This is written in honor of my  good friend, Sgt. Charles Bielecki, one of the 385 brave men, heroes all, who survived the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, "battle-ready."
It is dedicated to Colonel Donald C. Faith, Jr. of the 1st Bn., 32nd Infantry Regiment, who died two miles from the freedom he led the Chosin Few to.
Colonel Faith is the lifetime personal hero of Sgt. Bielecki who is a veteran of the 3rd BN., 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division.  I am so proud to call him Friend!


"When Hell Freezes Over"
We've all heard
This casual remark,
So absurd
And thought little of it
And just as well
For who ever heard
Of a frozen hell?

Well listen to me
And you will know
Of the frozen hell
Where soldiers go.
I can tell you now
How it was then
When I went to hell
And back again.

It was back in fifty
You know the score,
When the Thirty-first
Went off to war.
We were the Polar Bears!
We'd  been around,
But we almost lost it
On that frozen ground.

It was called Chosin
That frozen place
Inhabitable I'd say
By Gods own race
But there we were
At forty below
with frozen ear
And frozen toe

With weapon frozen
To the hand
Then forced to fight
For this bitter land
Out-numbered there
By the Devils brood
Fighting to death
And dying crude.

We did not bleed
For our blood was frozen
There on the battleground
We recall as Chosin
And on we went
Our numbers small
To Hagarui-ri,
As I recall.

Even in Hell
A hero's born
And we had ours
That frozen morn
When Donald Faith
Redeemed us there
But stayed behind
In the Devils lair.

Like One before
A sacrifice made
He gave his life
For those he saved
Four thousand strong
Were nevermore
Three thousand lay
On the Devils floor

And of those left
To fight again
There were but a handful
Of Faiths own men
He led us out
That day from Hell
It's sacred ground
Where our hero fell

A rag-tag lot
Half-frozen men
Half-able but willing
To fight again
And I am one
And you may be too
We are known today
As the Chosin Few!

By Judith Knight