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~*ChApTeR 4*~

"Do you want some eggs Jen," Erica asked in her early morning voice.

"What?, oh yeah, and some ice cream and peanut butter!" I said in an excited voice of an expectant mother.

"That is so incredibly gross hun! This whole pregnacy thing is really chaning your eatting habits, and not for the better!" Becky said has she made a face knowing full well she was just as bad.

Right! and who did I see eat pickles with chocolate sauce last night?" I asked, my tummy started rumbling at the thought.

"But that's good eating," Becky replied as she made her way over to our fridge. It had been 7 months since Becky and I had discovered we were prenaut. Neither of us were showing very much but the doctor told us thats normal for a first child. I gguess we'll be all stretched out for the next one. Becky had raced home to tell AJ that afternoon, and now they were way to sickly happy. I'm not jealous! But it is nausating, really. I on the other hand had learned that no one would no if I wore baggy shirt after baggy shirt. Only the girls knew and I was so afraid to tell Nick. I figured he might notice when are kid goes to college. "You two are amking me sick," Erica said before giving them both looks and leaving the room/ Nicole started to clap and said " Ah, we finally found a way to get rid of her!, can't you guys stay pregos for ever?" Nicole asked with a sparkle in her blue eyes.

"Yeah! Morning sickness for the rest of my days, sounds heavenly," Becky said, as I nodded.

"Haha, well I knew I kept you two around for somthing, other then to clean the house!" Nicole added as she started to pick up our dishes. Nicole had really been a help since we got into our situations. Becky came over almost everyday at the crack of dawn. She really wanted to share her pregnacy with me, because she knew I was lonely. Everyone keeps tell me I need to tell Nick. Since the wedding he and AJ had becoe really good friends which ment he was over almost everyday. It's really hard to hide from him! He hadn't cracked any fat jokes yet but I knew they were coming! "Honey, are you here?" we all heard AJ say from the living room.

Of Course, in the kitchen babe," Becky replied to her husband. I was too busy washing the dishes to notice Nick walk up behind me. He friendly wrapped his arms around my not so tiny waist. My 7 month old baby must have known it was his or her daddy so close because it started kicking like crazy. "Um, Jen, no offence but have you gained a little weight in the baby housing area," Nick said trying to keep the shocked look of of his handsome face. I heard Erica snicker from the background. "Well ummm," I stampered, I knew my face had turned a tomato red. Nick was looking at me for answers, and I finally realized I needed to tell him before the kid reached kindergaten. I took Nicks hand and looked him straight into his eyes, as I placed it on my belly I said "Hey daddy," In a normal manly reaction, Nick fainted to the floor!

~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 3~