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Chapter 3

Last week was busy...very busy. Nick had to take Megan to the airport since her parents were home from a business trip, and then he had to rush to the hospital for his daily visit with Alya. Later on in the week, Nick invited Rami for a little one-on-one on the basketball court. Before they started to play, Nick was up in Rami's face, dribbling the ball. "Look, I like you and all, but there is no way you can beat me", Nick said, with a challenge. Rami looked at him and said,

"Oh yeah?!?! Try me!!" She grabbed the ball away from him, and shot it into the hoop. As she got the ball, Nick was already trying to yank it away from her. He tried to get it out from Rami's grasp, but she wouldn't budge. "Come on, Nick," Rami said, roughly holding the ball,

"Is that the best you can do?!" Nick said,

"Not even close!!!" He then landed on top of Rami. She stared at Nick, and he stared right back at her. Nick jumped off of Rami, as she tried to catch her breath. She stood up, gasping for air. He looked at her. "Sorry about that. I guess I was a little rough, huh?" Rami didn't say anything. She then said,

"No hard feelings. Just as long as there was no foul play involved." Nick laughed, then held out his hand.

"You're not bad, for a girl. Good game." Rami stared at him, and smiled. She shook his hand and said,

"Yeah, good game."

After the game, Rami went inside for some water. Nina came out from the bathroom. "What were you doing with Nick?" Rami looked at her.

"Oh, Nick and I played a little basketball." Nina raised her eyebrows.

"Oh really? Who won?"

"I wasn't keeping score. Actually, we weren't keeping score. It was all in fun." Rami plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. Nina sat down next to her. Rami looked at her oddly.


"Rami, I think Nick likes you." Rami almost spat out her water.

"What?! No way!! We are just friends, okay?! Gosh, Nina! Where did you get that idea?!" Nina then said,

"Come on, he's been doing things with you for days now. He totally likes you!!" Rami said,

"What about his girlfriend, Alya? He likes her too."

"I think the only reason he's doing stuff with you is because he needs someone to help him deal with the pain he's going through." Nina got up.

"Hey, it's just a thought. Forget we had this conversation."

It was midnight. Rami was tossing and turning; she was having one of her nightmares. It was dark, and Rami couldn't see. She turned on the light, and saw her father. He was out of prison, but he had obviously broken out. Rami shot up from her bed, in a cold sweat. She looked at the clock: it was 2AM in the morning, and it was still dark out. "My gosh, that was insane," she muttered. Rami then decided to go downstairs and lay on the couch for a while. As she walked in, she saw a dark, tall figure near the window. As Rami turned on the light, she saw Nick, sitting on the floor, looking straight out the window. "Nick, it's 2AM in the morning. Why are you here?" He didn't say anything. He just stared at the sky. Rami sat down next to him. She tried to get him out of the daze he was in. Then, she saw a tear go down his face. Rami shook his shoulder. "Nick, what's up? What happened?" He was silent for a second. After a short pause, he said,

"She's dead."

"Who is, Nick?"

"Alya. She's dead. My girlfriend..." He put his head down into his hands, and sobbed. Rami hugged him, and held him close. "I'm sorry, Nick. It's okay. You'll be all right. It's okay." Nina came down the stairs, and saw Nick in Rami's arms.

"Rami, what's going on here? What's up with Nick?" Nick stood up, and wiped his puffy eyes.

"Sorry. I'll leave. See ya, Rami..." Rami grabbed his hand.

"Nick, it's okay. Stay here. Nina, I gotta tell you something." Rami walked out of the room with Nina, and closed the door behind her.

"Rami, what happend? Is it Alya?", Nina asked with worry. Rami nodded her head. Nina covered her mouth. "

Oh my gosh."

"This is depressing. He's completely devestated. What's going to happen to him?", Rami asked.

"Good question. I don't know.", Nina said.

Chapter 4