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~*ChApTeR 5*~

"BEEP", BEEP" went my alarm. "Damn," I thought, I having the best dream I'd ever had and the good thing was it was almost all true. I got up and crept into Nicks room. He looks so peaceful and might I had gorgeous. All of the sudden his alarm went off. I hide myself from his view. I heard Britney Spears come on and to my surprise Nick started to sing. "I'm so excited I'm in too deep," He sang, it was unknown to him still that I was in the room.

"STOP," I suddenly said just has Britney said it. Nick whipped around and turned about 6 shades of red, it was the cutest thing. "When did you come in?," he asked with curiosity. I didn't want to embarrass him anymore. "Only a few seconds, don't worry," I said but I couldn't contain my laughter anymore.

"You think it's funny uh?," he gurred and started to chase me down. I went screaming down the hall. I bumped right into Nikky has she was coming out of AJ's room. She was wearing one of his Nike shirts and looked has though she'd been there all night. This totally wasn't like Nikky, she was a virgin. Well I guess she WAS a virgin. "Nikky?," I asked questioningly.

"Get your mind outta the gutter girl, we just stayed up and talked all night, it was amazing," She replied with a dreamy look on her face.

That's great Nikky, just didn't want you to do something you might regret in the future," I said, afraid I was getting to preachy.

After breakfast they all decided to go to Disney World where they had the best time. A very few people recognized the boys and the ones that did didn't bother them. That night the girls decided they would return to there apartment if the guys promised to stay the night. For safety purposes of course. Yeah right. Nick followed me into the washroom where we brushed our teeth together. It was such a small thing but I was so happy I could almost cry. "Where do ya want me to sleep babe?," Nick asked.

"Well, Aj's already claimed Nikky's room so I guess your stick with me," I replied in a teasing voice.

Damn, poor me," Nick said coming over to me and covering my lips with his. He looked into my eyes as if to ask if it was okay. I answered that question, and then some.

The next morning we woke up to a knock on the door. "Who could that be at this hour?," I thought as I rolled out of Nick's arms. I went to the closet for my robe, and met Nikky in the hallway. "Who do you think that could be?," She asked me.

"I have know idea, we don't know anyone here, and we left instructions with the parental units for them not to tell anyone where we are," I said looking at her knowingly.

"Yeah but what if he...," She said, trailing off at who she saw at the door.

"ERIC!," I yelled jumping back.

~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 4~