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~*ChaPter 9*~

"This is going to be amazing," Jen yelled as they 7 of them bored the plane.

"I know, relaxation, getting to see the world," Nikki agreed. Nick's body guard held tightly onto the girls arms, his eyes darting back and forth nervously. Nick had told him it was more important that he watch the ladies. He agreed only because they were getting on the 3am plane and not even the craziest fan could be smart enough this early. They were all talking excitedly, so much that they didn't see the 2 suspicious looking young men boreding the plane behinf them.


"Rise and shine doll," Nick said as he bent over Jen's bed.

"AH, how did you get in here?," Jen she while still semi asleep.

"Through the connecting doors silly," Nick said a matter a factly.

"Oh, I was hoping people couldn't just walk right in here," Jen replied sitting up straight and looking into Nick's baby blues.

"No way, there's like 20 security guys on this floor alone, you've gotta relax...Josh and Eric are thousands of miles away, Ok?," Nick said looking into MY worried eyes.

"Right, you know I trust you completely Nick," Jen said honestly before dragging herself out of bed and into the shower.


Nick looked nervously at the door to the washroom, he figured she'd be in there for anther 20 minuites. He picked up the phone and buzzed AJ's room..." Are you sure they made it on the plane?," Nick said, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Yes man, calm can't blow this, not after everything we've gone through to get them here," AJ said in a harsh voice.

"I know, I know...remember though, if they get got they don't know us," Nick said before slamming down the phone. He looked at himself in the mirrow, everything was coming into place. He heard Nikki's laugh outside the door, and grinned and thought of her perfect smile...he was ready to wipe it off.

Chapter 10
Chapter 8