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I Do-Chapter 2

I thought 7:00 would never get here. But finally it did and so did the guys. "Hey, you ready?" Brian asked.

"Sure, where are the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"Oh, they're out in the car waiting," he answered. We went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner and when they did the chicken dance, Brian and Nick got up and did the dance with all the waitors. It was pretty funny. Those guys are crazy. Finally they took me home and this time Nick walked me up to the room and he asked "Do you wanna take a walk on the beach with me?"

"Of course," I quickly accepted.

"Ok, let me go tell the guys I don't need a ride home," he said. When he came back we headed off. "Wow, it's a really pretty night out here tonight," I said.

"Yeah, I love coming to the beach to just relax. Sometime you'll have to come out with me in my boat," Nick said.

"Hey, it's a deal," I said.

"Cool" Nick replied "I can't wait."

"Me either,"

~The next day~

I woke up early today to get ready to out with Nick. Since I was already semi-tanned I didnt have to put on any sunscreen. So I just put on my suit and turned the tv on MTV to see what was on. "Lyndsey, Nick's here," Jodi yelled from the door. Before I had a chance to get over there my sister had already told Nick how much I love him.

~Later on the boat~

"So your sister tells me that I'm your favorite BSB," Nick said.

"Well I guess you could say that," I laughed

"I do have posters of you all over my walls," He laughed and said

"Good, then it wouldn't be too hard for me to get you to go out with me again tomorrow,"

"Well, I would definately be down with that except my plane leaves tomorrow morning at 9:00am," I sadly said.

"Well you think I could get your number?"

"Of course you can" I smiled then gave him my phone number and he promised to call me. I cried on the plane ride home, even though I had only met him 3 days ago(in person thats is) any girl would cry about having to leave that hottie behind. As soon as I got home I called Heather and told her all about it just like i promised and I also told her that I would mail her all the pictures that I had taken , though I didnt get to meet Aaron.

**author 's note~ Aaron is 17 in this story, but Nick is still 19**

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