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~*I Do*~

Meet the Characters

Lyndsey~ 17 years old, 5'9, long dark brown hair and brown eyes. Likes to play basketball and is a total BSB fanatic.

Jodi~ Lyndsey's younger sister, 14 years old, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'7, plays basketball, volleyball, and softball, and more of a 98* fan.

Heather~ Lyndsey's cousin, she's 17, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6, plays basketball and volleyball, and also loves BSB and Aaron Carter.

Chapter 1

Well here we are in Orlando, Florida for a week. My parents decided to take me and my sister on a trip since school just got out. "Wake up kids, time to head off to Magic Kingdom," my mom said. Jodi and I were up and ready to go in a flash. I always wanted to go to Florida because I love the ocean and the warm sunny weather.

~3 Days Later~

"Hey, can we take the car to the beach to hang out for the day?" I asked.

"Umm...sure just use your phone to check in every once in a while," said mom.

"Ok, love ya'll, see ya later," we said. Once we finally found a spot to park we headed down and found the perfect spot to lay our towels. "C'mon, lets go jump in," Jodi said. While playing like 5 year olds in the water, I looked up and spotted five guys walking down the beach,they were too far away to see what they looked like, but they got a little closer I almost had a heart attack from noticing the guys that I have posters of all over my walls. "LOOK, IT'S THE BACKSTREET BOYS," I yelled at Jodi. Her, not being much of a BSB fan, wasn't too amazed but since they were extremely gorgeous guys she was rather excited too. We decided to go back to our spots on the beach and just play it cool as they walked by.

~Boys point-of-view~

"Whoa check that out," Brian said.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about," Nick quickly added.

"You two can sit here and stare but I'm goin' over," AJ said. He began walking towards two girls, one that looked about 17, and one who looks like her little sister or something.

~Back to us~

"Omigod!!Jodi, AJ is walking over here," I said almost out of breath.

"Hey, whats up? I'm AJ," he said reaching out to shake my hand.

"Hey, I'm Lyndsey and well aware of who you are," I said smiling. He laughed at that, realizing I was a fan. "...and this is my little sister Jodi." I finished.

"So, I take it you're a fan of our music?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied with a huge smile. About this time the rest of the BSB walked up. "Hey, guys this is Lyndsey and her sister Jodi." AJ said.

"Hey, what's up?" they all said. I couldn't help but stare straight at Nick, 'I can't believe that's actually him' I thought. "So, do you live here or are you just here on vacation?" Howie asked.

"Oh, we're just here on vacation, we live in Dallas,Texas," I replied.

"Yeah, we've been there a few times before," Kevin said.

"I'd much rather live here in Florida though," I said.

"Hey, I'm gonna go up to the snack bar," Jodi told me, then was off. After chatting for a while we made plans for dinner that night and were on our way back to the hotel. As soon as I got in the room I just had to tell my mom all about what had happend today. She was so happy for me. The next person on my list to tell was my cousin Heather. So I picked up the phone and dialed her number. "Can you believe that?" I asked her.

"No! You are so lucky, you have to takes all kinds of pictures and tell me every little detail!!" she said.

"No problem," I told her.

"Oh, and dont forget to get me a good picture of Aaron too," she reminded me.

"Ok," I agreed then got off the phone so that I could prepare for my "big" night.

Chapter 2