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I Do-Chapter 5

"Oh Lyndsey, that's so good!" Heather said.

"Oh, I know, I know it may be soon but I think I'm falling in love with Nick," I said laughing, but serious.

"Well you know how you feel," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed

"We're having dinner with his family tonight, I'm kinda nervous because I've always heard so much about them but I've never actually met them." I said.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," she told me.

"Will you come shopping with me so that I can get something new to wear? Nick said its just a casual dinner so its nothing fancy." I asked.

"Sure, you wanna go now?" she asked.

"O.K." I said. I got the cutest Tommy jeans with a matching shirt and some new Dr. Martin sandals.

~At dinner~

"Hi there Lyndsey, it's nice to be able to finally meet who has made my little Nicky so happy," Mrs. Carter said.

"Oh, well its very nice to meet you too Mrs. Carter," I told her.

"Oh please dear, call me Jane," she quickly said. Dinner was great Bob grilled some hamburgers outback while we swam and played some basketball. They were all just as nice in person as I had always heard. The next day I heard that Nick and the rest of the BSB were heading off on a tour that was only about a month long, but I couldn't go because of my classes.

~6 months later~

"I forgot how hard moving all that stuff was, I never knew how much I had" I said exhausted.

"Yeah but its all worth it. I'm so glad we decided to move in together," Nick said. "Yeah, me too. I wonder if Heather and Aaron are unpacked yet?" I asked. "Knowing Aaron I doubt it," he said. I laughed. (Heather and Aaron also moved into a new house together.)

"I'm so glad you accepted my marrige proposal. You made me so happy when I heard those three little letters." he said. (fast i know)

"Oh, I know exactly how you feel." I said.

'It sure is quiet without Nick or the dogs here.'I thought to myself. The dogs are at the groomers and Nick is at a press conference. Then the phone rang..."Hello" I cheerfully said in to the receiver.

"Lyndsey, this is Jane, I'm afraid I have some bad news." she said sadly.

"Oh no, it's not Nick?"I asked worried.

"Oh no hun, it's not that but Nick's friend Brent was killed in a car wreck earlier, the funeral will be held on Monday at 2:00," she said almost crying. I was shocked I didnt know what to say. Finally I was able to say " OK, thanks for calling, I'll be sure to tell Nick." I said.

"Thanks dear, have him call me later," she said.

"OK, bye Jane," I hung up. Later when Nick got home I didnt know how to tell him. How are you supposed to tell someone that their bestfriend has died? "Nick baby, I have some bad news, you're mom called earlier and said that...umm...well it's Brent, he was killed in a terrible car wreck this morning." I said almost in tears.

"No! That can't be right we were supposed to go and play basketball tonight." he said crying. I went over and hugged him and we stayed like that all night long. Our wedding was supposed to be the week after Brent's funeral but we moved it back another week to make sure everyone had time to recover.

Back to Chapter 4!!!!