Oft a candle light has cast a shadow over the drying ink seemingly taking the thoughts and experiences of the author into a time capsule for tomorrow...
Introduction to Ernest Waymark
I started typing Ernest's diaries and poems for him approximately 4 years ago. He has a deep interest in his heritage. His ancestory takes him back to the castle of Arundel and the Estate of the Earl of Goodawl (I'll have to check the spelling of that!) He has drawn me a picture of the castle and where his daughter's (Marian)bedroom was. I have since visited Ernest and talked to Marian over the phone. She is an accomplished artist. After reading some of her father's works I can understand the imagery she uses in her sketches. She has sent me an extraordinarily simple yet beautiful pen and ink flower drawing on a pure white background which by itself takes the viewer into the heart of the poet whose works are below.
Thinking out loud
Ernie....November 1986
I wonder how far
we progress
before we
A future without hope is no future
loneliness is like an illness
to live in the past is
one symptom
nor can we live
in the future
we can only live for today
day by day
hour by hour
no news can not be bad news
any more
man is a funny animal
he sheds tears
for happiness, grief,
remorse, pain, and...
for many other things
always it gives relief
I feel frightened
if very happy
happiness and sorrow seem to walk
hand in hand
every one wants to be happy
so I wonder why
so many people do their best
to make other people's lives
so unhappy
man is often more cruel
than those in the wild.
Ernie July 8th 1984
Do you remember Dusty?
he used to suck his thumb
and Alfie with his bandy legs
he always seemed to run
what about the day at PT
when Carrie had to stop
because the elastic in her knickers went
and they fell down with a plop
the teacher found a safety pin
and much to our surprise
Carrie carried on with an upward stretch
and tears ran from her eyes
we used to collect the milk each day
when we came out of school
then hurry home across the fields
in winter it was cruel
when the little stream became a torrent
with all the melting snow
and the roads and footpaths flooded
but to school we had to go
our teachers were very good
but oh so very strict
and if you didn't behave yourself
you quickly got the stick
many years have passed a way
the school is closed and gone
but I still remember all those kids
and the memories still live on
Ernie May 26th 1985...
...and Ernie has written much more. We publish them not just because he is "of our line" but also because he eloquently, romantically, and sincerely depicts the lifes of the Waymarks in the early 20th Century in Sussex - the home of most of our ancestors for centuries. If you wish to explore more of his poetry such as these few lines: A SAMPLE OF MORE POETRY...
I met
a beautiful Austrian girl
at a dance
the next village
we fell in love
six months
we married
caused a sensation...
A SAMPLE OF Prose...
"It all seems so long ago now, but so many times the memories of my childhood come flooding back to me.
I first saw the light of day at 22 Charlton, Singleton, in West Sussex amid those lovely Southdown hills.
That was almost 73 years ago now.
My father George, and my mother Lucy, were both honest and hard working Sussex folk. Dad spent most of his time working in the woods cutting down trees, and all the other jobs that go with forestry. Sometimes to get a little extra money he would do a few jobs on the local farm, such as helping with the harvest, and hoeing in the turnip fields. All these jobs had to be done by hand, or with horses, as the tractor and the farm machine age was yet to begin. Mother spent most of her day working in the house. She was a good cook. She used to make beautiful stews with just a little meat and lots of vegetables which came from my father's garden. We had lots of steamed puddings and plenty of fresh fruit..."
The above few lines of poetry, and the prose abstract is a sample of Ernest's diary writing; if you want to read more
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