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~*ChApTeR 8*~

"What's happening," I asked, as a doctor raced out of the glass walled room, everything was happening in a blur and nobody felt the need to tell her anything.

"Mrs. Carter, I need to get past...we're doing everything we can for Jenna," I didn't even correct the name mistake this time, I just looked at the looks on everyone of my friends faces. Most seemed as though they had given up and the scared ever part of me right down to my soul. I walked up to the window and peered through the class to see Jenna turning a bright shade of purple, every doctor yelling frantically trying to save her life. "Jen!?," I heard a voice yell from behind. "Oh Jen, I just go the news and raced here as quickly as possible," Erica cried as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks for coming hun, I'd like you to meet Jenna Nicole Carter," I said as I pointed towards all the comotions.

"Oh my god, is she going to be okay Jen?, guys?," Erica asked, looking around at everyones sticken faces. Erica and I had always had out differeces but some how right now, none of that seemed to matter...nothing mattered accept Nick's and my baby. NIck came over again and wrapped his big arms around me. I turned into them and silently began to cry, while he stoked my long blonde hair. "Jen, we'll get through this, no matter what happens...I'll always be here," Nick said turing me so he could look into my eyes.

"I know, I know...," I sniffled, not knowing what else I could say. I wasn't up to conforting him right now and I knew he understood--He was the only one who truely understood. The yelling was getting louder, the pounding, the screaming...the pain. I finally broke and ran towards the window, my fingers sticking to the glass--my eyes became bigger as I stared at the scene infront of me. Why was this happening, we're good people, we don't deserve this! "Nick," I reached behind me fro his conforting hand.

"Jen, I'm scared, so scared...," Nick was saying, while I watched the monitor hooked up to my babies arm. It let out a high pitched sound,

"NOoooooooooo," I heard myself yell out as the green line went flat.


~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 7~