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~*ChApTeR 1*~

"Damn,! How could I break another nail,?" I thought has she look at her newly bought fake nails.

"Jennnn," Nicole yelled from around the corner of the plush Orlando apartment they had been sharing since they had moved out of their parents house about 2 years before. A lot has happened since then. My sister Kymberly and Kevin eloped, yes my baby sister got married! I still don't get it. "Nick called again ya know," Nicole said with a confused look on her face.

"Who called,?" Rebecka asked as she walked into the room.

"Nick, why is he calling Jen," Nicole asked. Nick and I had broken up about as soon as we got together. It just got weird because we had been friends for so long.

I did see you two at the wedding, dancing a little close girly!," Rebecka said with a grin. It had been almost a year since I had seen Nick before AJ and Becky's wedding. I had gone away to Paris to work at my dad's over seas company. I was really moving up in the world, I was now my dad's secretary at the Orlando based Jive company. "Yeah, I know, it was a little weird but we just seemed to click," I replied looking a little confused myself.

"Well, I never thought you two would make it ya know," Erica said has she smugly joined us in the kitchen. Erica had moved in with Nicole and I about 6 months ago. She wasn't as bad as she used to be but she had her moments. "Thanks Er, but if you hadn't tried to go after every guy we would have got off on better ground," I said thinking about what Erica had put them through when we were all 18. Nicole and Brian had been seeing each other until Erica got her claws into him. They did get back together though and were engaged for about two minutes before Brian finally had to tell Nicole he was only staying with her because he felt bad for cheating. About two months later Nicole met Matt and Brian got back together with Erica. They're actually friends now so it's great! "Excuse me girls, but I'm going to go use the phone now," I left the room with a smile on my face. The door bell rang has a was walking towards the stairs. "I'll get it," I yelled, a little disappointed that I was getting side tracked.

"Hey baby," AJ said before picking me up and swinging me around.

"Hey! love to talk hun but I'm on mission, Becky's in the other room," I said before turning and racing up the stairs. I walked into my room and closed my door, and I looked at the small heart locket on my dresser. Nick had bought it for me on our one month, and I hadn't had the heart to stuff in a chore for all this time. I look at my baby blue phone, and picked up the phone. I swallowed loudly and dialed the number---555-8867..."No, I can't do this," I said as I slammed the phone down.

"Ringgggg," I jumped as the phone rang.

"Hello," I said with a quiet voice.

Hullo again!! This is the beginning of a whole new story...same characters, new lives... questions and comments to BuhbYe for now!!

~Chapter 2~