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~*ChApTeR 6*~

"Jen, Jen?" I heard a far off voice calling.

"Where am I," I tried to ask but it came out all slurred.

"Here Jen, eat some of these ice chips," Brian said has he handed me the bucket. The thought of eatting anyting made me want to be sick, but I knew I needed to speak. I sucked on a few chips before I fully realized what was going on. "The baby, is the baby ok," I said, grabbing Brian by his shirt and placing my other hand on my now empty tummy.

"Calm down Jen," Becky said as she took my hand.

"Calm down, what happened!," I yelled a little to loudly, I suddenly became very dizzy and had to place my head back on the pillow.

"You went into pre-mature delivery Jen, and they had to do it...there was know other choice," AJ replied looking at the floor. Everyone looked very nervous as if what they said would some how break me.

"Is the baby, ok?," I asked in a very quiet voice, no more than a whisper.

"Nick's down in the maturnity ward right now hun, he should be back any second," Nicole said, looking towards the door. As if on cue, Nick walked into the room rubbing his back. Everyone turned to stare at him, while I just glared. "How's my baby?," I asked, stress the word MY.

"Our baby is in alot of trouble, she's hooked up to a lot of tubes, and she's a little purple," Nick said, with tears welling up in his big blue eyes.

"I want to see her, NOW!," I yelled trying to get up at the same time. Brian pushed me back down on the bed forcefully.

Jen, you're weak and tired, maybe you should wait until later," Nicole said, with a worried look on her face.

"No, I want to see her now...there may not be a later," I said, as I finally made my way out of bed.

"Fine I'll take you down Jen, come over here," Nick said, wheeling over a wheel chair for me to sit in. We silently left the room and went down to the maturnity ward to see hundreds of crying babies. "She's over here," Nick pointed to the room with all the incubators. I saw the one with CARTER written on the side and whinced. She was so small, just bigger then Nick's hand. I still hadn't said anything to Nick, and he was wondering why. "What's with you Jen, you haven't said a word since I brought you down here," Nick asked turning her chair towards himself.

"What's wrong, how can you of all people ask me what's wrong," I asked looking at him with disbelief.

"I know you're upset about the baby, we all are...things happen for a reason," Nick told her.

"No!, this didn't happen for a reason, this happened because of you!...If our baby dies, it's on your head...can you live with that?," Jen said before going through the door.

~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 5~