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Chapter 2

" Who?" Chantel asked, her voice quivering, knowing well enough who it was.

" Are you telling me you can't remember my voice?" AJ said in disbelief.

" Sorry, AJ i'ts early. Whats up?" She asked trying to sound as calm as possible, even though inside she was being torn in 20,000,000 different directions.

TI's ok, so how are you?" Aj asked almost dredding to say what was on his mind.

"i'm alright considering the circumstances. The news have been quite mean lately....", Chantel says, her voice almost giving out.

Well, Chant. THat's what I am calling about. I'm really sorry about everything that happened.-" Aj started.

"Dont' worry about it", Chantel interrupted.

"well you see Cahntel, I have to. Every since I let you go, I've had thsi horrible feeling in my stomach, and my world ahs been shaken upsdie down. " AJ said almost in tear.

What are you saing?" Chantel inquired.

"I....well.... I... Chantel?" AJ stammered (Which was Odd, because AJ is not excatly known for his loss of words.)

"Yes?" Chantel said in a weak voice.

"I htink I've made a horrible mistake." AJ said.

" HE TOLD YOU WHAT?" Nick screamed.

It was three house later and chantel had finally been able to track down the boys, althought it wasn't that hard, cuz AJ had given her a schecdule months before.

"He said he thought he'd made a mistake, and he wants me back." Sobbed CHantel, although her tears are not of joy.

"well... what did u say? you're not back with him are you?" Nick said in disbelief.

" no i'm not.. i tol him, i didn't know if i felt the same way, and that we should wait unitl you guys are off tour to figure all of this out. "Chantel repeated to Nick. "But do I really want him back?"

"I dunno, Chant. I mean this doesn't seem at all like aJ, I wonder if he could be up to something?" Nick pondered.

"No that the scary thing Nick, He meant it.I need you over here bestest buddy.. I'm a total wreck." Chatnel said as the tears started up again.

"Iknow kiddo, we're done in 2 weeks then I'm all yours for 3 whole weeks!" Nick said brightly.

"But Nick, that also means I only have 2 weeks to decide if I want AJ back.."Chantel said. She was almost in a good mood, Nick was alwyas able to make her smile. He does evreythign and anything he can think of... he is the best guy friend chantel has.. but.. she doesn't know what she is oging to do until he gets back.

"Don't worry Chant. FOllow your heard. But I gotta go. I'm alwys here for you though. Remember tha!" With that, the delightful siound of nicks caring voice faded into the dead sound of the horrible dialtone.

"Bye Nick..." Chantel said hugging her teddy bear tightly and the tears started flowing again.
