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Chapter 1

As the flight attendant walked around to the passengers, she came across a young girl. "Miss?" The girl looked at her. "I'm sorry to disturb you, miss, but we will be arriving to Orlando in about 7 minutes or so." The girl said,

"Thank you." She handed back the ice pack that she had used earlier. She sat back in her chair, and closed her eyes. She was finally going to live somewhere safe, which was perhaps better than where she lived before, in Syracuse, New York. Her mom had passed away when she was ten, so she stayed with her father, who was a local businessman. Those years for her were tough. Her father was abusive to her.

When she told her grandmother, she called the police. When her father found out, he almost killed her by using a shotgun. Luckily, she survived. But the pain was still within her. Days later, her dad was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with no parole. At that moment, the loudspeaker came on: "Ladies and Gentleman, please fasten your seatbelts. We are preparing to land in Orlando, right now. We hope you enjoyed the flight, and have a good time in Florida."

Nina waited patiently for her sister, Rami. She hadn't seen her since she was nine or ten. Nina left for college when she was eighteen, before Rami was born. Now she was 28, and older than her sister. As everyone came out, someone caught Nina's eye. The person was about 5 foot, 6 inches tall, had brown hair and deep blue eyes, and looked exactly like Nina. "Rami!! Over here!!" The girl turned around, and saw Nina. As she stood there, Nina walked over to her. "Hey sis. Gosh, I missed you. It seemed like forever." The girls embraced, and Rami started to cry.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Nina looked at her.

"Don't you say that! We're finally together, now. Nothing will change that, ever." Rami nodded her head. Nina looked at her.

"You look pale. Have you eaten anything lately?" Rami said,

"I wasn't that hungry when I left."

"Well, let's get your things, and we'll stop for lunch, or something. Okay?" After lunch, Nina drove to her house. It wasn't in Orlando, but in a suburban area near Orlando. It was called Ruskin. Nina's house looked like it was made in Jamaica or someplace very exotic. It was white, and the roof had brown shingles on it. There was an ocean next door to another person's house, but it looked private. As Nina led Rami to her room, she opened the door. Rami's new room had purple walls, and a window with a view of an ocean. Rami looked around her room, and saw all of this hippiesh type of junk that her sister put in to decorate it. Nina looked at her. "If you don't like any of the stuff I put in here, we can always take it down."

"Nina, this is fine! I like it the way it is, really. But, there's something missing...."

"You mean, this?" Nina handed her a poster to Rami. Rami's mouth dropped open, as she unrolled it, carefully.

"Nina!!!! How did you know?!" It was a poster of the Backstreet Boys, her favorite group to walk the center of the universe. Nina also liked them as well.

"Gosh!! Thanks, Nina!!" Nina hugged her. Then, her beeper started to vibrate.

"Hold on...My job is calling me." Rami looked at her.

"I didn't know you had a job! What do you do?"

"I work at the Sunshine Day Care Center. It's almost like a camp, but it's only for infants and toddlers. You can help out if you want." Rami thought about it, and said,

"Cool. That sounds great!"

Chapter 2