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~*ChApteR 2*~


As Jennifer and I entered the club, they were greated by very loud music. The song was Smash Mouth All Stars. "I love this song" I yelled over the music. We made their way out to the dance floor. We looked great. I was wearing the short black dress, with 4 inch dress shoes. My hair was up nicley in a bun with small curles hanging down in her face. Jennifer was wearing a short forest green spegettie strap dress. Her hair was up in a french twist with small curles hanging down in her face as well. As the girls were dancing, two guys were checking them out. "Man look at the girl in the green dress, She's HOT,!!" said one of the guys.

"Not as hot as the girl wearing the short black dress"

"Man Bone what should we do,?"

"Let's go introduse ourselves and ask them if they want to dance Kaos,"

"Great idea," As Jennifer and I were dancing, we felt someone tap us on the shoulder. They turned around and came face to face with two of their favorite backstreet boys, Nick Carter and AJ Mclean. Not wanting to overeact, the girls played it cool. "Hi my name is aj and this is my friend nick."

"Hi, I'm Jennifer and this is my friend Nikky."

"Cool" said aj, "wanna dance"

"sure," replied Nikky. Man could those guys really move. both couples were the hottest couples out on the dance floor. The song soon ended and the guys decided to go get something to drink. "Would you two lovley ladies care for anything to drink?" asked nick.

"No not right now" the girls replied. When the guys walked away, Jennifer and I screamed.

"I can't believe we just danced with them!" I yelled.

"I know it's our dream come true!" We couldn't have been more happy.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom." I said. As I walked towards the bathroom, someone grabed me from behind and pulled me into the men's bathroom. The guy had a mask on so I really couldn't see who it was. I couldn't scream cause the guy had a gag on me by this time. He pushed me onto the floor and started to pull down my dress. I was so scared. I had been raped before and didn't want it to happen again. The guy continued to take my bra off along with the rest of the dress. She prayed someone would come help her.

~chapter 3~
~chapter 1~