why "Write Ads 4 U", instead of _________ ?
Guaranteed Quality, Experience, & Dependability !
- Combined, over 40 years of Broadcast / Production, and writing experience.
- Commercial production and copy experience, utilized in Major Markets such as: Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Memphis, Phoenix, Houston, Charleston, S.C., & Jacksonville, just to name a few.
- We provide FAST turnover ! The job is done right away, when needed ! We don't procrastinate!
- We specialize in BROADCAST COPY ! Many other copywriters often favor a less conversational, print media style.
- We DON'T produce "boiler plate", (fill in the blank) copy like some broadcast organizations. Every piece of copy is CUSTOM WRITTEN, when ordered !
- We're at our best ALL DAY ! Many copywriters are at their least creative and weakest point, when they're needed most.. Late afternoon!
- All of this QUALITY & CREATIVITY is now avaliable, at your fingertips, at affordable prices !