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Chapter 3


" How do they find thses things out?" Sobbed Chantel turning the channel quickly, tears running down her checks.

"I'm not sure baby. Do u want some more ice cream?" Chantel's mom offered. It was hard for her, because there was really nothing she could do or say that would make the pain go away, and the media kept shoving it in her poor daughters face.

"No thanks mom. I have some homework to do though. I will see you alter." Chantel said, taking her dishes to the kitchen, then walked back through the living room, she paused. "Thanks mom." She said to her mother tearfully, then walked up the stairs.

I don't know what I am going to do... I mean i love AJ... well I did.. but what if I don't wanymore? I mean, he broke up with me for reasons of his own..... So me mustn't love me in the same way. There must have been reasons why he thoought we weren't working anymore. MAybe we're on toally different wavelengths. OH GOD." Chantel's thoughts poured out like her tears as she flopped onto her bed. Days went by, and still Chantel found no answers to her prolem. She talked to AJ, and she could see herself getting abck to gether with him. But when she talked to nick, hatred was all she felt. Why her feelings were so opposite, Chantel couldn't figure out.

Finally, it was the dreaded day: the day the Boys returned home from their Europe tour. Chantel was up at 6:00 AM, showered and was waiting for Nick to get home. Their flight was scheduled to be @ 6:00 AM, so Chantel headed towards Nick's house. Apparently other girls had gotten ahold of their schedule as well, and they were there waiting for 'Nick. CHantel pulled out her id for the guard.

"Hey Mike." Chantel said as she pulled up to the gates.

"Hello Chantel. Excited to see Nick?" Mike asked with a devilish grin. "I always thought you guys were the cutest couple."

" Mikee, you know that we are not going out, and I am JUST nick's best friend!" Chantel said with a smile.

Driving in to her regular parking spot, Chantel pictured going out with Nick. Smiling she walked up to nick's front door.

"DING-DONG" rang the door bell.

"CHANTEL!" Shouted Arron. and running up to give her a hug.

" HEy hon. How are ya?" Chantel saig returning the hug.

" Good. Nick got home like 20 minutes ago!!" Arron said excitedly.

"Really? Where is he hon?" Chantel asked curiously.

"Hes unpacking in his room I guess. Go on up!" He said smiling widely.

" Thanks kiddo." Chantel said running up the Carter's stairs. She ran down the hallway, stopped at Nick's door, waited a few seconds as she tried to catch her breath. "It's alright- it's just Nick." She said to herself.

"KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK" She tapped on his door.

"Come in" THe familiar voice of her best friend called.

Opening the door, Chantel saw that Nick had his back to the door. She ran over and tackeled him onto his bed.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Nick screamed." Oh Chantel.. it's just you!"

"Yep. Just me!" cahntel said hitting him on the arm." who else owuld it be?"

" I thought you were a murderer or something." Nick said tickling her.

"Hheheheheheheh, Yahhh I'm sure Murderers Knock. " Chantel said quite amused.

"I'm sure they do too!" Nick said hugged Chantel. "It's been a long time hasn't it buddy?" he said.

"Too long, Nick." Chantel said hoping his moment would alst forever. With Nick's arms wrapped around her tightly filling her with the love and security she had been waiting for.

Chapter two