Beholding Beyond Words To Our Servicemen And Women
Stationed Around The World In Far Away Places
Therešs Not Much We Can Say To Thank Them Enough
For What They Go Thru Each Day In The Rough
  But: Give Them Our Thanks
  Give Them Our Love
  Give Them Our Regards
  For a Safe Return
We Praise and Raise Our Hands To You
That Earned the Honor That We Now Bestow
We Salute You For A Job Bravely Done
And Applaud Your Courage In The Face Of The Unknown
  Defending Freedom
  Defending Liberty
  Defending Peace 
  At Home And Abroad
For The Past, Present, And Future Generations
Duty Will Always Be An Honorable Citation
To Stand The Ground That Freedom Upholds
To Endure Engagements Where Ever They Unfold
   Defending Freedom
   Defending Liberty
   Defending Peace
   At Home And Abroad
For Those MIAšS, POWšS,
Fallen Soldiers, Who Gave All They Could
We Will Search For As Long As It Takes
You Are Not Forgotten And Will Always Be
    In Our Hearts
    In Our Prayers
    In Our Minds
    For All Time
These Immortalized Soldiers Whose Bravery Abounds
They Are Sisters, Brothers Heroes Profound
They Enlisted For The Duty At Hand
To Serve The Cause Of Country And Land
    They Serve With Honor
    They Serve With Valor
    They Serve With A Pride
    That Will Change Them Forever
To Our Forces Standing Tall And Proud They Be
Our Countryšs Behind Them In A Solemn Sea
So Let The Flags Of Freedom Fly
Unfurled In Their Majesty High

    In The Sun
    In The Rain
    In The Wind
    Across This Land
These Are The Things Our Countryšs Made of
These Are The Things We Cherish And Love
So Let The Flags Of Freedom Fly
Unfurled In Their Majesty High
     In The Sun
     In The Rain
     In The Winds
     For All Time

Jerry Calow  ( Copyright 2003 )
