On the 20th of December 1942 at Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire
The HMS Circassia did embark,
For the 166th NFLD. Field Regiment Royal Artillery
The fighting soon would start.

Rough weather in the Atlantic they encountered
Once inside the Mediterranean the sea was calm,
The exceptional sunrise restored their spirits
As they recited the 23rd Pslam.

On the first of February 1943
The HMS Circassia arrived at Algiers,
The Captain, 15 subalterans and 645 O.R'sv
Knew that the time was near.

Four officers and 24 O.R's remained in Algiers
While the remainder embarked on smaller ships,
Where several Newfoundlanders met old aquantances
And they talked about their trip.

On the second of February 1943
They arrived at aplace called BONE,
They marched for 41/2 milesto No.4 Transit Camp
They were far away from home.

Seven days they had to wait
For the arrival of their vechiles and guns,
On the 9th of February they moved out of BONE
To fight a war that had to be won.

The FOUM PASS has been captured by the infantry
The only road through the pass is heavily mined,
The "Q" and "R" Batteries must use the cover of darkness
The mines are cleared and they cross just in time.

We have orders to attack by night,
Then our equipment we clean and maintain
When it becomes daylight.

The infantry finds stiff opposition
The shelling comes furious and fast,
On the 23rd of April 1943
"LONGSTOP HILL" have been captured at last!

While capturing the high ground overlooking the SANGRO
In Italy, we suffered our first casualities,
Gunners WHITE and FISHER were killed
And Captain SHEPPARD was wounded on the 17th of November 1943.

On the 31st of January
The Regiments Orders were received,
We were called out of action
To start a three day trip across Italy.

The Regiment had a three week break
The men needed a well earned rest,
They have been fighting since early November
They were under a great deal of stress.

When the GUSTAN LINE at CASSINO was broken
The 166th moved rapidly northward through ROME,
AREZZO, FLORENCE and PISTOIA until the advance was slowed
By the APENNINES, a Mountain Range well known.

In the month of December 1944
The advance came to a standstill,
And the Regiment settled in
While the storm around them prevailed.

In mid-February 1945, the first group of 64 men
Journeyed back to Newfoundland for 28 days leave,
The fighting have ended for the 166th
They prayed that their efforts helped the allies to succeed.

In July 1945, aboard the HMS Duchess of Richmond
They left England and were England bound,
In early August they sailed for Halifax on the S.S. Cameronian
Then to St. John's aboard the Lady Rodney that was safe and sound.

The 166th NFLD. Field Regiment Royal Artillery
Was ofically disbanned on the 31st of October, 1945,
The regiment members that survived
Thanked God for keeping them alive.

Although the war is offically over
The terrible memories shall remain,
They watched their friends die in battle
For them, life will never be the same!

By: Yvonne Legge
Copyright 1998 Yvonne Legge

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