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Chapter One

As if her breakup with AJ Maclean wasn't bad enough. The fact that the WHOLE world seemed to be happy about it, probably broke what was left of Chantel's heart. She couldn't go anywhere without being reminded that she got dumped. More than anything, Chantel got that feeling of being alone.And even more than that, She wanted AJ back.

"RING-RING" The phone rang. Chantel rolled over and looked at her clock : 6:15 AM. "Who?What?!?" Her heart started to beat fast, AJ has been the ONLY one who would call at such odd times.

"Hello?" Chantell said groggily.

"Hey Chant." Nick's happy voice responded.

"Oh Hi Nick, What's up?" She asked yawning.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were doin ok." he said to her. "I'm really sorry for waking you up."

"That's ok.... I don't know how I am doing thou... like... I'm living?" She said tears swelling up in her eyes.

"It must be hard... with it being splashed all over the news.... and with all your friends being away on that school trip." Nick said remebering that her friends were away.

"Yes Nick. I'm hurting more than you could even imgaince. REally, I guess I should have knownd this was going to happen...." Chantell started..

"HOW? Huh, how were you suposed to know? WE didn't even know... "Nick said.

"I know him in a way, a way that you guys don't. I should have seen this coming... I feel so stupid Nick." Chantel made out before she started crying.

"Awwwh! Chantel, don't cry. Please? I know h'es my friend, but he's not with it! you can do ssoo much better. you deserve someone who will be in your city for more than 2 days, and who will see you more than once a month (if that) and that you can lead a PRIVATE relationship with, and not share every detail with the whole world. "Nick said sympathetically.

"I dunno. I guess It's just that I was, well still am, in love with him. And it was TWO years out of my life." Chantel said still tearful.

"That is understandable.... dont' worry, I still wuv you!" Nick said.

Smiling, Chantel replied, "thanks nick. You're a ggreat friend. But.. I should let you go, this call must be costing you a fortune."

"Alright babe. I'll give you a call, in a few days to check up on you ok? ANd maybe an e-mail or two." Nick said.

His thoughtfulness made CHantel extremly happy to realize that she does have friends who care about her. "Ok, well i will talk to you soon then. "

"Sure thing kiddo, Bye!" Nick said.

"....Bye..." Chantel whispered. HAnging up that phone hurt.. she felt like she was loosing contact with everyone she knew.. and that cared about her. Crying, she hung up the phone.

"RING-RING" "whoa, who would that be?" Chantel wondered.

"Hello?" She said

"Hi, Chantel, it's AJ" ......
