Evidence of New Solar System Found
Associated Press Writer
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ The first evidence of the existence of
another solar system somewhat like our own was reported today.
The discovery indicates that the Milky Way, which contains about
200 billion stars, probably has numerous planetary systems, San
Francisco State University researchers said in announcing the find.
Astronomers knew one planet was circulating around Upsilon
Andromedae, 44 light years from Earth. But after studying 107 stars
for 11 years at the Lick Observatory near San Jose, scientists said
evidence of two additional planets has been spotted. The discovery
would mean that for the first time, a true solar system _ with
multiple planets _ had been located.
``It implies that planets can form more easily than we ever
imagined, and that our Milky Way is teeming with planetary
systems,'' said Debra Fischer, one of the researchers.
The planets were discovered using a method that measures their
gravitational pull on their star, not by direct observation.
Planets' gravity tugs on their stars, causing them to wobble
slightly. By examining the star's ultraviolet light transmissions,
astronomers can calculate back-and-forth shifts in the ultraviolet
wavelengths. A larger wobble indicates the orbiting planet is
Astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
in Cambridge, Mass., and at the High-Altitude Observatory in
Boulder, Colo., independently identified the two new planets.
The innermost of the three planets has at least 75 percent of
the mass of Jupiter and is very close to its sun, orbiting once
every 4.6 days. The middle planet is twice Jupiter's mass and
orbits the star every 242 days from a location about as far as
Venus from the sun. The outer planet has the mass of four Jupiters
and orbits its star every 3{ to 4 years. It is more than twice as
far from its star as Earth is from the sun.
No theory predicted that so many huge planets would form around
a star, said astronomer Geoffrey Marcy, a member of the discovery
``I am mystified at how such a system of Jupiter-like planets
might have been created,'' he said. ``This will shake up the theory
of planet formation.''
Alex Wolszczan, an astronomy professor at Penn State University,
called the discovery an ``important step'' toward understanding the
``It has been anticipated and awaited by the scientific
community. It's nice to see it's finally happened,'' he said.
``What I get right away from this particular discovery is that it
emphasizes even more how different those systems are from our
More about this from NASA with images and illustrations
Updated Wed, Apr 28, 1999
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Thomas Waksvik
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