plagued by ghouls. Ungre is attacked by an army of zombies wearing the uniforms of Okadian soldiers. Cadizaar is gripped by revolution. Inean Refuge wars with Tripon. Exploration by the settlement in the Northern Reaches leads to the discovery of the "modern world" (7942 PF).

4443 Aria is invaded by Senoris. D'Gran raids Phyrri. Lyonn suffers when the Locke-ists rebel against the Hunter-ists. Okadia avoids scandal by finding evidence implicating Lanaa as the culprit responsible for attacking Ungre with the army of undead. Sylvera and Voyud declare war on each other. The kingdoms of The Wastes refuse to join the United Confederation of Free States. Vasy is hit by earthquakes.

4444 Bavin wars with Heranis. Doren is attacked by a Felinus royal hunting party. Fummo suffers from an increase in the use of the drug known as "twitch". Kunis feuds with Luxor. Suludan and Vora declare war on each other, but no fighting takes place. West Nipoch suffers when the nation's youth rebels against all forms of authority. Whitestone is attacked by Goblinoids.

4445 Haute sends a warship to attack the colonies, only recently discovered to have survived the Great Collapse. Kezula and Prian suffer from rebellions. Roku is hit by an outbreak of psipox.